Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A Long Way From Home

3 o'clock wake up callRuth said, “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God. –Ruth 1:16

I am blessed to have a dear friend Rose, who reminds me of a modern day Ruth.  Ruth, in the Bible left her homeland after family members died and famine struck the land.  She 
traveled a far distance with her mother-in-law and became a foreigner in a new land.  Rose, left South Sudan after civil war left many family members dead and her village destroyed.  Like Ruth, Rose walked hundreds of miles to find shelter and safety.  Unlike Ruth, Rose was just a child.

Rose came to Denver, CO in 2006 as one of the “Lost Girls of Sudan.”  I was assigned to be her mentor, and soon became her friend.  We giggle now as we look back and see how she went from “lost” to “found.”  Rose has made her way in the United States amazingly well.  She graduated from the University of Colorado a few years ago, and now works as a college advisor in Ohio.  She parents an adorable two year-old son, and just purchased her first home in a nice suburban neighborhood. I am so incredibly proud of this woman of faith.  

God has always been Rose’s guide.  She thanks God for keeping her safe as she crossed alligator infested rivers in Africa, for His strength that helped her keep walking night after night, and for the kindness of strangers who sometimes carried her.  She praises God for plucking her out of the refugee camp and placing her in an orphanage in Kenya run by a German nun, Sister Louise.  Sister saw Rose’s bright and determined mind and made a way for Rose to attend school.  Through all the hardships and challenges Rose faced while growing up, she never let go of God’s powerful hand. 

All of us have parts of our childhood or young adult life that we wish we could change or delete.  I certainly do.  What if God wants to use those dark times for His glory?

Rose is perfectly placed to encourage college students to keep persevering through difficult days.  The high value of education and its power to change lives imparts courage and confidence to her students.  Her bright mind and determination inspires the next generation of students.  God must be so proud of Rose too.

Rick Warren, the author of Purpose Driven Life (a favorite book of mine) taught me that God will often use the worst messes in our lives to help us deliver His message.  He explains that the best person to and help a family who has a child born with Down Syndrome is a family who has raised a child born with Down Syndrome.  The best person to build a ministry loving and supporting widows and single moms is a single mom whose husband died tragically at a young age.  Why?  Because once you’ve walked the difficult road, you best understand and can relate to every curve and bump along the road.  

Because I love Rose and have walked with her all these years, I have compassion for all the Syrian refugees displaced from their homeland.  God has used Rose to stretch my heart to pray for Syrian refugees, people I’ve never met but who are living through many of the same hardships Rose endured. Unfortunately, the number of refugees displaced in our world today is the highest since WWII. Will you join me in praying for all the refugees in our world?  God hears our unified prayers. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Praying for YOU

I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.  I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better. –Ephesians 1:16-17

When Paul wrote those words to the church in Ephesus, he genuinely cared about their faith in Jesus.  His letter was written to encourage them to keep growing in their faith.  His prayers were non-stop praises, giving thanks to God for them and asking Him to grant them greater wisdom and understanding.  He desired for them to know God more and more.  That my friends, is my prayer for YOU!

When my 3 O’Clock alarm goes off, I immediately thank God for you.  I am thrilled you are taking time out of your busy schedule to stop what you’re doing, look up to God, give Him thanks, then read my words of encouragement written for you.  We are growing, and that is good.  But what is more important than the number of people who have joined the 
3 O’Clock Wake Up Call Movement is the depth to which are you knowing God.

Here are some of the things you as a group have shared with me.  These words encourage me.  I hope that they encourage you and you can relate.

“I often forget about God’s presence by 3pm in the day.  The Wake Up Call is a great reminder that He’s still with me.”

“3 O’Clock in the afternoon is a tough time for me.  It’s when I start realizing how much I didn’t get done at work.  When my alarm sounds, I snap out of my critical thinking and thank God for what I have completed that day.”

“Job loss is challenging.  I’m praying everyday at 3pm for God to lead me to where He wants me to be.  That gives me courage and confidence.”

“I stop and count my blessings when my 3pm alarm goes off.   Thankfulness fills my heart with joy!”

“I don’t attend a church.  The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call is my church everyday.” 


Thank you for sharing with me how the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call is helping you in your faith journey.  I pray every day for you to grow and know God more and more.  May the Spirit of God fill you with wisdom beyond your years and understanding beyond your intelligence.  I thank God for YOU!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, August 29, 2016

3 o'clock wake up callWhatever you do, work from the soul as if you are working for the Lord. – Colossians 3:23

I realize most people set yearly goals at the start of the New Year, but I want to encourage you to set one goal now.  Kids have headed back to school and Fall is fast approaching, so it’s a perfect time to stop, reflect, and look forward optimistically.

I’m often guilty of tackling too many things and feeling like I’m not doing anything well.  What if we let go of a bunch of things in order to do one thing really well?  What if we focused on that thing and pursued that with all of our heart?

In the blink of an eye, leaves will fall and be raked into piles, pumpkins will appear on porches, Thanksgiving turkeys will be carved, and Christmas lights will twinkle.  We have four months left in 2016 to set a different pace and simplify our focus.  

So right now is a perfect time to close your eyes and dream.  What would make these last few months memorable and endearing?  Step off the treadmill of busyness and give yourself permission to do something important.   

Nehemiah serves as a good biblical example of this for us. As cup bearer for the King, Nehemiah had been keeping his head down and simply doing his job when he received a “Wake Up Call” in the form of bad news from his brother.  The walls of the once great city of Jerusalem had been reduced to rubble, and Nehemiah’s people, now unprotected, were living in constant peril. Hearing this ignited a passion in Nehemiah and, after much prayer, he risked everything to pursue his ‘divine burden” of rebuilding the city walls. 

Is there something that desperately needs your undivided attention, or a passion you’ve kept on the back burner?   What’s one focus that would give your life more meaning and joy?  Like Nehemiah, pray, ask God for help… then blast off.  God will often wake us up from our slumber and use our passions to accomplish His plans on earth.  

