matter what you do, God still loves you.
matter how far you run away, God lovingly waits for you to come home.
matter how disappointed you are with yourself, you can forgive yourself because
you are forgiven.
Jesus hung on the cross taking the sins of the world upon His shoulders, He
cried out to God saying, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they
are doing.” Jesus asked God to forgive
the men who were crucifying Him and who were dividing up His clothes in front
of the crowd. Jesus had unconditional
love even for the men who were mocking and killing Him.
love knows no boundaries. His love for
you is deep and wide, high and long. (Ephesians 3:18) If you draw those measurements out, you’ll
sketch a cross. When Jesus went to the
cross, He took your past, present, and future sins with Him. When He engraved your name upon His palms, He
tossed your sins as far as the east is from the west. (Psalm 103:12)
soon as you confess your sins to God, they are gone, remembered no more. Isn’t that amazing? Think of all the people in the Bible who
messed up big time and God still forgave them.
· Noah stepped
out of the ark, built a vineyard, got drunk and passed out naked. (Genesis 9:21)
Abraham lied
and said his wife Sarah was his sister. (Genesis 20:2)
Tamar disguised
herself as a prostitute and seduced her father-in-law to get revenge. (Genesis
committed adultery with Bathseba. When
he found out she was pregnant, he had her husband killed. (2 Samuel 11:4, 15)
Peter denied
knowing Jesus three times. He even angrily
cussed to a servant that he didn’t know who Jesus was. (Matthew 26:69-75)
these people were forgiven by God and loved unconditionally. What they must have struggled with, as we do,
is the leap of faith it takes to forgive ourselves. It’s truly a matter of trust. Do you trust God to remove your sins? If you do, leave your baggage behind and
travel on, believing you are forgiven and set free. What Jesus sets free, is free indeed. (John
Engage With God - Read and Reflect
DAY 13 – Unconditionally Loved
I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. – Isaiah
When Jesus died for your past, present, and future sins, they were
removed from you as far as the east is from the west. Now forgive yourself. Let go of your emotional baggage and step
into the freedom you’ve been given. If
the Son of God sets you free, you are free indeed.
Real Life Reflection Questions:
It is challenging for you to
forgive yourself and accept God’s unconditional love? Why are why not?
Imagine yourself filling up
a suitcase with all your mistakes, mess ups, and times you’ve disappointed
yourself. Hand God your suitcase and
thank Him for taking it all. Walk away
free… (or jump or skip) What emotions and thoughts are racing through you?
you for loving me no matter what I’ve done.
Your unconditional love is the greatest gift in my life. Help me to accept it, live freely in it, and enjoy
my life more fully knowing I am forgiven.
Help me let go of my past mistakes and forgive myself completely. I will trust in You Lord!
Jesus’ Precious Name I Pray, Amen
are loved unconditionally!
Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these
scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.
Psalm 103:12–
John 8:31-36 –
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