Friday, March 30, 2018

2 or 3 Together - Good Friday's 3 Words

At 3:00pm on Friday, over two thousand years ago… Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
– John 19:30  

When was the last time you walked into a room and were met with icy, unwelcoming stares and silence? Isn’t it awful to discover someone you thought liked you, actually feels the opposite way?

We’ve all felt the powerful sting of rejection and know what it feels like to be hated. Imagine, then, the whirlwind of emotions Jesus must have felt on the cross; rejected and hated by the people He had come to save, and feeling forsaken by the God who had sent Him. 

Can we even begin to understand what Jesus endured for us?

Jesus’ own people screamed, “Crucify! Crucify!” Soldiers flogged Him, striking His face and placing a crown of thorns upon His head, tearing into His scalp. He was stripped of clothing and forced to carry His own cross up the hill. The mocking sign fastened to Jesus’ cross, “King of the Jews,” brought even more rage and rejection. The Jewish leaders argued to have the sign removed because He wasn’t their King. They just wanted Him gone forever.  

From noon until 3:00pm, darkness fell over the Earth while Jesus hung on the cross. Hanging there for hours in pain, He never stopped loving. He looked down at His dear mother, Mary, and gave her into the hands of His beloved disciple, John. For the rest of Mary’s life, John would take care of her as his own family.

When Jesus had done everything to fulfill the scriptures, the Savior of the World spoke three simple words, “It is finished,” hung His servant’s head, and breathed His last breath. 

In response to His amazing sacrifice, wouldn’t it seem fitting to utter our own three words, “Thank you Jesus!”

2 or 3 Together Questions:

  • Think of time you were rejected or uninvited. Share how you responded to this challenging time.
  • Step into the shoes of Jesus’ mother Mary or His best friend John. How do you think they felt as eyewitnesses to Jesus’ death?
  • Imagine the pain and suffering Jesus endured for those hours on the cross. If you could have talked to Him right before 3:00pm, what would you have said?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank you for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Peace at Warp Speed

Jesus promised, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. 
In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” 
– John 16: 33  

We live in a “microwave age.” If we need information, it is one click away on our phone. If we’re hungry, we want to grab food and go. And when we’re in a hurry, which seems to be every day, we want everyone around us to speed it up and get out of our way. We wonder, “Don’t they have places to go and people to see?”

Jesus lived during a time when meat was slow cooked over a fire and people lounged at the dinner table for hours. I imagine it must have been a lot easier for His disciples to relax and wait than it is for us today. 

Imagine Jesus walking around with you during a typically crazy day.

Would He heal, help, and love those around you? Would He invite you to slow down and sit awhile with Him? Would you experience His peace in the midst of chaos?

Hebrews 13:8 tells us, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So the answer is YES. Jesus would meet us right in the middle of our chaos and change the course of our days. Boy, could I use that!

It seems to me that every day ends with an uncompleted “To Do” list. I’ve checked off a few things, but a lot remains undone. I didn’t get around to calling her back so we could make plans. The pharmacy will call again tomorrow reminding me to pick up the medication. And I forgot to call to set up the repairs our refrigerator needs. So many calls to make; but not enough hours in the day to make them.

That’s why I’m so thankful that Jesus calls me every day through my 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call. 

Faithfully and consistently, every day at 3:00pm my alarm and phone remind me that no matter how busy I am or what mess I’ve gotten myself into, Jesus is still with me and God still loves me. Being reminded of these everlasting truths, brings peace into the middle of my day. I hope it does for you too. 

The pace of our culture keeps getting faster and faster. Busyness is our reality, and exhaustion is often our constant companion. But Jesus’ desires haven’t changed over two thousand years. He wanted His disciples to experience the supernatural peace He provides. He wants the same for us today. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank you for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, March 26, 2018

Praiseworthy Perspective

3 o'clock wake up callWhatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. – Philippians 4:8

Our perspective on what happens to us shapes our minds, changes our hearts, and dramatically impacts how we live our lives.  

  • A Sudanese woman who received one meal a day during her seven years in a refugee camp appreciates every bite of her three meals a day in America.  She buys only what she needs and never throws away food.

  • A single mom who works three jobs to put food on the table and clothes on her children, sings praises to God when her oldest son starts working at a local gas station. Now she has help to keep the family afloat and pay the rent. 