If you’re brave enough to share your personal goal with us, we’d love to know, pray for you, and celebrate your pursuit!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Putting Peace in Place

Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; My perfect peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.  Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge. 
– John 14:27 (AMP)

I think we all could use a lot more peace in both our hearts and our daily calendars. Do you agree?

My “To Do” is currently more than a page long.  I’m juggling too many tasks to even think straight.  When my husband asked how I was doing this morning, I was immediately overwhelmed by unachievable tasks, stressful upcoming events, and the helplessness of other people’s decisions controlling my future.  

Are you fully at peace today?  Is it flowing like a river over your calendar and throughout your heart?  If so, amazing!  If not, there’s hope.

Since God wants us to ask for what we need.  I asked Him today for more peace by praying; “God let your peace rule and reign in my heart.  Take my anxieties, worries, and fears.  Wash them away and replace them with your perfect peace.”  

Then I thought about the verse in the Bible where Jesus is telling people to pray and ask God (the capitalization is mine).  

ASK and keep on asking and it will be given to you; 
SEEK and keep on seeking and you will find; 
KNOCK and keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you.
Matthew 7:7

James, Jesus’ half brother bluntly said, “We have not, because we ask not.”  (James 4:2)  As my brain rolled around the concept of ASK, I discovered a simple way to remember how we are to ASK.  Look at this! 

  • A – Ask: Pray and tell God what you need.  Be honest.   He’s listening

  • S – Seek: Search for God’s answers.  Be trusting.  He’s available

  • K – Knock:  Continue to act and believe.  He’s moving

Whether you need more peace, patience, power, or perseverance, ASK God who is gracious and generous to give to His children when they ask Him.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Surrounding You

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds His people both now and forevermore. 
– Psalm 125:2

As I wake up to cooler mornings, I must face the fact that summer is fading into autumn.  It’s time to pack up and move back up the mountain.  As you may recall, this is the second summer that we’ve temporarily relocated from our home in the mountains to a rental house in downtown Boulder.  The idea has been to have our kids experience life “in town,” where they’re closer to friends, school, and work.  Dan and I really like the isolation of the mountains, but have enjoyed the conveniences of nearby family, quick grocery runs, and pizza delivery.  Lots of pizza delivery…

But honestly, each time I’m away from the mountains, my soul screams, “Head out to the dirt roads, through the green gate, and back to where you belong – HOME!”  The two oldest teenagers, however, are protesting the return and already lobbying for next summer’s move.

I believe that God speaks more clearly to us in the places we love to be.  For me, that’s in the mountains.  How about you?  Is it the beach, a city, a farm, or your home in a neighborhood surrounded by family and friends?   Although our preferences are different, our proximity to God is the same.  He can reach us anywhere we go, wherever we are, because He surrounds us.  

Think of your favorite place to be.  Now imagine God right there beside you.  What would you say?  How would you feel?  How would you share your gratitude with God for creating your special spot? 

As summer says goodbye and fall arrives, make a plan to spend more time where you feel closest to God.  Take the hikes, walk along the quiet paths, sit near the water, look out at the mountains, across the corn fields, or up at the big blue sky and know for sure that God is surrounding you right where you are.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, August 26, 2016

A Good Thing

Keep in mind always that the ultimate one is Christ. 
– Colossians 3:24 (MSG)

Scott Nickel, one of the lead pastors at Flatirons Community Church in nearby Lafayette, Colorado, has coined the phrase “When a good thing becomes an ultimate thing, ultimately that good thing becomes a destructive thing.”  Let that sink in for a minute.  I find it to be incredibly profound and have, unfortunately, learned that truth the hard way more than once.   

Stop for a second and think about what is most important to you.  What or who would top your list: a spouse, children, career, traveling, working out?  Our lists vary but our hearts are similar.  It hit me last weekend while I was worrying about my husband finishing a long race that he used to be my ultimate thing.

When we first got married, my husband was my absolute number one priority.  We did everything together; dreamed, planned, played, traveled, and started a family together.  I ached when we were apart.  I clung to him when he was close.  I placed him higher than anyone or anything else, even God.  

When I made my husband, a good thing in my life, into my ultimate thing, he couldn’t live up to my expectations.  He wasn’t always in a good mood, or constantly kind, and he found my occasional roller coaster of mood swings confusing at times.  He wasn’t perfect.  It took me a while to realize that my husband could never be my God.  

If you have placed something or someone higher than God, it’s just a matter of time before you realize that they will always fall short of fully satisfying you.  No one and nothing can fill the “God space” in your heart.  When we make Jesus our ultimate someone, everyone else will then be in their right place.  And that is a good thing!

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Thursday, August 25, 2016

I Can't Possibly Please Everyone

3 o'clock wake up call
Am I trying to win the approval of men, or of God?  – Galatians 1:10

How often do you feel like you’re being pulled in too many different directions by family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and acquaintances vying for your time, energy, and emotions.

Recently, a close friend explained to me the tangled mess of an unfolding drama she was swept up in. I’ll spare you the details, but suffice it to say that just trying to follow her story made my head spin.  I completely understood why she was confused and questioned what her next step should be.  

Her predicament boiled down to this:  tell the hard truth or gloss it over in order to win others’ approval and better position herself within a relationship.  I knew she was going to make the right decision when she said “Everyone is telling me I should do this, but I don’t think that’s what God would approve of.”

Do you care more about winning the approval of others than of God?  I know that’s a tough question.  People can (and will) pick up the phone or text you to tell you exactly what they think. God’s direct line to you, though always open, is sometimes harder to hear.  That’s why knowing His word is vital to our life of faith and the decisions we make.

God makes it very clear about many things He disapproves of: murder, adultery, theft and the like.  His advice on some other things, like finding peace in difficult times or experiencing comfort in the midst of mourning, is a little more challenging.  The advice is there, but a little harder to find within the Bible’s 66 books and thousands of pages. 

If you desire to live God’s way and gain His approval, I have an idea for you.  There’s an App called Bible Gateway.  It’s free and can be downloaded from the App Store onto your phone.  The App makes the Bible accessible to you 24/7 wherever you go.  What I use most is the “search” function. Type in any word on the search line next to the magnifying glass icon and within seconds you’ll have a list of relevant scriptures.  

