Sunday, October 16, 2016

Prayer Circles

3 o'clock wake up callHear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth. – Psalm 54:2

Nineteen years ago today, on a beautiful autumn day in Vermont, our first child was born.  I counted quickly but carefully: two eyes, one nose, ten fingers, ten toes, praise the Lord! He was healthy and whole.  We were so thankful.

I remember like it was yesterday, when our first visitors, dear friends from Indiana Bonnie and Dave, walked into the hospital room.  They adored our newborn son and overlooked my bloated body.  Bonnie and my mother have been friends since childhood.  Bonnie has known and loved me since I was a baby.  Now I was a mother. 

As I looked at my mom and Bonnie from that hospital bed almost twenty years ago, I couldn’t imagine myself ever being middle-aged, but here I am.  

Isn’t life like a spiraling circle?  We get older and older with each year.  Our identities also change over time: child, teen, young adult, parent, middle-aged, grandparent, elderly (better known as “Wise Ones”).  We are constantly circling the calendar and changing. I just wish wrinkles weren’t part of the equation.

We can’t fight the aging process but we can choose the attitudes and habits we’ll carry with us into the next season of life.  I know for certain my mom and Bonnie have been praying for me and my family all these years.  I chose to follow their example and let my children know I am dedicated and determined to pray for them as they move from childhood into young adulthood and beyond.

When our son hit the teenage years, and the days sometimes felt dangerous and desperate, I started praying circles around our house.  I would write down seven promises of God from the Bible on a 3x5 index card, then read them aloud as I prayed and walked circles around our house, season after season.  

One of God’s promises that I have prayed often for our son is Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Even when times were crazy, I clung to God’s word believing He was bigger than our problems.  

God has faithfully kept His promise.  His plans for our son are good, greater than the plans I could have written for him.  Our son is healthy and maturing into a thoughtful and responsible young man.  God gave him a sharp mind and he is using it to advance his computer science knowledge.  God has heard our prayers and has listened all these years.  We are so thankful.  

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