  • An affluent group of high school students visit a remote village in a developing part of the world.  They quickly discover the children playing soccer barefoot and skipping in the rain are more joyful without video games and cell phones than they are.

A few years ago when I picked up my daughter at the airport after a service trip to Haiti, I asked her about her favorite moments.  I could have predicted all of her responses except one,  “Mom, there were no mirrors in Haiti. I loved it!”

Growing up in America, our teenagers are bombarded with hundreds of messages every day about what’s beautiful, desirable, good, and valuable.  From their frequent social media posts on Instagram, Facebook, SnapChat, etc… they receive immediate feedback about their looks and thoughts.  Friends become critics. Viewers become identity builders.  Strangers shape perspectives.

I wish God had an Instagram account. Just think what He’d write to His children all over the world. I imagine God’s comments would sound something like these: “Hey, remember I made you and love you just the way you are.” Or “Don’t let that comment upset you.  I have great plans for your life.  You are awesome to Me.” Or “Walk close by Me side, child, and I will be your strength all day long.  You can trust Me.”

In the book of Philippians, God challenges us to think about what is noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.  That’s the perspective God wants us to have as we go about our everyday life.  God has given us the power to choose our perspective each and every day.

If you find yourself stuck in a negative thought pattern, you can ask yourself these key questions:

  • What am I putting into my mind? (TV, social media, movies?)
  • Who is my greatest influence? (God, other people, social media?)
  • Am I thanking God? (good gifts, His goodness, His grace?)

Be encouraged… fill your mind with excellent thoughts, give thanks to God throughout your day, and see how a praiseworthy perspective will powerfully impact how you see yourself, your circumstances and your relationships.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, March 23, 2018

It's All About the Love

Jesus said, “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” – John 15:12

If I were standing face to face with Jesus and He told me to love others just as He’d loved me, I’d probably be a little intimidated, not to mention tongue-tied. What I’d be thinking, but not quite brave enough to say, is “Sorry Jesus, but that’s impossible. You’re a perfect God and I’m… well, I’m not even close.”

Even more intimidating would be having to live up to another of His statements, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13-14). Being one to practice what He preached, Jesus soon after went to the cross to lay down His own life for the salvation of, not only His friends, but all mankind. 

Jesus doesn’t expect this degree of sacrifice from us, but He does expect and encourage Sacrificial Love.

Sacrificial Love can look like …

  • Caring for your aging mother while you’re still raising your own children. 
  • Inviting a single woman to live with you until she gets back on her feet.
  • Holding a sick friend’s hand in the hospital when your day is already packed.

Seeing these acts of sacrificial love with my own eyes, makes me think … maybe Jesus wasn’t so crazy after all when He told us to love like Him. He knew we were capable of doing it. We can love others as He loved us, if we decide to take our eyes off ourselves for awhile and place them on someone else. 

Who do you know that is lonely, sick, hurting, tired, or mourning? Don’t let anything stop you from reaching out, visiting, calling, or loving like Jesus would. He wants you to be brave and love like Him. When you do, you’ll be reminded that the greatest treasure in life is truly love. Yes indeed; it’s all about love!

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank you for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

2 or 3 Together - Five More Minutes

Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. – Ephesians 5:20

There’s a country music song, Five More Minutes, that seems to come on the radio every time I’m in the car. As the lyrics roll, I nod my head in agreement and smile knowingly. 

Time rolls by the clock don't stop
I wish I had a few more drops
Of the good stuff, the good times
Oh but they just keep on flying
Right on by like it ain't nothing
Wish I had me a pause button
Moments like those Lord knows I'd hit it
And give myself five more minutes

The songwriter describes scenes from his life when he wishes he’d had five more minutes to enjoy … fishing with close friends, kissing his high school sweetheart, playing football on his home field, and talking with his grandpa as he died. 

Don’t you wish you had a “pause button” that could freeze a moment in time? Who would you spend five more minutes with? What time in your life would you like to relive in order to burn that memory forever in your mind?

I’d sit with my grandpa (Papa) and ask him three important questions: How did you became best friends with Jesus? What was it like to fight in WWII? And what have you learned about God that you’d like me to pass down to my children since they’ll never get a chance to meet you? I’d also thank him for his unconditional love and for introducing me to Jesus when I was a little girl.

