All the believers were one in heart and mind. – Acts 4:32
Many churches today strive to be like the early church Paul describes in Acts. People are encouraged to gather in homes, read God’s word, pray for one another, eat together, share their possessions, and meet the individual needs of the group.
Last week, I witnessed this kind of church when I shared the needs of a sick woman in our Bible Study. Women jumped to put love into action, each volunteering their unique gifts as members of “Jane’s Care Team.”
A woman who has an Occupational Therapy degree offered to go into Jane’s house and prepare it to accommodate her limitations during recovery. Another gal offered to watch her children so this could happen without distraction. One woman who loves nutritional planning signed up to bring Jane homemade beef and chicken broth. Several other women are planning to cook and deliver meals once Jane’s appetite returns. Others enthusiastically jumped at the idea of taking Jane on daily walks around the neighborhood to speed up her recovery. Lastly, a woman who is a registered nurse offered to give Jane free health care in the comfort of her own home.
These faithful women are an example of a modern day church living like the first church, and both Jane and her care team will be blessed and experience God’s powerful love because of it.
Love in action is revealed in how you spend your time and resources. Who can you intentionally love this week?
Let’s be thankful for the opportunities God gives us to touch others with His love. There is hope for the church of Jesus Christ when we love like Him and live like the first church. With Jesus as the cornerstone, the church can love with an unstoppable power!
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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