Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween?

3 o'clock wake up callKeep me safe, LORD, from the hands of the wicked; protect me from the violence, those who devise ways to trip my feet. – Psalm 140:4

Halloween has always been my mom’s least favorite holiday.  I used to think she was crazy.  Now that my children are no longer young and cute, joyfully running from house to house collecting candy, I’d be happy if we skipped Halloween all together.  In my protective mind, Halloween is a great excuse for teenagers to make messes and get in trouble.

Talking with several other mothers, I realize I’m not alone.  We were agreeing that it’s much better when Halloween falls on a weekday, so there’s less potential for trouble and curfews are conveniently earlier.  The conversation quickly turned to compare the costumes we wore growing up to what’s sold today.  I was bold enough to ask, “Does every girl costume have to be so “sexy?”” (Who thought of the “sexy M&M” costume?).  Laughter broke out then quickly dispersed to a heart-felt groan as we’re all concerned for our young daughters.

As I walked to my car, I prayed for our daughters’ safety.  Memories of last Halloween flooded my mind and I cringed.  A sweet, innocent girl had been badly hurt at a high school party.  Those scars will definitely resurface one year later.   Unfortunately, they’re permanent, but thankfully, so are God’s promises.  

In Psalm 140, David is crying out to God in despair and clinging to His timeless truths.

  • God promises to be our rescuer.  He can rescue us from our past regrets, shame, and horrible memories when we know we’re loved unconditionally.

  • God promises to be our protector.  He will always give us a way out of danger and destruction.  We can look to God to be our shelter during severe storms.

  • God promises to be our deliverer.  He will continue to work in our lives as we look to Him for our safety and security.  

Throughout our lives, people will devise plans to hurt us or steal our innocence.  But our God is more powerful.  He is our rescuer, protector, and deliverer.  He hears our prayers.  Believe that He is at work even in the darkness tonight.  

Join me in praying for our families, friends, and neighborhoods on this Halloween day.  

Keep our children and our communities safe.  
Shine your bright light even on a dark night.
Rescue, protect, and deliver those we love from evil and danger.
We will trust in your goodness, power, and unending love.
In Jesus’ Name we pray,

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Rock

3 o'clock wake up callDay after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ. – Acts 5:42

On the day Jesus was crucified, his apostle Peter, to cut his losses and save his own skin, denied knowing Jesus three separate times.  Jesus later forgave Peter, saying “On this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). Jesus was referring to Peter as the ROCK: a strong, steadfast builder of the first church.  

If Peter was anything like us, he probably thought Jesus had lost his mind and picked the wrong guy.  Maybe when Jesus said ROCK, Peter’s mind raced and came up with his own acronym:  R – ridiculous choice, O – out of my comfort zone, C – crazy to think I can, K – keep looking Jesus there are much better people you can trust.

How often do you receive a lavish compliment or a tough assignment and think, “That’s not really me!” or “I can’t possibly do that?”  Our minds are constantly putting up roadblocks.

Peter was a fisherman by trade.  He’d been kicked out of Hebrew school and sent home to the family business because he either couldn’t memorize the scriptures or his rabbi hadn’t seen enough potential in him.  Back home on a lake fishing is where Jesus found Peter. Jesus had enormous plans for Peter’s life.  All Peter had to do was drop his fishing nets and follow.  Thankfully he did so “immediately.” (Matthew 4:22)

Peter followed Jesus for the next three years of His ministry on earth.  He was an eyewitness to Jesus’ healings, miracles, and incredible teaching.  He even heard firsthand God declare Jesus as His son.  I have to wonder if Peter, constantly in the presence of Jesus’ greatness, felt as if he could never measure up.

Regardless of Peter’s insecurities and past mistakes, he followed Jesus’ orders and started building the early church.  At Peter’s first church service, more than three thousand people heard his message about Jesus’ saving grace and believed.  After that, more and more people continued to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and were added to the church. (Acts 2:41,47) Peter had found his “sweet spot”.  He was the ROCK.

Peter took his show on the road and healed the sick, stood up against religious leaders, and preached the gospel in temples and city squares.  That’s when Peter’s overnight success turned the corner and he came face to face with huge opposition.  

Peter and the other apostles were thrown in jail, flogged, and kicked out of of the city.  Peter got back up, dusted himself off, re-entered the temple courts, and preached his heart out day after day.  He was on a mission to awaken people’s hearts and minds to Jesus.  Every day.  Not just on the Sabbath.  

Peter is our example of unending faith in action.  Every single day, our 3 o’clock alarms awaken us from our worldly tasks and thoughts and remind us to give thanks and follow Jesus.  We are encouraged to never stop, no matter what.  Every day, everywhere we are putting our faith in action and following Jesus.  