I’d also rewind time and take more five minute videos of my children. Pictures don’t quite capture their sweet voices, their innocent questions, and the many times they said, “Watch Mom!” as they rode their bike for the first time, dove off the diving board, or waved goodbye on the first day of kindergarten. 

I was too busy in the moment to ask Papa about his faith or record my children’s milestones. Busyness blocked me from thinking with a long term perspective. I was present in the moment, but I didn’t document it to pass down to the next generation.

But what I do have are my daily gratitude journals from when my kids were little. Before cell phones could snap photos, I took “snap shots” by writing down in a small notebook (or any scrap of paper I could find) the date, our location, and what I was thankful for that day. Today I can read them and remember the scenes as if I was still standing right there. 

The memories brought back by even a few sentences written long ago are amazingly powerful.

Do you want to try?

We’ve created a Community Space on our website for you to document your personal thanks to God and your 3:00pm moments. For free, you can create an account and start sharing your daily gratitude to God with others who are also thanking Him at 3:00pm. You can add pictures, thoughts, thanks, and praise. Will you join us?

Gratitude is contagious! As you read what other people are thankful for, thanksgiving will grow in your heart. Let’s encourage one another to give God thanks every day. Let’s make those few moments last beyond today.

2 or 3 Together Questions

Think of one moment in time that you’d like to go back and spend 5 more minutes in.
  • Where were you?
  • Who were you with?

How would you spend those 5 minutes? What would you say, do, ask, or listen for?

Go to the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call Community Page and create an account. For the next week, post one thing you’re thankful for. At the end, look through your 7 posts and see how it changes your perspective. (It will, I promise)

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, March 19, 2018

Contagious Compassion

You O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love. – Psalm 86:15
Jesus’ heart was filled with compassion for the hungry, widowed, abandoned, hurt, blind, and diseased.  
One way Jesus showed His compassion was by touching the “untouchable.”  For example, despite the fact that Jewish law forbade touching people with leprosy, Jesus cared more about an outcast man than he did the law:
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, all men will know you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  - John 13:34-35
Jesus’ miraculous touch changed this man’s life forever.  Free from leprosy, he could return home to his family, get back to work providing for them, and love them with close affection.  Just imagine how much love must have exploded in the house upon his joyous return!
Jesus also wants to touch your life with His love.  He reaches out to everyone.  No one is off limits and no one is more important or more worthy than another to receive it.  We are all equally valued in His eyes.  Look at this diverse group of people Jesus touched physically or emotionally: 
  • A hated tax collector – Matthew 9:9
  • An influential religious leader – John 3:1-21
  • A homemaker – Luke 10:38-42
  • A Roman governor – Mark 15:1-15
  • A young boy – Mark 9:17-27
  • A rich man – Mark 10:17-23
  • A poor widow – Luke 7:11-17
  • A sick woman – Mark 5:25-34
  • A foreign woman – Mark 7:25-30
  • A sinful woman – John 8:1-11
  • An enemy who hated Him – Acts 9:1-9
Rich or poor, young or old, friend or enemy, Jesus’ love knows no barriers or boundaries.  It consumes all nations, all colors, and all kinds.  What if Jesus’ compassionate love was contagious and we caught it and loved each other like He did?

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Empty Hands

Taking the five loaves and two fish and looking up to heaven, Jesus gave thanks and broke them. Then He gave them to the disciples to set before the people. 
– Luke 9:16

Have you ever been in a desperate situation where there seems to be no way out? The bills are greater than your income? The fever keeps rising in spite of the medicine? He walks out with no excuse? The darkness has settled and nothing seems to lift it?

In these difficult times, our first instinct is often to grab for something. We scroll on our phone for hours, reach for a bottle to ease the pain, or busy our hands with endless tasks to distract us. 

When Jesus’ disciples faced the huge problem of having to feed a crowd of 5,000, they too looked to their own hands. Philip worked on calculating the expense of buying enough bread for the crowd, figuring it would take eight months’ wages. Andrew went looking through the crowd for food. He brought the best thing he could find to Jesus, a little boy who had five loaves of bread and two fish. 

