Thursday, October 13, 2016

Love Like Jesus

3 o'clock wake up call
We have the mind of Christ (to be guided by His thoughts and purposes). 
– 1 Corinthians 2:16

Have you ever played with dominoes?  It’s fun to watch children line them up in curvy rows, then squeal in delight as they topple over, one by one, like a snake slithering around the room.

Sometimes God uses the simple things in life to teach us an important concept.  Watching a chain of dominoes crashing down recently caused me to pause and reflect on some of my recent actions and attitudes.
The choices we make are like dominoes.  Each seemingly minor grumble or complaint, though standing alone, lines up next to the others until, finally, one topples into the next and sets off a full blown argument.  By the same token, lined-up dominoes of love and encouraging words have the power to topple over and inspire someone to step out in faith and do what God is calling them to do.

Jesus asked His disciples to follow Him.  He wanted to teach them God’s way by living everyday life together.  He hoped they would glean wisdom in His presence and take on His attitude.  They didn’t have the Holy Spirit living within them guiding their thoughts, but they had Jesus leading the way.

We have both: The Holy Spirit within us guiding us to walk and talk like Jesus, and we have the Word of God telling us how and why to follow Jesus.  

In Philippians 2:5-11, Paul frankly tells us that our attitudes should be the same as Jesus’ attitude.  Paul could have listed Jesus’ attitude to be gracious, kind, loving, and generous because Jesus displayed these attributes daily.  But instead, Paul declared Jesus’ attitude to be humble and obedient.  
Our culture seems to value the opposite; confidence over humility and rebellion over obedience.  Yes, pray for our nation every day!  These are crazy times.  Our children are unsurprised when terrorists attack or scandals are laid out in graphic detail.  

But God is still searching the land for people whose hearts are fully committed to Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9) Will you be found by God with a humble and obedient heart?  Will you love like Jesus loved?

Jesus wept with his hurting friends. (John 11:35). Jesus healed the sick and fed five thousand people while he was mourning the loss of John the Baptist (Matthew 14:12-21). Jesus obeyed God’s will and died a brutal death on the cross (Matthew 15:33-37). Jesus put love into action every day on earth.

We can’t heal others or die for another but we can love them with a humble heart and obey God’s promptings.  Think of ways you can put another person’s needs in front of your own.  Who can you bring a meal to?  Who can you send an encouraging email, text or letter to?  Who can you spend time with?  Follow Jesus and love others with an attitude of humility and obedience.  Start today!  You might be pleasantly surprised when one act of love leads to a series of actions that bring glory to God and fill your heart with gladness.  You’re never too old to play dominoes.  

Engage With God - Read and Reflect

DAY 21 – Love Like Jesus
We have the mind of Christ (to be guided by His thoughts and purposes).                                   – 1 Corinthians 2:16

Daily Reminder:  
Jesus modeled an attitude of humility and obedience while He walked the earth.  Now His spirit lives in you, prompting you to love others and put their needs above your own.  Who is God nudging you to humbly love?

Real Life Reflection Questions:

1. Write down a few people you could humbly love.  How will you express your love to them?

2. Are you walking through life sleepy and directionless or are you wide awake loving others as God would want you to?

3. How is your faith walk going?  Are you closely following Jesus?  How or why not?

Lord God,
Forgive me for being busy, distracted, and sometimes sleep walking through this life.  Open my eyes to see you clearly so I may follow you all the days of my life.  Jesus, lead me on.  I will follow you.    
In Jesus’ Precious Name I Pray, Amen

TODAY’S THOUGHTS – Loving others like Jesus would mean for me….

Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.

Philippians 2:5-11 – (Read and Record Highlights)

Romans 5:5 -

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