I’m certain that when we go to God’s word for clarity and direction, we instantly gain His approval.  God’s word contains His guiding principles and His good plan for your life.  When we follow God’s ways, we might not gain the approval of all those around us but we do gain the approval of the One who is most important on this earth and in heaven.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

A Daily Dose of Gratitude

I will give thanks to the LORD because of His righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High.– Psalm 7:17

I’m studying LOVE these days.  That might sound funny, but as I’m preparing to teach a six-week Bible study on Love starting in September, I’m digging for truths about love in the Bible in hopes of encouraging people to love God powerfully, love themselves purposely, and love others profoundly.  What I’m discovering is that our whole life can and should be lived as one long, continuous love story.  

This morning, I was directed to the book of Hosea.  Hosea was a minor prophet who lived more than seven hundred years before Jesus. His purpose was to remind the people of God’s great love for them.  Hosea tells of a marriage between a faithful husband and a wayward, adulterous wife.  The wife represents God’s people turning their backs on Him and worshipping false gods.  This broke God’s heart, but His love for them remained steadfast. (more on Hosea’s love story in September)

I discovered two truths written in the commentary section of my study Bible that confirm the importance of our 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call each and every day.  I hope they encourage you to continue waking up to God every day.

  • Truth #1Giving thanks to God is a daily practice that is vital to your faith walk.  “Like a loving husband or patient father, God wants people to know Him and turn to Him daily.”  That is what we are doing when we stop at 3pm: looking up, giving God thanks, and choosing to walk by faith.  

  • Truth #2 – Living a life infused with gratitude can change your world.  “Disaster surely follows ingratitude toward God.”  Have you ever thought that gratitude can save you from disasters?  That’s what the 3 O’Clock Wake Up did for me.  I was headed toward disaster as bitterness and anger overran my life.  What about you?  What could a heart full of gratitude save you from?

We all need reminders to stop, look up, give thanks, and live out our faith.  Our simple 3 o’clock alarm interrupts our busy days and gets our hearts and minds back on track, focusing on the most important love in our lives.  Today, let’s all say together – “I will give thanks to the LORD because of His righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the LORD Most High.” – Psalm 7:17

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Disappointment Dawns

Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around. – Proverbs 13:12 (MSG)

This past weekend we packed up the truck with our camping gear and my husband Dan’s long-distance running equipment and headed to Leadville, CO with high hopes of another successful 100-mile race.  We had started going to Leadville when the kids were in car seats and diapers, and now our eighteen year-old son was preparing to run with his dad throughout the night to support him from mile 76 to 86. 

The race began at 4 am in the cold Colorado mountain darkness.  Over six hundred men and women toed the starting line, with headlamps turned on to get them to sunrise.  Each had logged countless hours and thousands of miles to prepare for the next 25–30 hours of grueling climbs, steep traverses, and river crossings.  Each runner had a “crew” of friends and family following along to supply food, water, extra clothes, shoes, sunscreen, medical kits, love and encouragement.  Crews had to be ready for all types of weather and problems that could/ would arise in one hundred miles of running at high altitude.

The Busse crew linked arms with the crews of Dan’s training partners and friends.  We shared tips, food, laugher, and prayers.  Time warped as we leaped from one aid station to the next.  Hours felt like minutes in the constant bustle of unpacking supplies, tracking mileage, making predictions, cheering for other runners, and “hurrying up to wait” for our own runners to come in.  Minutes after they did, we’d hurriedly pack it all up and move ahead to the next aid station. 

When my 3pm alarm sounded, at hour 11 of the race, I noticed a growing gap between our pre-race time predictions and the runners’ actual pace.  By mile 50, Dan and his friend Tim were a good thirty minutes behind their “worst case scenario” time predictions and in danger of being pulled from the race for not making the next aid station’s time cut-off. It became clear that my husband’s pacer, from miles 50-76, would have to push him with focused intensity to make up for lost time.  As they took off, I prayed for God’s strength and endurance to fuel Dan.  He’d finished this race five times before, so I was confident that he could do it again.

By 9pm, my confidence was fading fast.  The race’s big mountain section, over Hope Pass and back, had never taken this long before.  When his pacer pulled me aside at mile 60 to tell me that Dan’s legs were shot to the point of almost being unable to run, and his motivation was wavering, I urged him to push Dan ahead just one more time to mile 76, so he could run the next section of the race with our son.  I’m not sure how he did it, but he got Dan the next aid station with less than a minute to spare. 

As Dan and our son Evan left that aid station at 3am, I knew their chances of making the next time cut-off were slim.   My mind thought back over the last few years of challenges we’ve endured raising our teenage son.  I asked God to help them, bless their time, and enrich their relationship. 

As the sun rose on Day 2, hour 26 of the Race Across the Sky, disappointment dawned.  The last aid station’s time cut-off arrived before Dan and Evan did. I wondered how his heart would take the defeat of not being allowed to finish.  When I saw them come in, with Dan smiling at Evan and congratulating him for pacing him like a champ and enduring the freezing cold mountain climb, tears of thanksgiving welled up in my eyes.  

The lasting memory of this race would not be one of failure, but one of where a father and his son, for the first time ever, ran together in pursuit of a goal.  Their love was more important than any race medal or memory of crossing the finishing line.  Their strengthened relationship was a far greater victory.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

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Monday, August 22, 2016


Worship the LORD with gladness. 
– Psalm 100:2

I’m really going to miss the Summer Olympics when they end.  Watching the games every night as a family has been a highlight of our summer.  When Simone Biles won the gold in women’s gymnastics all-around, I cheered and clapped.  When the final American swimmer touched the wall to win the men’s 4x100 meter relay, I jumped up and down alongside Michael Phelps and his teammates.  And when Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt kept his title of “The Fastest Man on the Planet,” my heart swelled thinking of all the children in his homeland inspired by his speed and contagious smile.  

It’s truly incredible to think of how much practice and preparation these Olympians have put in over the past four years.  To see their faces light up when they achieve their goals is inspiring and uplifting.  Victory certainly brings great gladness. 

What have been your favorite moments of the Summer Olympics?  Who has earned your respect and admiration?  What victories have caught your attention?  Whose gladness did you share?