Where is He telling you to go?  What is He nudging you to do?  Even in the face of opposition, trust Jesus and follow in His amazingly, adventurous footsteps.  When you do, you will find yourself smack dab in the center of God’s will for your life.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Forgiving is Fully Loving

3 o'clock wake up callForgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you. – Colossians 3:13

Reading this passage in Colossians brought me back to a sermon, years ago, where the pastor pointed out that forgiveness actually frees us, not the one who has wronged us.  I envisioned myself in prison cell, where each bar that held me captive was one person I had not yet forgiven.

One of those prison bars had my dad’s name on it.  Today is his birthday.

Recently I wrote a Bible Study about love.  In it, I challenged everyone to intentionally love someone they found difficult to.  For me, that person is my dad.

Although it’s been many years since we’ve spoken, I carved out a window of time a few weeks ago to give him a call.  As I drove to my “calling place,” I prayed for God to give me the words to connect us over a telephone line.  

Nervously rehearsing the call in my mind, I noticed that the traffic ahead slowed abruptly.  In the blink of an eye I heard the BANG and felt the impact of the car behind thrusting me to the front of a three car pile-up.  I spent the next hour and a half on the side of the road filling out a police report, talking to the other drivers, and arranging for my daughter to be transported to her destination.  Thankfully no one was hurt.

By the time I got to where I’d imagined calling my dad, my phone was exploding with insurance agents and family members calling to see if we were ok.  I was too shook up to call him anyways.

It took me two more days to muster the courage to try another call.  When I finally did, my heart raced through what seemed like a hundred rings before being told that his voicemail had not been set up.  I visualized my dad seeing my name listed six or seven times as missed calls.  I felt the all too familiar emotion of rejection.  

Rejection has the debilitating power to shrink us where we stand.  It makes us feel insignificant and without any sense of belonging.  We feel belittled and helpless, left scared and scarred.

Realizing that I wasn’t going to be able to talk to him, I just bought an old fashioned card.  I’ll mail it to the address I have listed for him.  Hopefully he’s still there.  I’ll wish him a Happy Birthday and let him know that I’m thankful to be back in touch.  I might not flat out tell him I’ve forgiven him but my words and actions will show it.  Then I’ll be free from the prison that has held me for far too long.
Who do you need to let off the hook?  Choose to forgive and fully live.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Thursday, October 27, 2016

It's Hip to Give Thanks

3 o'clock wake up callI will give thanks to the LORD because of His righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High. – Psalm 7:17

Sitting alone in a hipster coffee shop in Boulder, Colorado, I’m likely the only one referencing the Bible for insight on the decision I will make later tonight. In this town of legalized marijuana, thin women in yoga pants, and million dollar homes, you’d be hard pressed to find someone reading a Bible in one of its many coffee shops. 

Upon further observation, I realize I’m not the only one sitting alone.  Out of the roughly thirty people in this coffee shop, only two are engaged in conversation.  Laptops and cell phones are the most popular lunch-time companions here.  

Trying to pretend I’m getting something from my bag, I scan the room.  Despite the diversity of patrons, I see a lot of repetition and conformity; computer keys banging, earbuds stuffed in tight, empty coffee cups, and distant, stressed out faces.

Any joy that might have crept in off the street seems to have been extinguished.  The upbeat music can only partially obscure the sense of isolation and loneliness I am feeling in this room. Before getting up to leave, I’m struck by three questions:

  • Why are we living such isolated lives these days?
  • Why has technology taken the place of real live conversations between people?
  • Why are we more stressed out and anxious than ever before?

God must be looking down on all the crowded coffee shops and bustling businesses, patiently waiting for us to remember…. Remember what?  Remember Him. His constant presence, His powerful love, His incredible gifts, and His amazing plans for us.  How can we remember God in our busy and stressful lives?

As I ponder these questions, one word pops into my mind - thankfulness.

When we give thanks to God, He gets the credit for everything good in our lives.  Our hearts grow closer and we begin to walk out our days together.  When storms of life rock our worlds, a steadfast relationship with Jesus secures us.  He never changes.  His faithfulness, love, and righteousness remains steadfast in the face of our stress.  So I will give Him thanks at all times (1Thes. 5:18).

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pass the Torch

3 o'clock wake up callI have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother and mother. 
– 2 Timothy 1:5

Paul spoke these words above in 2 Timothy as he was writing his final letter to his spiritual son, Timothy.  Paul wrote his “last words” from prison while he waited to be executed under Emperor Nero’s authority.  I imagine Timothy struggling through tears to read the letter.

Do you have a spiritual mentor who passed you the torch of faith?

Timothy had his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois who were early Christians.  These two women shared what they’d heard about Jesus from eyewitnesses who had known Jesus, seen His miracles, or were present when darkness fell over the earth from noon until 3pm, when Jesus spoke His last words from the cross.

Eunice and Lois shared their faith in Jesus with Timothy.   They told Him the true stories of Jesus’ resurrection, His last days on the earth, and His amazing grace and love for all of God’s children.  They passed the torch of faith to the next generation.  

Timothy went on to lead the church at Ephesus and to live out God’s calling upon his life.  I bet his matriarchs were so very proud of him.

