– 1 Corinthians 2:9
a woman caught in adultery was thrown at Jesus’ feet, the teachers of the
Jewish law were more interested in backing Jesus into a corner than they were
in stoning the woman to death. The
teachers were trying to trap Jesus. Would
He follow the laws of Moses and stone the adulterous woman, or would Jesus love
yet again and show mercy to another sinner?
had no idea that Jesus had written their laws.
He could also read their minds and see into their hearts. Instead of responding right away, Jesus knelt
down and drew in the sand. Some
Biblical scholars believe Jesus was listing some of the men’s personal
sins. What if He was writing God’s #1
commandment: Love the Lord your God with
all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength? – Mark
told all the men circling the guilty woman to go ahead and stone her, boldly
proclaiming, “If anyone of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a
stone at her” (John 8:7). One by one the men left; first the older men,
then the younger, until no one remained except Jesus and the woman. Jesus asked if she had been condemned by the
crowd. I imagine her weeping in relief. Jesus did not condemn her either but
declared, “Go now and leave your life of sin” (John 8:11).
sees all our sins, but does not pick up rocks and threw them at us. His love is
amazing and He forgives completely. He promises to take our all our heavy
burdens (Matthew 11: 28). If we’re fully
forgiven by God, why do we carry rocks around and threw them at ourselves? Why do we see our identity wrapped up in our
have a friend, I’ll call her Marcy.
Marcy had several abortions when she was in high school and
college. She threw rocks at herself in
the form of name calling. Marcy put herself
down consistently; publicly and privately.
Her self-worth plummeted. Marcy fell into a deep pit when she attempted
to cover up the pain with alcohol and dangerous living.
years after college, a friend introduced Marcy to Jesus. She
accepted God’s amazing love and forgiving grace and she began the
challenging journey of forgiving herself.
Finally, Marcy was set free from self-condemnation when she started
counseling young women also struggling with the pain of past abortions. As she took the stage to share her story of
God’s amazing love with a large group of women, she beamed with confidence and
positive self-worth. God had taken the broken, most ashamed pieces of Marcy’s
life and was using them for good.
wants to do the same for you. Lay down
your rocks. Forgive yourself. Give God the broken pieces of your life. Don’t be surprised when He uses them to heal,
help, restore, and bless others. His
light shines brightly out of our cracked and broken vessels.
Engage With God - Read and Reflect
DAY 14 – Amazing Love
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has
conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. – 1 Corinthians 2:9
We all have things in our past that we’d be ashamed of if they were
brought out into the light for all to see.
Just imagine how humiliated the woman was when she was caught in the act
of adultery and thrown at Jesus’ feet!
His amazing love did not condemn her but pointed her in a better
direction. He wants to do the same for you.
Real Life Reflection Questions:
What rocks do you need to
lay down so you can love yourself completely?
How do you think the woman
caught in adultery felt after Jesus sent her on her way?
Think for a moment about
God’s amazing LOVE for you. What pours
out of your heart and comes to your mind?
love, how sweet it is, to save someone life me.
I once was lost, now I’m found. I
was blind but now I see. How amazing is
your love oh Lord! I will lay down my
rocks of condemnation and walk burden free.
Your love has set me free. Shine
your light into my brokenness and let me bless others.
Jesus’ Precious Name I Pray, Amen
down your rocks, run free!
Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these
scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.
Romans 8:1 -
12:1-2 –
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