My sixteen-year-old daughter volunteered this summer in the “memory unit” of a local retirement home.  The people she spends time with are the opposite of Olympic athletes: they’ve lost most of their physical strength and their minds don’t remember any of their past victories.  My daughter’s role there is to bring as much gladness into their community activities as she possibly can.  She plays games, colors, passes beach balls around in group circles, and thinks of creative ways to make the afternoon joyful.  Many nights this summer she’s shared with us how she’s actually the one made glad by being around them.  Knowing this also makes me cheer and clap.  

Like a parent, God is pleased when we are glad.  He made us and gave us our unique gifts and talents to use for a purpose.  When we thrive and find success, it’s an opportunity to thank and praise God.  When we serve others we can do it with gladness in our hearts.  

Whatever we do, gladness can be our companion.  When others see our gladness, it’s an encouragement for them to be glad as well.  You don’t have to win a gold medal to obtain gladness, it already exists in your heart.  You can tap into it by serving others or by giving God thanks for all your good blessings.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Know and Grow

He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it. – Philippians 1:6

I know that God tells us to pray to Him for direction before speeding ahead.  I know this.  Yet, looking back, I have spent years running ahead of God, only later turning back and asking Him to bless the road I had headed down.  Most of those roads led to dead ends, at which point I’d offer up some version of “Oh yeah, I was leading and not following again.  Sorry God.”

Do you ask God for guidance or help before you head in a different direction, or do you more often find yourself at the “end of your rope,” wondering why something completely failed, and reaching out to God to help pick up the pieces?  Aren’t you glad God continues to lift us up after we mess up, time and time again?

God is in the business of changing us if we will let Him be our guide. He desires to lead us into spiritual maturity. Many of us set physical or financial goals such as running in a race or building up a savings account, but do we set spiritual goals?

I challenge you to think of one area in your life where you would like to see spiritual growth. 

Here are two examples of how I’ve seen people work towards spiritual maturity: 

  • Trust – A friend was faced with a family crisis.  Against her admittedly “control freak” instincts, she turned her mess over to God.  An unexpected door later opened up that she believes could have only come from Him.  Her family walked through it and received the help they desperately needed.  It’s easier now for her to go to God first.  

  • Patience – A young mom knew she needed God’s divine patience while she waited for her unborn baby’s test results.  Instead of waiting alone, pacing away the hours, she asked people to pray for her child.  The peace she experienced from prayer allowed her to rest and God’s presence comforted her while she waited.

How is God molding and shaping you these days?  What are your spiritual goals for this season of life?  It’s great news to know that God is faithful to complete the works He begins in you.  He is leading you to grow!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Run With Perseverance

3 o'clock wake up callLet us run with perseverance the race that is marked out for us. – Hebrews 12:1

Today, August 20th if you are reading this, then I am in Leadville, Colorado supporting my husband, Dan, as he runs the Leadville Trail 100, The Race Across the Sky

A month ago, I believed my support would consist of cheering Dan on from the side of the trail, handing him water bottles, and encouraging him to eat something and rest for a few minutes every 20 miles or so.  I also pictured myself, come nightfall, asleep in the soft bed of a nice vacation rental house.  Now, with his brother and running buddy hurt and at home, I’m not only “crewing” Dan with supplies and support, but I’m also running with him through the night for the final 14 miles.  No more cozy vacation rental for this girl.  If I get to sleep at all, it’ll be for a few minutes at a time in a tent or the car.  Oh, and also, I’m in the worst physical shape I’ve been in since we moved to Colorado twelve years ago.

When was the last time you faced a physical, mental, or emotional challenge you felt unprepared for?  Have you ever found yourself helping someone else and thinking, “What if I’m actually hindering them more than helping?”  Or, have you been running the race you know God has marked out for you but still feel like quitting?

God uses race illustrations several times in the Bible to spur us on:

Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that entangles us so we can run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  – Hebrews 12:1

  • Many other believers in Jesus have gone before you.  They are cheering for you in heaven, so run with strength and never give up.  They want you to cast aside things hindering you, like guilt, shame, worry, and self-pity, and just keep going.

You were running a good race.  Who cut in on you to keep you from following the truth?  - Galatians 5:7

  • Those times when you’ve veered from living your faith in action.  What happened?  Who did you start listening to instead of God?  Go back to your race and press hard after the truth.  You are free to run, so run on purpose.  You can do it!

I will be living out these scriptures on Sunday night.  The goal is to get Dan to the finish line in less than 30 hours.  When he’s discouraged and losing heart (whining, he calls it), I’ll change the subject and focus him on getting to the next mile marker.  We’ll stay on the marked trail and refuse to sit down at the Aid Stations, because we’ve learned in the past that once you sit, getting back up feels impossible.  Lastly, I’ll tell him over and over that he’s running great and to “keep on keeping on, my love.”  

God is saying to you too, “Keep on running your race my love.” If you’re off God’s trail, get back on it today.  If you’re tired, throw off all that’s burdening you.  Stay the course and run with purpose toward the goal God has set for you. You can do it!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, August 19, 2016

An Anchor For Your Soul

We have this HOPE as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. – Hebrews 6:9 

With schools opening, fall sports starting, dear friends heading off to college, and nighttime temperatures dropping, I find myself asking, as I do every year, “where did the summer go?”

What summer memories did you make in 2016:  toes in the sand, fish on the line, hikes in the mountains, fireflies on the porch?  I hope you had so much fun!

My favorite summer memory was our family trip to Lake Powell.  We jumped off cliffs (I’m terrified of heights), swam all day, tubed behind the boat, ate late dinners, then flopped into bed exhausted.  One of the best parts was watching our eighteen-year-old son confidently drive the speedboat, laughing out loud when his quick turns sent his sisters twisting and tumbling off the tube, skidding across the water’s surface.  As I watched his silly laughter, I saw happiness that had been absent for too long. It seems like just yesterday that this handsome young man was my little boy.