Think back at the generations who have lived before you.  Do you have any pillars of faith in your family tree?  I am so thankful I do.  

My maternal grandfather, Gene, introduced me to Jesus when I was only a toddler.  I remember listening to his prayers at meal time as the family gathered around the dining room table, and I remember his prayers at church in front of the whole congregation at Christmas time.  Maybe that is why I pray with my family every night and I’m not afraid to pray aloud in front of my church.

My paternal grandmother, Jessie, taught Sunday School in her little church in Tipton, Indiana year after year.  She would sit me on her lap as a preschooler and read the Bible.  Maybe that is why I’ve taught Sunday School since I was in high school and I love reading the Bible to children of all ages now.

If you have benefitted from a spiritual heritage, give God thanks and praise today.  If you can’t find a Christian lineage in your family tree, start it yourself.  In both cases, be intentional about how you share your faith in Jesus with your family, those older and younger than you. 

All it takes is one or two faithful followers to change an entire family tree.  Be a part of growing and nurturing a fruitful family tree.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

If Walls Could Speak

3 o'clock wake up callThe LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him; though she may stumble, she will not fall, for the LORD upholds her with His hand. – Psalm 37:23-24

When I was in high school, Amy Grant was my favorite Christian singer.  She wrote a song called, If These Walls Could Speak.  Think back to when you were in high school. What would the walls have said about you and your family if they could have spoken in your house?

My walls would have reminded me that as a high school girl I complained about my weight a lot, wished I was taller, faster, smarter, and able to juggle a full schedule better.  I was often selfish, overwhelmed and moody.  When will I grow up and stop listening to that seventeen-year-old voice inside?

Thankfully I married the same boy I was dating in high school.  Twenty-two years into marriage he recognizes my teenage voice and snaps me out of it.  With one glance or a single word, He can redirect me from spiraling out of control.  He reminds me that he loves me and gives me encouragement to be confident and secure.  Crazy enough, he tells me I’m more beautiful now than I was when I didn’t have wrinkles or cellulite.  God must have put some miraculous veil over his eyes.

Unfortunately, my husband isn’t always there to stop my thoughts from spiraling downward.  But God is.  Lately, I’ve been sensing God’s loving approval too.  When I stumble, He is right there to steady my faith walk.  When I fall, and land in a heap of mess or sadness, He is quick to pick me up and get me back on my feet again.

That’s who God wants to be to you too.  When you stumble, lose your way, or doubt God’s presence or goodness, He will gently draw you close and guide your steps.  When you unintentionally make a mess out of your life or relationships, God promises to hold you up with His mighty hands.  

The walls in our homes cannot speak, but God can speak within them.  When you lose your way, open God’s word and rely on His promises.  When you feel overwhelmed, sit quietly with God and let Him soothe your scattered soul.  Delight yourself in the LORD and He will make your steps secure.  When we do, our voices within our homes will reflect God’s love and a deep trust in Him.  

Monday, October 24, 2016

Positive Paragraphs on Purpose

3 o'clock wake up callBrothers and sister, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. – Philippians 4:8

I’ve mentioned before that I really enjoy watching Ted Talks.  These brief vignettes, on everything from being a master procrastinator to the power of introverts are entertaining and thought provoking. I’ve started to notice how many of the talks, though different in content, circle back to the theme of: What we think about has the power to transform our lives and the lives of others.

The Bible repeats that theme as well.  Our recurring thoughts significantly impact our character, relationships, and quality of life.  As a man thinks, so he is. (Proverbs 23:7)

Take a second and think about what you’ve been thinking about must often.  

Fill in the blanks.  Lately, my thoughts are going around and around on ____________________.  These thoughts are having a ________________ influence on my heart and soul. 

Now let’s switch our thoughts and purposely fill our mind with this positive paragraph.  Fill in the blanks one more time.

God, Thank You that your powerful hand is upon my life.  I look around and I can see the wonderful gifts you have given me.  I treasure these people in my family ___________________.  You have also given me such trustworthy friends.  Thank you for ______________________.  Everyone who loves me and all good gifts in my life are from you.  I am especially grateful for ________________________.  I praise you because you are excellent in all your ways.  I will praise you today and all my days.

It is true, what we focus on in our minds determines how we walk and talk.  Maybe our grandmothers or first grade teachers were on to something we they taught us, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”

Try this timeless advice.  Think before you speak.  If your thoughts are lovely, pure, uplifting, or encouraging, then speak them out.  If your thoughts are just the opposite, hush, don’t say a word.  You will be helping yourself and blessing others.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Find Your Resting Place

Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28

Where do you like to rest?  Do you have favorite places in nature where you find rest or feel close to God?  When can you breathe deep and let the demands of this world fade into the distance?  When was the last time you truly rested and were rejuvenated?

We live in such a fast paced world that it’s not uncommon to feel guilty when we carve out time to rest.  What does your calendar look like during this season?  Are you packed, over-loaded, maxed out with no room to rest?  Are you balanced or ready to collapse?