When the little boy emptied his hands and gave all he had to Jesus, the miracle began. In Jesus’ hands, the food was blessed and God was thanked. Then Jesus emptied His hands, giving the loaves and fish to His disciples. As the disciples emptied their hands and passed around the baskets, the miracle of the multiplication happened.  

Can you imagine if Philip had said, “No Jesus, I’m still doing the math; my hands are busy?” Or what if Andrew had used his hands to shoo the little boy away and left to find something better? 

God wants to use your hands too. Every day you have endless choices of how to spend your time, money, and resources. Your hands are constantly in motion. But what if you emptied your hands, so they could be used for God’s plans? 

Start by asking God to show you how He might want to use your hands. Instead of writing a negative review on a new restaurant in town, He might want you to send an encouraging text to a friend. Instead of juggling a hundred different things a day, God might ask you to drop everything to focus on what really matters. 

When we fold our hands in prayer and ask God for guidance, direction, and help, He will point to His priorities. He’ll prompt us to drop some things and cling to others.
You are a modern day disciple of Jesus. God wants to use your hands to help, heal, create, calm, and care. Will He find your hands too busy, or will He find them empty, ready to complete the plans He has for you?

2 or 3 Together Questions:

1. When? - Think about a time in your life when you hit a dead end or a desperate situation. What were your hands busy doing?

2. What? - What’s in your hands? What’s one talent, strength, ability, or passion you could give to Jesus to benefit others? 

3. How? - How can you drop, let go of, or quit doing something that would free your hands up to be used by God? How is God leading you to use your hands?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, March 12, 2018

Be Brave to Break Down Barriers

Leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” – John 4:28-29

In Jesus’ day, women usually went to the town well early in the morning to beat the heat. Not so for the Samaritan woman in John Chapter 4. She traveled to the well at noon, alone. Why? Was her shame so intense that she believed she deserved to walk alone? Was she ostracized and trying to steer clear of the town gossip? 

We can’t get inside the Samaritan woman’s head, but we do have access to her conversation with Jesus at the well that day. When He asked her for a drink, she was surprised and questioned Him. He was a Jewish man and she was a Samaritan woman. Their gender and religious differences should have kept them apart: no eye contact, no conversation, no interaction whatsoever. 

What was Jesus thinking?

He was thinking like God, because He was God in the flesh (John 1:14). For God, no one is untouchable, unlovable, off-limits, or out of bounds. All people: every gender, color, size, tribe, and nation are His children. He has no favorites and never picks sides. There is nothing we can do to disqualify us from God’s love. 

When Jesus made it clear to the Samaritan woman that he knew of her long track record of sin, she probably thought, “here we go again, more name calling, more insults.” But instead of ridicule, Jesus chose to reveal to her that He was the long awaited Messiah. 

Perhaps it was being in Jesus’ holy presence, knowing that she was talking with God. Or maybe it was just the relief of being acknowledged as a person of worth, rather than being judged as worthless. Whatever the reason, the Samaritan woman was changed. She had come to the well as a loner, but she left as a confident leader, racing back to her village to call the others to come and meet Jesus. 

Once the people met Jesus and listened to His words, many believed He was the Messiah (John 4:39). The Samaritan woman was the bold leader who brought many more people into God’s family. She is a great example for us all. 

Jesus knows everything about you and still wants to use you to bring more people into His family. Who is in your circle of influence that you can share your faith with this week? Let’s do what the Samaritan woman did.

Spend some time alone in Jesus’ presence. There, He will increase your confidence. Talk to God as you would a friend. Ask Him questions, be still, and listen. He can encourage you to become bold and brave. 
It’s not your job to change minds. Salvation is up to Jesus. But you can be the messenger, calling people close and pointing the way. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, March 9, 2018

Join Our Walk Through John

Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, 
He gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.  
- John 1:12-13

Come with me on an Easter excursion! Over the next 21 days, we’re going to be reading through the 21 chapters of the Book of John – one chapter a day. By the end, we’re going to have a deeper and more confident understanding of who Christ is and who we are as His followers. 

Today is Day One, so let’s start out with chapter one, where John tells us of the incredible gift God gives each of us when we believe in His son Jesus: 

All who received Him (Jesus), to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12).

When we believe, we are children of God! I can’t think of a better gift.