In the past two and a half years, I must have prayed ten thousand prayers for him.  I’ve read everything I can get my hands on to try and better understand what growing up in our culture today feels like for our adolescents.  (I’m still perplexed, and glad my time was simpler).  With God as my anchor, my love for my son has never wavered and I have never let go of him as he twisted and tumbled through his teenage years. 

Even though my son is not heading to college with his friends and is on a different path than I might have chosen for him, I have an anchor of incredible hope that God is guiding his life in the direction He has chosen.  I have learned to trust God because my son is His child too.  

Our complicated lives can make us feel like small ships being tossed about in a sea of forces beyond our control.  In those times, our faith in God keeps us steady and secure.  He never gets tired of hearing about our hurts and hardships, and His strength is greater than anything we face.  So when in the storms of chaos, look up, thank God and reach for His steadfast presence, for He is the anchor of your soul.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Drift Begins Within

It is crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so we don’t drift off. – Hebrews 2:1 

I was stand-up paddle boarding with my husband one afternoon on a beautiful mountain lake. Everything was perfect.  The water was refreshing, the wind light was cool against our backs, and there was no one else in sight. 

A few minutes after my 3o’clock alarm sounded, though, everything changed.   Cumulus clouds rolled in, thunder boomed in the distance, and the wind began forming white caps on water that had moments earlier been smooth.  We quickly turned our boards around and headed back to the safety of the shore.  As soon as I turned my board around, I was hit by the full force of a wind powerful enough to push me and my board backwards.  I dropped to my knees to reduce the wind’s push and began paddling furiously forward.

Have your circumstances ever changed so quickly and dramatically that you were sent reeling backwards?  Did you fight to change things, or did you find yourself drifting along in a different direction, later waking up to wonder, “What happened?”

As I fought the wind that day, I was reminded of what I’d heard Andy Stanley, the lead Pastor at North Point Church in Atlanta, Georgia say just a few weeks ago.

“The drift begins within.” 

Every day, all of us are either drifting closer to God or farther away.  As we move closer to God, many days feel like we’re paddling against the current of our culture.  Take heart, it is worth the effort and the strength it takes to move closer to God, because the closer you are the more joy, peace, and hope you’ll experience, even in a storm.  

As the Bible says in Hebrews 2, “It is crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we have heard so we don’t drift off.”   We all need reminders to keep paddling and stay on course towards God.  

Your 3 o’clock alarm can prompt you to remember that when everything around you is causing you to drift away from your faith, grip God’s hand, fall to your knees and decide to paddle toward Him today. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

What We Believe is Who We Will Become

What we believe is who we will become
- Proverbs 23:7

Today is the final installment of my “Pearls of Joyce’s Wisdom” mini-series.  It’s a list of key truths that I wrote down while attending her FREEDOM conference last weekend in Denver. 

I love to learn from someone who has walked the road of faith before me, someone whose wisdom and experience can help me to avoid temptations and trials, and give me a more mature perspective on my life.

Here are the key truths she wants us to know and believe in our hearts:

  • God is good all the time.
  • God hears you when you pray.
  • God is greater than your problems.
  • God has the power to heal.
  • Nothing is impossible for God.
  • God is working in your life.
  • God gives you favor wherever you go.
  • You are changing and becoming more like Jesus everyday.
  • Your breakthrough is on the way.

What will you do with these words of wisdom from a woman who has walked with God for so long?  Can you borrow from Joyce’s beliefs and make them your own?

When we believe God’s promises, let’s sing His praises. (Psalm 106:12)

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Freedom From, Freedom In, Freedom To ..... Joyce Meyer Message #2

3 o'clock wake up callSo if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.  
- John 8:36

When it comes to teaching the Bible with authority and conviction, Joyce Meyer is an expert in my eyes.  What makes her such an effective teacher is that she gives people practical ways to apply the Bible to their lives.  I think the reason why real life application of God’s word is so important to Joyce is because the Bible saved her life.  

Joyce was sexually abused by her father while she was growing up in her parents’ home.  Her mother knew of the ongoing abuse but did nothing to stop it.  This horrific abuse damaged the way Joyce saw herself as a young woman, so it’s not entirely surprising that Her first marriage was to a man who lied, cheated and stole from her.  She reminded us at her Freedom Conference in Denver that although she “didn’t get a good start in life, she’s having a great ending.”

When you glance back at your upbringing, were you properly loved?  Were you protected and cared for by your parents?  What are some of your earliest memories you have with your family?  Our earliest home-life experiences significantly impact the way we see ourselves.  Our self-worth can often be tied to how well we were loved as a young child.  

Even though Joyce Meyer was hurt and abused by men in her early life, God’s love broke through the scars and healed her piece by piece.  Knowing and loving Jesus set Joyce free from guilt, shame, pain, and self-pity.  Therefore, she has the authority to stand on a stage and announce to thousands of people, “When the Son (of God) sets you free, you are free indeed.”  

But knowing the truth is not enough.  We must apply the truth to our lives.  Think for a moment. What have you broken free from?  Can you be free from that in every situation?  What does being free in that area allow you to do?  I’ll give you an example.

My friend Sue is free from overeating.  She now experiences real freedom with every bite. Although she is free to eat the whole bag of cookies, God has given her self-control to say, “one cookie is all I want.”  Now you fill in the blanks.

I am free from ___________________________________________  .
I am free in______________________________________________  .
I am free to ______________________________________________ .

Isn’t freedom wonderful!  Let’s thank God today for giving us a freedom from the things that weigh us down, trip us up, or hinder us from growing in faith.  We get to live in the Son’s freedom to do the life-giving things God has called us to do.  Run free my friend!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Shine Bright, Right Where You Are

3 o'clock wake up callArise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. – Isaiah 60:1 

Have you ever met someone who brightens a room with their presence?  Someone who, when they speak passionately about someone or something dear to their heart, seems to radiate a visible light?

Last week, I wrote about meeting a woman at Whole Foods who did just that. (If you didn’t read the post, I recommend that you take a few minutes to do so by clicking here.) Needing to know the source of her radiance, I interrupted the stillness between us and bluntly said, “You seem so peaceful and joyful. Where does that come from?”  That one question reached across the table and started a friendship between two unlikely women.

This morning we got to know each other over a long breakfast.  She grew up poor in several Southern cities.  I grew up in middle class neighborhoods of the Midwest and East Coast.  Her skin is black.  Mine is white.  She is thin.  I am not.  Her black hair falls past her shoulders in dreadlocks.  My blonde hair is straight as a board. I live comfortably, in a house with a family of five.  She lives with fifteen other women and sleeps on church floors every night, because she’s homeless.

I think she’s beautiful.  She thinks the same of me.  I believe the beauty we see comes from the depths of our hearts, where the Holy Spirit dwells.  From there, our faith shines bright and we encourage one another to follow Jesus every day, every step of the way.  

Every morning my new friend rises from her thin mat on the floor, folds her threadbare blanket, then packs all her belongings into a suitcase.  She brushes her teeth and washes her face in a borrowed bathroom, then sets out to shine God’s light to whoever she meets.  I’m so thankful God sent her to me last week. 

I asked her today if she’s scared to be homeless.  With a beaming smile she told me God is protecting her and she’s confident that she’s right where He wants her to be.  She believes she was placed with these fifteen other women to pray for them and shine God’s bright light into their difficult lives.  She brings the light of hope into a dark place.  

Where has God placed you to shine?  Right where you are! God can be your source of light.  You can radiate peace, joy, and love wherever you go and to whoever you meet.  You are beautiful too!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement


Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  - John 8:31-32

Joyce Meyer is one of my favorite Bible teachers.  For over forty years she’s delivered inspirational, thought provoking, and life changing messages of Biblical truth to audiences around the world.  I start every morning by reading a page of her daily devotional, and usually end up reading or hearing one (or more) of her other messages later in the day. 

Imagine my excitement these past two days, sitting among thousands of believers at Joyce’s FREEDOM conference in Denver.  Picture me with a smile on my face, scribbling furiously into the notebook on my lap.  It’s been a little slice of heaven for me.

Joyce’s message of freedom, delivered in her trademark rich, deep voice, was that Jesus didn’t die for us to live mediocre lives.  Instead, His life was given to set us free from bondage, slavery, and the prisons we lock ourselves in.  He cares about the condition of our hearts and desires for us to fully enjoy our everyday lives. 

From ministering to women in prisons around the country, Joyce has noticed that women behind physical bars can be more free than many of the rest of us.  She explained that while we may be free to move about in our lives, we can still be imprisoned by something that has too much control over us.  

What is that one thing that has too much power in your life?  Is it another person who causes you to view yourself negatively?  Maybe it’s what you use every day to cope with life’s stresses.  It might be a number on the bathroom scale that screams whether you’re beautiful or not.  Or, maybe it’s the title you think you need in order to be successful.  Whatever your “one thing” is, and we all have at least one, God wants to set us FREE from it.

The Bible encourages us to “Walk about in freedom after we seek God’s truths” (Psalm 119:45).  Start your journey today by talking to God about the “one thing” that’s hindering your full freedom in Christ.  He is ready to listen and wants to set us free.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, August 12, 2016

Why Worry?

3 o'clock wake up callWho of you by worrying and being anxious can add a single hour to your day? – Matthew 6:27 

I’m walking around like a zombie today because I lost three hours of sleep last night.  Why?  Because I was worried.  You name it, I was worrying about it.  Know what I mean?

I worried about my teenager’s turmoils, upcoming deadlines, emails I forgot to send, requests I had to decline, big family decisions, friends’ pain and loss, endless details left undone, big bills, my body, and the dog.  Yes, I even worried about the dog.  

I followed past advice I’ve shared with you before and counted my blessings instead of sheep.  That worked for a bit, until the doorbell rang around 3am. (What a terrible time for that Wake Up Call!) I jumped out of bed and stumbled to the window, fully expecting to see a police car, waiting with news about one of my teenagers dying in a car crash.  With my heart racing and sweat beading on my my forehead, I opened the front door to …. nothing.  It was only a bad dream.  

Where would you place yourself on the Worry-Meter these Days? 

Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:25 “Do not worry about your life…”  Some days, I’d like to say to Him, “Jesus, life is crazy.  Have you seen how fast I’m living it these days?  Please explain to me why, if worry can’t add a single hour to my life, that I seem to gain so many of them at night lying awake and worrying?”

As I’ve studied worry, I’ve discovered these truths from God.  I hope they encourage you as much as they do me.  

  • Worry Hurts –our body, mind, and soul
  • Worry Hinders – zaps our energy and affects tomorrow
  • Prayer Helps – prayer calms worry
  • God Hears – give your worries to God because He cares about everything
  • Trust Happens –choose daily to trust God
  • Reliance Heightens – reliance on God strengthens your relationship with Him 

It’s hard, but in the face of worry, let’s choose to rely on God.  We’ll feel lighter and sleep better!  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Take a Hike With God

3 o'clock wake up call“As your love in wave after wave crashes over me, crashes over me.  For you are for us.  You are not against us.  Champion of heaven you made a way for all to enter into your love.” 
–  Bethel Music. “You Make Me Brave” 

During the weeks leading up to August 11th of last year, I cried out to God every day asking Him to cure my dear friend and mentor Alice’s cancer.  It was the first time I’ve ever had to plead for a friend’s life.  I believed with all my heart that God could heal Alice.  He had the power to wipe away the invasive tumor.  Once God performed His healing miracle, I was sure Alice would write about it and tell the whole world.  I knew without a doubt that her short stories would encourage other cancer patients to be brave, cling to God, love abundantly, and give thanks, no matter what. 

Instead of answering my prayers and giving Alice a miraculous story to write about, God took her home to heaven.  My pleas for healing changed to shouts of anger. I told God His timing was all wrong because Alice had so much work still left to do on this earth.  I mourned the loss of my mentor who inspired me to step out into the deep waters of ministry and be brave in sharing the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call with others.  She was my source of bravery.  What was I supposed to do now?

Have you ever argued with God?  Have you ever told Him you knew better, that His timing was all off, or that He wrecked your beautiful plans? From experience, I can tell you that arguing with God gets you nowhere except more frustrated and disappointed.