Sitting with a group of mothers and grandmothers this week, we tried desperately to find a time on the calendar to come back together.  My eyes were quickly opened to the demands on their lives.  I was reminded what it feels like to have toddlers in tow, work pressures that cause anxiety, or family responsibilities that seem unending.  

Then one grandmother spoke up.  She said, “I’m almost always available.  If you are ever in a pinch and you need help with your kids or find yourself in an emergency, call me.  I will help you. I’ll drop what I’m doing, no problem.”  

A hush fell over our small group.  Breaking the stunned silence, I blurted out, “Wow, that’s amazing!  That’s your ministry! Ministry in the Availability!”  I’ve known this woman for more than eleven years.  Her schedule hasn’t always been open and available, but she was intentional in changing her lifestyle.  Knowing I have a friend who will drop whatever she’s doing to come to my side and help me when I’m in a bind brings much comfort and stability to my hectic heart.  I long to be a friend like that.  

I shared with God this morning how busyness blocks me from being totally present with the people in my life.  Daily distractions are deterring me from being the close friend I want to be.  I asked Him to help me simplify my days and focus on what’s truly important in life.

Reassurance washed over me when I remembered the Bible verse, “Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest.”  I realized my closeness with others starts with my relationship with Jesus.  As I spend time with Him and rest in His presence, He reminds me how to prioritize my time, my relationships, my energies.  

Find a place to rest with Jesus and let Him remind you of what’s most important in your life.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Shout Your Praise

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. 
– Psalm 100:1

I’ve already told God that when I get to heaven, I’d like to be in His choir.  I’ll sing beautifully and on key, belting out praise and worship and inspiring all of heaven to sing along.  

If you’ve actually heard me on Sunday mornings, however, you’d know that my dreams of heavenly singing are going to have to wait until I get there. 

As I watch the worship band at church take the stage, I realize that what they do with their instruments and voices seems like a foreign language to me.  God made me, without an ounce of musical talent.  I don’t even think I could play the triangle in the worship band.  So why do I love the music so much?  

My mom insisted I take piano lessons until I was in the third grade.  Bless her heart for believing in me.  I should ask God to bless my poor piano teacher who had to endure our hour long sessions every week.  I don’t think I ever mastered Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star no matter how hard I tried.

But tonight during a Prayer and Worship service at church, I sang these lyrics as if I was already in heaven wearing an elaborate choir robe.  I sang to the Lord as if my voice was beautiful and bold, as if others would be inspired to shout for joy in unison.   These lyrics still echo in my mind:

All the earth will shout Your praise
Our hearts will cry 
These bones will sing
Great are you LORD!

It’s Your breath in our lungs 
So we pour out our praise, pour out our praise, to You only.

(Casting Crowns, A Live Worship Experience – Great Are You Lord)

Call me crazy but here’s my hope and dream.  God may not have given me the talent to sing but He did give me the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call.  What if…. The Wake Up Call is one-way God is choosing to awaken out nation so we will shout His praises every day?  

What if… we are walking this earth, at this exact time in history and God wants to stop us in our tracks everyday at 3pm to thank and praise Him?  What if thanking God is our daily song, so beautiful and bold, so diverse in pitch, so many voices lifted up in unison around the earth?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, October 21, 2016

Be Awake and Alert

3 o'clock wake up callBe self-controlled and alert.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. – 1 Peter 5:8

Napping is one of my favorite afternoon pleasures.  If I’m truly tired, I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime.  I’ve fallen asleep in a noisy park while laying on a picnic blanket, in a parking lot sitting in the driver’s seat waiting for the school bell to ring, and in a leather chair at a busy coffee shop (I guess the coffee wasn’t quite strong enough).  

There’s nothing wrong with resting or napping to restore our mind and body to full throttle mode.  But what is wrong, even outright dangerous, is to sleep walk through life.  If you’re spiritually snoozing, you’re a believer with a bulls-eye on your head.

The enemy preys on the half-awake brain, confusing us with lies of self-loathing and self-pity, distracting us from our focus on God’s great plans for us.

My very favorite afternoon practice (aside from napping) is to stop at 3pm and give God thanks and praise.  Doing this awakens me from spiritual slumber to the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, allowing me to live the rest of the day wide awake and on purpose.  Then the enemy, the prowling lion, shrinks back into his cave.

Let your eyes look up to the sky and say, “Thank you God!  Your love, O Lord reaches to the heavens.  Your love also reaches down deep into my soul.  Your love, O Lord reaches around the entire world and it encompasses me fully.  Thank you God!”

Let thanksgiving shake you awake to God’s amazing presence around you today, His power within you, and the incredible plans He has for your life.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Press On in Love

3 o'clock wake up callI press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.   – Philippians 3:14

Time Magazine just came out with a Special Edition called, The Science of Relationships.  I find it thrilling when scientific research backs up what God has been saying for thousands of years.  