Belief is a great place to start our walk through John. When did you first believe Jesus was God’s own son, sent to be your savior? Can you remember when the light bulb went off and you knew for certain that Jesus was real. That He had died for you?

I’ll never forget attending a Women of Faith conference several years ago with a friend and her grown daughter. That her daughter had agreed to go surprised me, because she’d previously openly expressed her disbelief in God. As the Pepsi Center came alive with the loud music and bright lights of the worship band, and people raised their voices and hands in praise, the look on her face said “Where in the world am I?”

Several years later, this same woman started asking me and her mom questions about our faith. I invited myself over to her house and we started to walk through the Bible with a few other women. I called the study “Jesus 101.” 

Weeks into the study, she called me. Skipping past the usual phone greetings, she screamed into my ear only two words: “HE’ S REAL!” Over and over she repeated her newfound truth. All I could say as tears rolled down my face was, “I know. I’m so thankful you do too.” Watching someone’s faith come alive is such a beautiful gift!

Today, take a moment to remember that those who believe in Jesus are immediately adopted into God’s family. Yes, you are a daughter or son of the King! You can thank Jesus for your royal inheritance on Earth and in Heaven.
How would you finish this sentence in your own words? 
Thank you Jesus because you …

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

2 or 3 Together - Boast in the Lord

3 o'clock wake up call
Let him who boasts and glories boast and glory in the Lord. – 2 Corinthians 10:17 (AMP)
Have you ever told a story you perceive to be captivating, but your audience seems to stop listening before you get to the end? Or, even worse, have you ever been flat out asked “What’s your point?” 
While my husband is generally a good listener he will, more often than he should, make hand gestures indicating that I should speed things up. I can tell when he’s starting to lose interest. 
Being married for more than two decades you’d think I’d be better at trimming down my stories, but I’m not. I love to process my thoughts out loud with him. He, on the other hand, prefers what he calls the “Reader’s Digest version.”
Paul, in Second Corinthians, is great at getting to the point. He succinctly tells us that when we boast, we are to boast in the Lord (2 Cor. 10:17). Simple and straightforward. 
But how can a person who loves to talk, boast in the Lord’s abundant goodness precisely and “get to the point” quickly? 
That’s tricky! I thought about all the women in my Bible Study who love to talk and share their faith stories. Many truly have the “gift of gab” when it comes to talking about Jesus. I imagined their friends, husbands, or children listening for a while but eventually losing interest. 
So, with God’s help, I came up with this simple outline to help us share our stories interestingly, but concisely enough that others will stick with us to the end. Are you ready? Let’s give it a try!
Be Bold & Boast in the Lord
Person – Who is the story about? 
Place – Where does the story take place?
Thing – What was the reason for needing God?
Only God – How did He come through?
Here’s an example:
(Person) Michele, a single mom of two young children was in graduate school. 
(Place) She was at the University of Maryland studying to become a social worker, working in the Admissions Office to make ends meet.
(Thing) Michele received a notice from her apartment complex stating that her rent was going to increase in two months. As she dropped the letter on the kitchen counter she hung her head in prayer. She told God that there was no way she could afford this rent increase. Even now, at the end of most months, her kids sometimes ate beans and rice and she went to bed hungry.
(Only God) A week later while at work, a young woman named Brenda came to Michelle in the Admissions Office, distraught over having to withdraw from school and break her lease with Student & Family Housing. Her fiancĂ©e was in the military and had just been transferred. Michele’s heart leapt. She’d been on the waitlist for on-campus housing for almost a year now. This was a perfect solution for both of them. As she walked with Brenda into the Dean’s Office, she looked up to God and whispered “Thank you.” Twenty minutes later, Michele was signing papers to move into Brenda’s apartment, which rented for half of what she had been paying in her old apartment – even before the increase.
Yeah God! Michele’s story points to God’s faithfulness to provide and His goodness to take care of His children. Our personal stories about how only God could have done what He did, are so important to share. They glorify God, encourage others, and grow our faith. 
By voicing how God has shown up in our lives, we are sharing real and believable stories of His presence and power. This is a very effective way to spread His message. 
Now it’s your turn. 
2 or 3 Together Questions

Share an “Only God” story today.

When has God been good to you? Where has He shown up big? What has He done that seemed impossible at the time? 
Be concise, stick to the outline, and enjoy boasting in the Lord together.

