On the day Jesus was crucified, his apostle Peter, to cut his losses and save his own skin, denied knowing Jesus three separate times. Jesus later forgave Peter, saying “On this rock I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). Jesus was referring to Peter as the ROCK: a strong, steadfast builder of the first church.
If Peter was anything like us, he probably thought Jesus had lost his mind and picked the wrong guy. Maybe when Jesus said ROCK, Peter’s mind raced and came up with his own acronym: R – ridiculous choice, O – out of my comfort zone, C – crazy to think I can, K – keep looking Jesus there are much better people you can trust.
How often do you receive a lavish compliment or a tough assignment and think, “That’s not really me!” or “I can’t possibly do that?” Our minds are constantly putting up roadblocks.
Peter was a fisherman by trade. He’d been kicked out of Hebrew school and sent home to the family business because he either couldn’t memorize the scriptures or his rabbi hadn’t seen enough potential in him. Back home on a lake fishing is where Jesus found Peter. Jesus had enormous plans for Peter’s life. All Peter had to do was drop his fishing nets and follow. Thankfully he did so “immediately.” (Matthew 4:22)
Peter followed Jesus for the next three years of His ministry on earth. He was an eyewitness to Jesus’ healings, miracles, and incredible teaching. He even heard firsthand God declare Jesus as His son. I have to wonder if Peter, constantly in the presence of Jesus’ greatness, felt as if he could never measure up.
Regardless of Peter’s insecurities and past mistakes, he followed Jesus’ orders and started building the early church. At Peter’s first church service, more than three thousand people heard his message about Jesus’ saving grace and believed. After that, more and more people continued to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and were added to the church. (Acts 2:41,47) Peter had found his “sweet spot”. He was the ROCK.
Peter took his show on the road and healed the sick, stood up against religious leaders, and preached the gospel in temples and city squares. That’s when Peter’s overnight success turned the corner and he came face to face with huge opposition.
Peter and the other apostles were thrown in jail, flogged, and kicked out of of the city. Peter got back up, dusted himself off, re-entered the temple courts, and preached his heart out day after day. He was on a mission to awaken people’s hearts and minds to Jesus. Every day. Not just on the Sabbath.
Peter is our example of unending faith in action. Every single day, our 3 o’clock alarms awaken us from our worldly tasks and thoughts and remind us to give thanks and follow Jesus. We are encouraged to never stop, no matter what. Every day, everywhere we are putting our faith in action and following Jesus.
Where is He telling you to go? What is He nudging you to do? Even in the face of opposition, trust Jesus and follow in His amazingly, adventurous footsteps. When you do, you will find yourself smack dab in the center of God’s will for your life.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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