God designed our hearts to love Him and love others.  Nineteen different times in the Bible, God commands us to love one another. He knows life is rich and rewarding when it’s filled with love.  Science also shows that this makes us healthier.

Choosing to love God, yourself, and others can sometimes complicate life and challenge us beyond our heart’s capacity.  But these are the opportunities God uses to stretch our hearts so we can love like Him and create the “love stories” that make life so valuable. 

Follow along with these love stories and imagine how you would feel.  Would you make the same choices?
  • A young couple in love chooses to get married even though the wife was recently diagnosed with terminal breast cancer.
  • A husband and wife receive the news that their unborn child has Downs Syndrome.  They choose to birth the child and raise him in a loving home.
  • A wife discovers her husband is addicted to pornography.  She chooses to stay by his side and walk with him through recovery.  
  • A single mom works three jobs, six days a week.  She chooses to work long hours so her children can attend a safe school.  
  • Parents choose to love and pray for their teenage son who is trapped in a dangerous lifestyle of drugs and illegal activity.  They never stop believing God will one day save their son.  
  • Grandparents choose to retire early so they can take care of their grand-daughter while her mom finishes college.  
  • A healthy woman chooses to sell her home and move into assisted living with her husband who has Alzheimer's Disease.  She spends all day and night caring for him.  He has forgotten who she is.  

The path of love is a choice.  Will you press on to love God, yourself, and others more powerfully and purposely… even when life is hard and you want to give up?  God is calling you to love every day.  My friend, press on in love and fill your life with love stories.  You will one day look back upon your years and be thankful for each and every love story lived. I believe in you.  Press on in LOVE!

Engage With God - Read and Reflect

DAY 26 – Press On in Love
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:14

Daily Reminder:  
Press on toward the goal to love God, yourself and others more powerfully and purposefully.  Each day brings opportunities to choose love.  Choosing love will fill your life with love stories and lead you on towards your best life. 

Real Life Reflection Questions:

1. Which love story pierced your heart the most?  Why?

2. How will you continue to pursue a life a LOVE! once this Bible Study ends?  Write your goals or action plan here:

Lord God,
This Bible Study has come to an end but I know this is just the beginning of filling my life with love stories.  Help me love like You love Lord.  I want future generations to see You through my life.  Guide me as I press on to love You, myself and others more and more with each new season in life.  Lead me on.  I will follow you. 
In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen

TODAY’S THOUGHTS – I Press on to Love More Powerfully because ….

Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.

Philippians 3:13-15 – (Read and Record Highlights)

My Prayer for YOU! – May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. – 2 Corinthians 13:14   

Thank you for journeying with me in Love!  Much Love, Laura 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Abide in Love

3 o'clock wake up callAs the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.  Now remain in my love. – John 15:9

I remember the first time I watched surfers riding waves in the ocean.  I thought, “That looks easy and super fun!”  Then I took my first surf lesson.  

While I paddled out into the waves on my board, the instructor shouted praise and compliments.  He believed I could do it.  (Surely I’d be a natural).  My mind raced, maybe I’d enter surf competitions one day soon.  (Oh, but then I’d have to wear a bikini… never mind.) As the instructor turned my board to point towards the shore, he yelled, “Get ready!  Here comes your first wave.  Remember what I taught you, now… GO!”

I could feel the power of wave pushing my surf board faster and faster.  I pushed up, popped both feet on the board and headed straight for the shore.  I was riding a wave!  I was surfing!  Laughing, I looked back to make sure my family was watching my quick success.  I was a natural born surfer!

As my eyes returned to the shoreline, I saw a coral reef directly in my pathway.  I couldn’t remember how to turn the board.  We never discussed how to stop.  I held my breath as I crashed right into the reef.  The sudden jolt sent me flying backwards, off my board, and smack dab in the center of the prickly coral reef.  As soon as I saw the blood, I was certain the shark in the movie Soul Surfer was there.  I rolled over and swam as quickly as I could to the beach; bloody and bruised, dragging my surf board by the leash attached to my left ankle.

Following Jesus reminds me a little bit of surfing.  In John 15:1-17, Jesus teaches us that He is the vine, God is the gardener, and we are the branches in a vineyard.  Jesus is using the vision of a garden to describe how we are to live our life of faith in Him: abiding, remaining, and bearing much fruit.  I can see a similar visual in surfing.  Go with me here...
  • Jesus calls us to “abide” in Him.  Abiding looks like staying with Him no matter what.  Like surfing, success is experienced when we stay on the board, feet planted in place.

  • Jesus says that if we remain in Him, His power will remain in us.  Like surfing, if we stand constantly on the surf board, then we’ll be powered forward by the wave.  We will be moved by a greater force.

  • Jesus wants our lives to “bear much fruit” by living a life that blesses others and glorifies God.  Fruitful lives are abundant, joyful, and full of love.  Like surfing, when we ride the waves, we not only enjoy the ride, but we show others how to live joyfully and abundantly.  

  • Lastly, I can speak from experience, when we lose our grip on the surf board, because our feet no longer remain in the right position, the waves send us flying, and much damage can be done.