After months of sadness and refusing to move forward, it was Alice’s husband who invited me to a grief meeting.  After we shared how we were doing, he said, “Laura, you’re really angry with God.  You will need to forgive Him to move on.”  At first I wanted to punch him, because the truth hurts.  Then, like an earthquake cracking hard-packed ground, something shifted inside of me.

I know it might sound weird but soon after, I scheduled a hike to talk with God and deal with my anger.  Because I was alone in the wilderness, I talked aloud to God and told him how mad I was about losing Alice.  I spoke candidly, “God what were you thinking?”  On and on I told God how so many of us relied on Alice and had so much more to learn from her. 

When I finally shut up, I knew that God had been listening because I felt overwhelmed by His presence.  I sat on the side of the trail and sobbed.  In the quietness of my soul, I heard, “Alice made you brave for a time. Now rely on me and I will guide you.  I will make you brave.”  

God’s closeness and His reassuring voice, prompted me to speak the words that I should have been spoken months prior.  “God, I am sorry.  I’ve been so angry with you that I forgot you are my source of strength, not Alice, not any one else, only You.”  As the words escaped my mouth, a wave of love flooded my heart.  Wave after wave, God’s love was washing over my sorrow, pain, heartache, and disappointment.  He was healing my broken heart with His love.  

God’s love is waiting to crash over you too.  He promises to be close when you’re broken- hearted. (Psalms 34:18) God has the power to heal you when the pain is paralyzing, and He can restore you after ruin.  

Will you shout to the Lord and tell Him how you feel?  No matter the circumstances you face, God is always there for you.  No one else but God can make you brave enough to keep moving though any hardship towards the great plans He has for you. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hour of Power

3 o'clock wake up callFor when I am weak in human strength, then I am strong, truly powerful, truly drawing from God’s strength. – 2 Corinthians 12:10 (AMP)

A woman I truly admire stopped me last week and told me that when her 3 o’clock alarm sounds in the afternoon, she’s usually exhausted and needs a nap, a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine to snap out of her afternoon lull.  She hugged me tight and said, “What I really need at 3pm, is more of God!”

Years ago the energy drink company, Red Bull launched a marketing campaign calling customers to fight their afternoon energy depletion by drinking a Red Bull every day at 3pm.  They actually called it a “3pm Wake Up Call.”  

When I saw Red Bull’s advertisement, I thought of what my friend said last week.  People don’t need to chug energy drinks to make it through the rest of the day.  What they really need is a Wake Up Call from God to be reminded that they have God’s power living in them to continue running their “race” and they can do all things that through God’s strength who lives in and through them.

Yes, the power of God is alive in you!  The Bible tells us that the same power that rose Jesus from the grave, lives in you. (Romans 8:11) Take courage, you can tap into God’s unlimited power.

It is true!  Even when you are weak and tired, the strength and power of God is always available. Take the apostle Paul as an example.  Three times he pleaded with God to take away the torment of the “thorn in his flesh.” God refused, saying “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weaknesses.”  This promise from God transformed Paul’s attitude from complaining about his weakness to boasting in the Lord.  God gave Paul a jolt of new energy and new perspective.

Our 3 o’clock alarms can do the same thing for us!  When you’re hit with the “tired stick” in the afternoon, lift your eyes to the One who has all the power you will ever need.  It is not weak to ask for help. You are not a coward when you look to God to strengthen you.  You are in fact brave when you truly believe you can draw strength from God above because His power lives in you.

Let your 3 o’clock alarm catapult your energy levels and attitudes to a place where you too boast and praise God for His unlimited power and strength.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Happy Birthday!

3 o'clock wake up callThe LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace. 
Numbers 6:24-26 

Forty-seven years ago today, my tiny twenty-two-year-old mom gave birth to a plump baby girl in a hot and humid North Carolina Army hospital.  She can’t believe her first child is closer to fifty than forty.  Her daughter can’t believe she just told you her age.  

Do you look forward to your birthday every year or do you dread it?  Do you hide your age or share it?  Do you act like someone younger?  Do you feel like someone older?  If you could do anything you wanted on your birthday, what would you do and who would you spend it with?

I will spend today with my two best friends.  First, I’ll study, write, and pray with Jesus in the morning.  Then, I’ll spend the rest of the day with my husband hiking, swimming, and hopefully eating lobster.  I say “hopefully” because the city of Boulder has banned the sale of live lobsters in grocery stores.  You can buy marijuana on almost every block, but you can’t get fresh lobsters… 

As I was planning my “special day,” I began to ponder my hopes and dreams for the year ahead.  I read Numbers 2:24-26 as a Birthday Blessing and personalized it for all of us.  Please pray it with me.

Lord God,
Bless me and keep me close to You.
Make your face shine upon me so I can feel your presence powerfully at work in my life.
Be forever gracious to me, especially when I stumble and fall.
Show me the plans you have for me and give me your peace along the way.
Lead me on Lord.  I will follow you.
In Jesus’ Powerful Name I Pray,

The best birthday gift you can give me today is to share the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call with the people you care about.  Introduce them to this simple pause and watch them wake up to God’s presence, power, and plans for their lives. 

I truly believe that gratitude to God has the power to change the world.  Someday soon, I pray that everyone, in every nation, will wake up to Him at 3pm and unite through thanksgiving!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, August 8, 2016

Happy Anniversary!

Let us spur one another on toward love. 
Hebrews 10:24

Today is my mom and stepdad’s first wedding anniversary.  Join me in toasting Bobbie and Norm!  Last summer. after years of dating and traveling the world together, they and the families of their five children gathered on the Maine coast to take part in their wedding – just one day shy of Norm’s 80th birthday.

Several years ago, our daughter Abby, then eight years old, called Norm over to the couch and motioned for him to sit beside her.  With Norm’s undivided attention, she made her case for why he should ask Bobbie (her “Mimi”) to marry him.  Besides the fact that they were in love, she pointed out, if he married Mimi, he’d also get three more awesome grandchildren.  (bumping up the total from six to nine).  Who could pass up a sweet deal like that?  At the time, he did.

Eight years later, in the middle of the night, Norm dreamed that he was back on that couch, hearing his granddaughter’s proposal again.  When he woke up, he decided to take her advice. 

A year ago today, Abby got her wish for more cousins and I finally got the sisters I’d wanted since I was a little girl. In fact, twenty-two of us, including Bobbie and Norm have been joined together.  I’d always dreamed of a big family and love made that happen.

God’s word is simple: He is love.  When we love others we are spreading God’s greatest gift.  He asks each one of us to spur one another on toward love.  

As we race through our days, it’s easy to take family for granted.  We assume they know we love them.  Today, let’s stop for a moment and thank God for our families: our parents, siblings, cousins, in-laws, and spouses. Let’s cherish our family and let them know they are loved; by God and by us.  

So pick up the phone, write the text, and give the hug.  Today let’s all toast “Family!”

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Dressing Up

3 o'clock wake up callPut on the Full Armor of God 
Ephesians 6:11

Yesterday we chatted about clothing ourselves with Christ’s compassion, gentleness, kindness, and humility.  Today, let’s dress for success and go to WAR and against the spiritual battles raging around us. 

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  - Ephesians 6:12

God goes on to describe the armor He provides us for the battles we fight every day:

  • Belt of Truth – Buckle it around your waist and ignore the enemy’s lies.  You are good enough because you are a child of God; loved, accepted, and forgiven by faith.
  • Breastplate of Righteousness – Slide it on to protect your heart from the temptations of today’s culture.  Following God’s right and just path is often difficult and flies in the face of what the world expects.
  • Shield of Faith – Grab it, lift it up, and fend off the the enemy’s attacks of insults, setbacks, and criticism.  Faith is your best weapon against fear.  
  • Helmet of Salvation –Strap it on and protect yourself from thoughts of needing to be perfect to be saved.  Your salvation comes solely from His grace. Trust in that alone. 
  • Sword of the Spirit – Your only offensive weapon!  Hold tight to God’s word and use it against the enemy.  Know that the word breaks chains and tears down walls of guilt and shame. Share the word with others, slice through the darkness and walk confidently forward in faith.  

Finally, be strong in the Lord and His mighty power.  Jesus has already won the greatest battle in history and is seated in heaven next to God cheering you on.  You’ve got this battle!  Fight strong, stand firm, and pray every day with thanksgiving in your heart.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Compassion Crosses Over

3 o'clock wake up callClothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  – Colossians 3:12

Joyce Meyer, one of my favorite Bible teachers, has said that when she gets dressed in the morning, she images herself “putting on” the characteristics of Christ.  I envision her first putting on a blouse that covers her heart with Christ’s compassion.  Then, she slips on her pressed pants and is reminded to walk in peace all day long.  Finally, when she dons a colorful jacket, she is surrounding herself with Jesus’ gentleness and kindness. 

What are some characteristics of God that you could display today?  Could compassion be your first response when a friend is late or makes a rude comment?  Can you show others your gentleness and patience while, say, stuck in line at the grocery store or with a crying toddler?  

Jesus had the amazing ability to cross over man-made boundaries with compassion, gentleness, and kindness.  One day, He and His disciples were traveling through Samaria.  Most Jewish men would have chosen to walk the much-longer route around the city, because they considered Samaritans to be an inferior mixed race.  Jesus, however, walked right through the city at mid-day, stopping to ask a woman at Jacob’s well for water.  She was shocked!  Jewish men didn’t talk to Samaritan men, let alone women.

To avoid the heat of the day, women traveled to the well in the early morning and again in the late afternoon to fetch water for their families.  Biblical scholars believe the woman Jesus met was there at high noon in order to avoid the other women.  The heat of their judgment of her sinful lifestyle must have been hotter and harder to bear than that of the sun. 

Jesus, too, knew of her secrets and shame.  Instead of the heat of judgment, he offered her His “living water” of forgiveness and salvation.  His loving compassion crossed the boundaries between them. 

Wherever you walk and whoever you meet, you can share God’s compassion with hurt and broken people.  Sharing God’s love in gentle, kind ways is humbly clothing yourself with the characteristics of Christ.  He is looking for people that will reach across boundaries, build bridges, and link arms with others, no matter where they’ve been or what they’ve done.  Will you?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, August 5, 2016

It's The Heart That Matters

3 o'clock wake up callMen and women look at the face; God looks into the heart. – 1 Samuel 16:7 (MSG)

When I was young, and my mom’s mother (Mamma) was alive, I remember holding her hand in mine and moving her loose skin around in circular motions.  I found it fascinating that her tissue-paper thin skin was so stretched out and wrinkly that I could move it from one side of her hand to the other, clearly seeing the veins and frail bones underneath.  As a young girl, I imagined that my Mamma’s hands had always looked like that.

But they hadn’t.  At one time, my Mamma’s hands were smooth, taut, and strong. They cooked, cleaned, wrote letters, hung laundry on the clothes line, ironed, picked pears, hugged, and held babies. 

Think for a moment what you do with your hands every day.  Who and what do you touch?  What do you move, hold, or love with your hands?  What do you enjoy doing with them?  Now look at both your hands.  Have they always looked like this?  Are they youthful or wrinkled, strong or frail?  

If your hands are speckled with age spots and wrinkled, there are plenty of anti-aging creams on the market for you.  “Cover-up and tighten up” is what the world tells us to do. But God doesn’t care if we’re wrinkled or smooth, tall or skinny, fat or thin.  He looks into our hearts and deeply cares about what’s inside.

What is inside?

Try this exercise I did with my Bible study a while ago:
  • Draw a large heart (your heart) on a piece of paper 
  • Divide the heart into 8-10 different sized pieces
  • Label each piece with a key word that describes a part of your heart (i.e. Love, Hate, Compassion, Anger, Jealousy, Kindness…)
  • Finally, imagine God sitting down to review your work

The first time I did this “Pieces of My Heart” exercise, I compared my heart to what I thought Jesus’ heart would look like.  How far I fell short was a rude awakening.  

What about your heart?  What labels do you need to change?  Let’s align our hearts with God’s and care more about our character than our clothes, cosmetics, or outward appearance.  After all it’s the Heart that Matters Most!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement