The LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.
– Psalm 100:5
My heart is overflowing with gratitude and love today. I am thanking God for the beautiful and faithful women who have been brave and completely honest during the past three weeks as we’ve been studying God’s love. They have shared their fears, doubts, joys, and tested faith with one another in wonderfully alive, intergenerational circles. The wisdom I have seen pass from one woman to another is priceless; a glimpse of heaven.
One woman in her 80’s spoke boldly: “Jesus has been right by my side, even when I didn’t know he was there. He has carried me through all these years.” Immediately, peace, hope, and joy filled the room as if the Holy Spirit was moving from one heart to another.
A much younger group of women leaned in and shared their deep insecurities. They wrestled with the reality that if God loves them so much, why is it so difficult for them to like, let alone love themselves? Sharing their real doubts with one another, each woman realized that she was not alone.
As I drive home from our Bible Study gatherings, my heart is overwhelmed with thanksgiving and love. (which causes the tears to flow easily). I have the awesome privilege of being an eyewitness to faith growing and deep friendships forming. I’m certain God is smiling upon us and reassuring each woman of His love.
Who or what fills your heart with gratitude and love? Focus on these things and people this weekend. Each day is a gift from God, so enjoy today and give thanks to God in all circumstances. (1 Thessalonians 5:18). This is God’s will for you each and every day.
You have the awesome privilege of modeling gratitude across generations. Your thanksgiving can be contagious and can redirect someone else’s heart and mind.
God can use you as an agent of change, when you allow thanksgiving and praise to pour out. Share your faith, hope, joy, and thankful heart with others this weekend.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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