So here’s our surfing lesson for the day: Stand firm in your faith, plant your feet on solid ground, and abide in Jesus.  When you do, abundant life and love will push you forward like a powerful wave. 

Engage With God - read and Reflect

DAY 25 – Abide in Love
As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you.  Now remain in my love. – John 15:9

Daily Reminder:  
In the Bible, Jesus describes himself as the vine, God is the gardener, we are the branches.  When we abide/ stay close to Jesus, our lives will bear abundant fruit that glorifies God and fills our hearts with love and joy.

Real Life Reflection Questions:

1.  How can you stay close to Jesus throughout your day?

2.  Living in close relationship with Jesus will impact all your other relationships.  What “fruit” (love, peace, patience, joy, goodness, kindness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control) do you desire to see blossom in your relationships?

You are amazing!  The ways you love me sometimes overwhelms my heart like a tidal wave.  Help me stay close to you all the days of my life.  I desire to produce Godly fruit – fruit that will last for eternity.  Help me love others powerfully and constantly.  Thank you for guiding me out into deep waters of love.  Living life abiding in you, is a great adventure!
In Your Powerful Name I Pray, Amen

TODAY’S THOUGHTS – Abiding in Jesus looks like ….

Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.

John 15:1-17 – (Read and Record Highlights)

1 John 3:18 - 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Light of Love

God is light…if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another. – 1 John 1:5-7

God is purely light.  There is no darkness in Him.  He created light and dark, both night and day.  He calls us to be children of the light (1 Thessalonians 5:5).

Jesus is the “light of the world.”  He promised that whoever follows Him will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. (John 8:12)

From the beginning of time, God gave His children the choice to love and follow Him or walk away and live apart from Him.  God sets before all of us life and death, blessings and curses.  He asks us to choose life, so we and our children may live. (Deuteronomy 30:19)

It wouldn’t be genuine love if we didn’t have a choice.  If God made us love Him, then faith would not be a part of our relationship.  God doesn’t arrange our union with Him, he asks us, sometimes hundreds of times, to draw close and experience His love.  We always have the final say.

If we say, “Yes, God I accept your love and light in my life,” then God enters in and starts rearranging our hearts, minds, and souls to be more in alignment with Jesus’.  Many Christian women have shared with me sentiments like “Life actually go harder once God started working in my heart, but with God, I experienced a deeper sense of peace than I have ever before.”

Yes, storms will hit our lives over and over again.  But with God’s light and power within us, we can lean in to Him as we ride the waves of disappointment, despair, and destruction.  Hurricane season is year round in the life of faith.

Trusting in God, truly relying on His help and stability, will fill our hearts with joy, peace, and renewed hope. (Romans 15:13)  Hope from the Lord is our only steadfast anchor, our bright light through the darkness.  

As others observe you living through life’s ups and downs, do they see your light shining?  Like a city on a hill, you are the light of the world. (Matthew 5:14)  God is calling you to live, love, and light up the world around you.  Your words of encouragement can bring life.  Your acts of kindness can give love.  Your positive and grateful attitude can light up an entire room, family, workplace, small group, or neighborhood.

You are called to shine Jesus’ light wherever you go, to whomever you see. When you do, you will be living WIDE AWAKE to God’s presence around you, His power within you, and the loving plans He has for you.

Engage With God - Read and Reflect

DAY 23 – Light of Love

God is light…if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another. 
– 1 John 1:5-7

Daily Reminder:  
Jesus is the light of the world.  With His Holy Spirit awake and alive in you, you are called to shine brightly His light and love to all you meet.  

Real Life Reflection Questions

1. When do you feel “Wide Awake” to God’s love flowing through you?  Who is touched by your beaming light?

2. In what ways could your faith light shine brighter on a daily basis?

3. (Challenge) Who do you know whose light is shining bright?  Can you encourage them by thanking them?  Can you ask them to share with you how they shine God’s love and light so bright?  Record your findings.

Lord God,
Let your light shine brightly through me.  I want to be like a city on the hill for all to see my faith in You beaming out, positively affecting others.  Thank you for loving me just the way I am today.  Thank you that you continue to work in my heart and make me more and more like Your son, Jesus.  I’ll keep shining in my small corner of the world.     
In Jesus’ Precious Name I Pray, Amen

TODAY’S THOUGHTS – Shine Bright So….

Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.

Ephesians 5:8-14 – (Read and Record Highlights)

Isaiah 60:1 –

Matthew 5:16 - 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Love Remains

3 o'clock wake up callNow these three remain: faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love. – 1 Corinthians 13:13

I would guess all of us have been to a wedding ceremony where 1 Corinthians 13 is read aloud.  See if this sounds familiar…

Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. 
1 Corinthians 13:4-8

God’s words are beautiful, bold, and encouraging to a couple embarking on the closest relationship on earth.  I believed wholeheartedly in this kind of love as I took my marriage vows at age twenty-three.  

Thank goodness the love described in 1 Corinthians 13 isn’t the yardstick we actually use measure martial success.  If it was, my marriage, happy as it is, wouldn’t have made it past year seven like so many couples in America.  The love described here in the Bible is depicting God’s love for us.  Only God can love unselfishly every day for a lifetime.   

I’ll speak for me.  Let’s be real.  It is impossible for me to love my husband, my children, or my best friends with a love that is always patient, always kind, and never self-seeking.  I don’t trust all the time because I keep records of wrongs.  I now know teenagers dance around the truth while they’re handing you a police report or making an excuse for missing curfew.  Marriages are complicated, and loving each other faithfully takes work.  Friends get distracted with their own lives and they forget your birthday and cancel lunch dates. Let’s face it, relationships are messy.

I’ll go first and raise the white flag and say it: “I surrender!  I can’t love like the Bible tells me to love every day, all the time.”  There.  It feels good to be truthful. Now you go.  Ready, set, jump!

Thankfully, God is not done with my heart yet.  Nor is He done with yours.  Loving others the way God loves us is a life long journey.  The good news is, we can grow and expand our capacity to love like God as His Holy Spirit takes over more and more territory in our hearts.  The progress starts with a surrendered heart.

Here’s a quick prayer you can pray to let God’s love flow more powerfully through you.

Heavenly Father,
Your word is clear and concise.  You explain how I am to love others all the time.
I confess that loving others through heartache and disappointment is more difficult than I imagined.
Now I know for sure, I cannot love others the way you want me to in my own strength.
I invite Your Holy Spirit to move into my heart.  Take up permanent residence.
Call me deeper into love.  I will follow.  
In Jesus’ Powerful Name I Pray, Amen 

Engage With God - Read and Reflect

DAY 23 – Love Remains

Now these three remain: faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love.                      – 1 Corinthians 13:13

Daily Reminder:  
Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails (1 Cor. 13:4-8).  This is how God loves us and desires for us to love others.  Invite His Holy Spirit to move your heart into closer alignment with His today.

Real Life Reflection Questions

1. Look at the list of how God loves you above.  Which characteristic of God’s love are you most thankful for?  Which one needs to grow most powerfully in your life?  Explain.

2. Think of the person you are intentionally loving this week.  How can you love them with God’s amazing kind of love?  Write down some action plans.

Lord God,
I surrender my heart to you Jesus.  Let your Holy Spirit fill me with love that is patient, kind, truthful, protecting, trusting, hopeful, and perseverant.   Help me love like you love others.
In Your Precious Name I Pray, Amen


Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.

John 14:15-21 – (Read and Record Highlights)

1 Peter 2:17 – (Love the Sisterhood) 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Prayer Circles

3 o'clock wake up callHear my prayer, O God; listen to the words of my mouth. – Psalm 54:2

Nineteen years ago today, on a beautiful autumn day in Vermont, our first child was born.  I counted quickly but carefully: two eyes, one nose, ten fingers, ten toes, praise the Lord! He was healthy and whole.  We were so thankful.

I remember like it was yesterday, when our first visitors, dear friends from Indiana Bonnie and Dave, walked into the hospital room.  They adored our newborn son and overlooked my bloated body.  Bonnie and my mother have been friends since childhood.  Bonnie has known and loved me since I was a baby.  Now I was a mother. 

As I looked at my mom and Bonnie from that hospital bed almost twenty years ago, I couldn’t imagine myself ever being middle-aged, but here I am.  

Isn’t life like a spiraling circle?  We get older and older with each year.  Our identities also change over time: child, teen, young adult, parent, middle-aged, grandparent, elderly (better known as “Wise Ones”).  We are constantly circling the calendar and changing. I just wish wrinkles weren’t part of the equation.

We can’t fight the aging process but we can choose the attitudes and habits we’ll carry with us into the next season of life.  I know for certain my mom and Bonnie have been praying for me and my family all these years.  I chose to follow their example and let my children know I am dedicated and determined to pray for them as they move from childhood into young adulthood and beyond.

When our son hit the teenage years, and the days sometimes felt dangerous and desperate, I started praying circles around our house.  I would write down seven promises of God from the Bible on a 3x5 index card, then read them aloud as I prayed and walked circles around our house, season after season.  

One of God’s promises that I have prayed often for our son is Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Even when times were crazy, I clung to God’s word believing He was bigger than our problems.  

God has faithfully kept His promise.  His plans for our son are good, greater than the plans I could have written for him.  Our son is healthy and maturing into a thoughtful and responsible young man.  God gave him a sharp mind and he is using it to advance his computer science knowledge.  God has heard our prayers and has listened all these years.  We are so thankful.  

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Love Moves

3 o'clock wake up callI correct those whom I love. So be eager to do right. Change your hearts and lives.
 – Revelations 3:19

I love reading the Bible and learning how God desires for me to live my daily life.  But, I don’t enjoy when I’m reading God’s word and I feel an “ouch.”  God’s word like a double edged sword; though wonderfully life giving, it can cut right to the heart of our weaknesses.  Even though I know better, I’d rather dodge or ignore correction and discipline.

What about you?  When was the last time you knew you were “out of bounds” of God’s plans?  How did it feel when He redirected your steps through His word or by the Holy Spirit?  Why is correction so difficult for us?

In Revelations, God was correcting the church in Laodicea because they had become “lukewarm” to His presence, power, and plans.  God was giving them a loving warning.  He wanted His people to know He was disciplining them because He loved them.  

God was not out to punish His people but to redirect their steps so they would live closer to Him.  He desired for them to be devoted to Him first, to worship Him often, to follow His ways, and to receive His love every day.  

God would not settle for lukewarm hearts when He knew His people could have hearts aflame with love.

God has never changed.  He wants your heart on fire with love for Him.  He will never be content with mediocre faith or mundane love.  He’ll keep nudging you and correcting you until your heart becomes more alive, awake, and on fire for Him.  This process is both powerful and painful.

God is never done with us.  While we’re alive on this earth, God will keep molding us into Jesus’ likeness.  For a while, God might be leading you to be more patient.  Once you’ve moved the dial on patience, He’ll shine a light into your heart and let you know it’s time to start forgiving others.  Ouch!  

The more your heart desires to emulate the life of Jesus, the more you’ll see the huge discrepancy between your heart and His.  Instead of being discouraged and staying lukewarm, take a moment to look how far you’ve come and give thanks to God.

Keep moving; follow God’s promptings, step out in faith when He nudges.  Soon you will feel the temperature of your heart increasing. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Challenged to Love

3 o'clock wake up callJesus taught, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in Heaven.”   – Matthew 5:43-4

When I read that passage, I quickly become defensive and want to question God:

“Really?  You must be joking!  Love our enemies?  Are you crazy?”  

“God, you saw what lies she spread about me.  How in the world can I love that woman?”

“He hurt me to the core.  I will never bounce back fully.  I have already decided we will never speak again.”

Have you ever argued with God before?  How’d that go?  Every time I tell God I know better than Him, it’s only a matter of time before I get put in my right place.  

How quickly I forget who God really is.  He spoke the whole world into existence.  He knows us better than we know ourselves.  When He wrote the Bible, God knew we might not like some parts or agree with all of His wisdom, but He penned the scriptures because He loves us and knows what’s best for us.  

The Bible is one long love letter from God.

God’s greatest desire is to be our God and for us to be His people.  From the Israelites in the Old Testament to all who call Jesus their Savior today, God has never stopped loving His children.  He woes each and every one of us to come close and live by His commands.

When Jesus clearly communicated two thousand years ago that we are to love our enemies, I’m sure His people were just as challenged as we are today.  At the time, Jesus and all of God’s people were living under Roman authority. They wanted to be set free from cruelty and oppression.  Jesus told them to love their enemies, even the Romans. Jesus’ teachings were new and different and flew in the face of cultural norms.  No wonder so many disciples turned away and stopped following Him (John 6:66).

We are not turning back.  We are following Jesus and all of His teachings, even the hard ones like “Love your enemies.”  If we’re going to love the most challenging people in our lives, let’s start by doing what Jesus said to do: PRAY for our enemies.

As you’re praying for the people who have hurt or wronged you, God will soften your heart (eventually).  Ask for blessings to flow down from heaven upon them. Wait as the Holy Spirit helps you see things from their perspective.  “Stepping into their shoes” can actually ignite a flame of compassion in your heart.  There’s a blessing in this challenging process for us, too.  As we love our enemies, we’re the one set free from hatred, bitterness, anger, and revenge.  Our loving Father knows what’s best for us.  He knows laughter is better than sorrow, forgiveness higher than anger, love greatly than hate.

Engage With God - Read and Reflect

DAY 22 – Challenged to Love
Jesus taught, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in Heaven.”   – Matthew 5:43-48

Daily Reminder:  
Our loving Father knows what’s best for us.  He knows laughter is better than sorrow, forgiveness is higher than anger, and love is greater than hate.  When we forgive those who have hurt us, we’re the ones set free.  Free to love and live our best life.

Real Life Reflection Questions:

1. Choose to love and forgive an enemy.  It’s tough but worth the work.  Write a prayer for this person here:

2. How can you show outward love for an enemy this week? Write your action plan down and give yourself a Wake Up Call Reminder to put love in action.

Lord God,
Your ways are not my ways.  Your ways are higher, better, and greater; just like your love.  Fill my heart with the Holy Spirit who loves freely and forgives easily.  Help me walk in love and forgive those I need to forgive.  Step by step I will follow you and love those challenging to love.  
In Jesus’ Precious Name I Pray, Amen

TODAY’S THOUGHTS – Loving my enemies is … 

Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.

Galatians 5:13-14 – (Read and Record Highlights)

1 John 4:7 – Dear friends, 

Romans 12:14-21 – (What does loving your enemy look like?)