Be Bold & Boast in the Lord
  • Person – Who is the story about? 
  • Place – Where does the story take place?
  • Thing – What was the reason for needing God?
  • Only God – How did He come through?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, March 5, 2018

Be Bold

Since we have such a hope, we act with great boldness. – 2 Corinthians 3:12

What good is weak faith? Does it stand firm and provide protection during the storms of our lives? 

When talking about weak faith, God said, “So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:16)

The more you know who you are in Christ, the more confidence you will have in all circumstances.  In order to know who you are in Him, you first need to know who Jesus is to you, and to the whole world.  His seven I AM statements are a great springboard to launch a bold faith.

  • I AM the Bread of Life – John 6:35
Let Jesus fill your heart, soul, and mind completely. Hunger for His presence every day.  He will draw close to you when you come close to Him. He can satisfy your cravings for companionship and fulfill your heart’s desires.

  • I AM the Light of the World – John 8:12
Let Jesus be your guiding light.  Follow Him out of darkness into the light of His truths. Walk with Him and accept His unconditional love. Living in the light, you will transform more and more into His glorious likeness.  

  • I AM the Gate – John 10:9
Let Jesus protect you and watch over you during all of your comings and goings.  He will be the keeper of your heart. He will keep the enemy out and give you a beautiful sense of belonging in His shelter and safety.  

  • I AM the Good Shepherd – John 10:11
Let Jesus find you when you lose your way. He can find you no matter how far you’ve wandered. He will call you by name.  He will carry you gently back home and celebrate that you were once lost but now you’re found.

  • I AM the Resurrection and the Life – John 11:25-26
Let Jesus breathe life into the dead areas of your heart.  He can heal brokenness and restore relationships.  Awaken to Jesus’ powerful hand at work in your life.  Only He can give eternal life in heaven and abundant life here on earth.

  • I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life – John 14:6
Let Jesus lead you into God’s presence.  With your hand in Jesus’, you can run right into God’s throne room, lay down your sins, and ask your father in heaven to show you the wonderful plans He has for you. 
  • I AM the True Vine – John 15:1
Let Jesus nurture you with His all-consuming love. In His father’s hands, you will be pruned and spurred on to grow and spiritually mature. As you grow in Jesus’ likeness, you will bear bountiful fruit.  This fruit lasts forever.

It is true.  There is power in the names of Jesus!  As you know Him more intimately, He will show you intimately who you are.  He will lead you to your next step of faith.  In His presence, with his power within you, you will have the boldness to believe and the courage to walk by faith and not by sight.

Be bold!  You are following the Great I AM.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, March 2, 2018

Next Steps

Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. – Hebrews 12:1

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if God sent you an email once and awhile titled: Your Purpose?  You’d simply open it up and see what His next steps are for you.  Well, He does, sort of.  He just doesn’t send the message over WiFi. 

Instead, God communicates with us several different ways.

  • In the Bible, God gives us His word.  It’s an owner’s manual of sorts, filled with truths that keep us on the right path. 
  • He also gives us other people.  Their life experiences and wisdom can point us in the right direction… if we’re brave enough to ask them for help.  
  • God also speaks to us through the Holy Spirit.  A thought pops into your mind out of nowhere and you know He’s leading you in a different direction.  
  • Or sometimes, when all else fails, God just says “no” and shuts the doors you thought were wide open. You have no choice but to change direction.  

Life is a journey that requires faith, hope, and trust.

Even when we walk faithfully, though, bad habits or negative attitudes can still trip us up.  Say for example, you see yourself as overweight and unattractive.  Every mirror you walk by, every billboard you see, every jogger that passes by reinforces this self-criticism.  Our negative thoughts are like a cord binding our feet together.  As we attempt to move ahead, the cord wraps tighter and tighter until we’re stopped in our tracks, or fall flat on our face. 

The only way to cut these cords is to go to Jesus.  Give whatever is holding you back to Him.  He promises to set you free.

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. – John 8:36

It is only when you’re untangled that you can run your race of faith with perseverance and purpose.  This is God’s great plan for your life.  What do you need to let go of and hand over to Jesus?  Nothing stops you from taking that next step of faith when you place your hope and trust in the One who sets you free.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement