Monday, July 31, 2017

Teachable Moments

3 o'clock wake up call
Encourage one another and build each other up. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11

A young teacher in the 1950’s was thinking of creative ways to keep her classroom quiet, focused, and learning.  One little boy named Mark was particularly talkative.  Nothing the young teacher did seemed to decrease Mark’s off-task chatter.  Every time the teacher asked Mark to stop talking, he’d respectful reply, “Thank you for correcting me.” Mark would remain quiet for a few minutes but would always go back to chatting.  This went on for weeks.  Finally, at her wits end, the young teacher told Mark she’d tape his mouth closed if he didn’t “Shhhhh!”  

Less than three minutes passed when Mark’s best friend Chuck blurted out, “Mark’s talking again.”  The teacher had no choice.  She opened her desk drawer, removed a thick roll of masking tape, walked to Mark’s desk, and proceeded to tape a large X over Mark’s mouth.  As she returned to the front of the classroom to continue her lesson, she couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out laughing.  Then the whole class joined her. Once she removed the X from Mark’s mouth, he politely said, “Thank you for correcting me.”  This only caused more laughter to erupt in the room.

Years later this same teacher was teaching older students “New Math.”  She had many of her same students again including Mark and Chuck. One day when she could tell that her students were extremely frustrated with the lesson, she thought of a creative way to change the mood.  She asked the students to close their textbooks, take out a blank sheet of paper and write every person’s name down the left side of the page.  Then she asked them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each one of their classmates and write it next to their name.  As the teacher collected the completed assignment, Chuck handed his in with a huge smiling and Mark said, “Thank you for teaching me.”

The teacher spent the weekend compiling the papers and, on Monday, she gave each student the kind words the others had written specifically for them.  As the students quietly read their papers, she watched serious faces turn into huge smiles.  Comments and whispers were spoken, “I can’t believe it.  That’s so nice.  Thank you. Wow, I’m really liked after all!” 

Years passed and the teacher moved away from her hometown.  One weekend she returned to visit her family.  While home, her parents broke the terrible news that Mark had been killed in Vietnam.  Mark’s parents were hoping that she’d attend his funeral the next day.  The teacher sadly agreed.

At Mark’s funeral, one of the servicemen who had helped carry Mark’s coffin approached the teacher and asked if she’d taught Mark in school.  When she nodded, he said, “Mark spoke very highly of you.”  She quietly thanked him for his service and his kind words.  As she turned to leave, Mark’s parents and several classmates walked her way.  Mark’s father reached in his pocket and removed a folded, taped-up piece of paper.  As he carefully opened it, the teacher immediately recognized her handwriting.  Mark’s father said, “They found this on Mark when he was killed in battle.”  

One by one Mark’s classmates shared how they’d kept their own pages ever since.  Chuck kept his in his wallet.  Others kept theirs in a top desk drawer, tucked safely in their diary, or even framed in a wedding album. Everyone was thankful for the creative and kind way she had taught them about themselves.  If Mark had been there, surely he would have said, “Thank you for teaching us to be kind to one another.”

This young teacher had taught lessons of kindness that lasted well beyond that day’s class.  It had affected people’s lives.

As a third generation teacher, I don’t necessarily remember the math units I’ve taught.  But I do remember the friendships I’ve helped kindle, the encouragement I’ve given to special needs children, and the love I’ve shared with students going through difficult times.  

Jesus is our teacher. When he was asked what was the most important commandment from God. Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39) Our lives are to be led by love.  Love God and love others.  

Jesus’ lesson is simple: encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  Like a great teacher does, Jesus makes it clear what we are to do and draws us into the creative process.   

How will you create lasting memories of kindness, encouragement, or love that lifts others up?  This week, how will you turn serious faces to huge smiles?  When you do, don’t be surprised when you hear “Thank you for...”

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

(I re-told this story, “All Good Things,” which was written by Sister Helen P. Mrosla. It has been published in, among other places, Proteus, Readers Digest, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Stories for the Heart.)

Friday, July 28, 2017

Fail Forward

3 o'clock wake up call
If God is for you, who can be against you? 
– Romans 8:31

Most motivational speakers think of ways to inspire a crowd to reach new heights, achieve their goals, or strive to succeed beyond their wildest dreams. Success is the driving force that causes us to get up early, work long hours, and go to bed late.  Success is what fuels the fire in our bellies.  Success is the ultimate bulls-eye.  Right?

What if I told you that one of the best motivational speakers I’ve heard lately, Ryan Leak, told me not to aspire to success, but instead challenged me to “chase failure?” At first I thought he had lost his mind, but by the end of his talk, I was clapping and cheering.  Later, while watching his documentary, I was brought to tears.

Success may be what our culture craves, but God’s ways are not our ways, His thoughts are much higher than ours. Success is playing it safe and following the crowd.  Chasing failure takes courage, audacity, and real perseverance.  Ask yourself:

  • What would you do if you knew failure would lead you to God’s purpose for your life?
  • How would you spend today failing so you could be hitting God’s bulls-eye tomorrow?

It’s reported that Thomas Edison failed a thousand times before completing the light bulb.  Henry Ford failed, and went bankrupt, five times before the Model T.  Mother Teresa failed to raise enough funds for her first hospital, so she begged on the streets of Calcutta for more money.  The list of successful failures goes on and on.

The Bible also highlights many who failed miserably.  Peter denied knowing Jesus three times and failed his best friend and Savior.  God still called Peter to build His church.  Over 3,000 people believed in Jesus’ saving grace during Peter’s first sermon.  The woman at the well had five failed marriages and Jesus still used her voice to spread the news throughout her village that He was indeed the Son of God, the long awaited Messiah.  

Many ordinary people have become world changers and have left a legacy we honor today by failing and still moving forward.  That’s what God calls us to do.  Fail forward.  Yes, it will be humbling.  Yes, you will have times of frustration, embarrassment, and even self-doubt, but God promises that He is for you. (Romans 8:31).  And if God is for you, then no failure can stop you.  Press on and fail forward, into the future God has planned for you.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Keep Climbing

3 o'clock wake up call
Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. 
– Isaiah 41:10

They say “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” but this old dog is learning how to mountain bike this summer.  Boy, this sport has a lot of new tricks to learn and questions to answer.

How do I clip my bike shoes into the pedals?  More importantly, how do I clip them out before I crash? Which lever makes the hills easier?  How hard should I squeeze the brakes on the downhills?  Seriously, will these bike shorts always feel like I’m wearing a diaper? And most importantly, when will I get good enough to relax and just have fun?

You’d think that living in a bike-crazy town like Boulder, I’d be an excellent biker.  With 300 days of sunshine and bike lanes everywhere, the outdoor cycling options are limitless.  My concern is not so much biking around town, it’s getting home.  From town, the windy road to my driveway gains over 2,000 feet of elevation.  Bikers from all over the world venture to Boulder to ride “Flagstaff Road.” I’ve been driving it for twelve years, but now I’m training to bike it… soon.

What goals have you set for yourself lately?  Are you trying to learn a new language, a new craft, a new habit, a new skill?  If you haven’t set any new goals lately, take a moment and brainstorm a few right now.

Pastor Rick Warren, of Saddleback Church, is constantly challenging his church to set goals.  They lost thousands of pounds while following the Daniel Plan Diet.  They’ve sent hundreds of teams around the globe with the Peace Plan.  And they’ve raised millions of dollars to grow one of the most influential churches in our country.  How?  By setting goals and having the faith to believe with God their goals were possible.

God encourages us in His word to step out in faith and grow.  Paul thanks God for the people living in Thessalonica because their faith and love had flourished.  He writes, “I thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.” (1Thes. 1:3)

God also encourages us to face our fears when attempting to grow, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for am your God.  I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)  

I’m counting on God’s steady hand to hold me up every time I hop on my mountain bike and head out to tackle a new trial or steep hill.  We all need God’s encouragement to set new goals and keep growing in body, mind, spirit and soul.  Next year, when we look back on this summer, we should be able to see faith growth and share the goals we’ve achieved.  My goal, aside from being a stronger mountain biker, is to be a stronger believer in Jesus Christ.  How about you?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, July 24, 2017

Dream Big. Love Bigger.

3 o'clock wake up call
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him. – 1 Corinthians 2:9

Do you have larger than life dreams?  So big that you’re afraid to say them out loud for fear of people thinking you’re crazy?

I’ve been watching the Tour de France bike race with my daughter and husband this week.  Racing 2,200 miles over 21 days is grueling.  You can actually see the riders get thinner and thinner over the weeks.  The difficulties of the race, however, pale in comparison to the sacrifices the riders make throughout the rest of the year training for it.  They’ll spent thousands of hours on the bike, often alone and in bad weather, dreaming of one day crossing the finish line and wearing the winner’s yellow jersey.

You’re probably not thinking of competing in The Tour, but God has bigger dreams and plans for you than you can imagine. God promises that “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Cor. 2:9).

The critical question is not whether God has great dreams for you. He does. Rather, it is…Do you love Him?  Dreaming is easy, but loving an invisible God can be difficult at times.  Our relationship with God is no different than our close relationships with family and friends.  

We demonstrate our love to others, and to God by:
  • Spending time together.
  • Speaking our love.
  • Serving them.

It takes all three to enrich a relationship. If we rarely spend time reading God’s word, praying infrequently, and ignoring His prompts to serve others, then the flame of our relationship will grow dim, or die out completely.  It’s the same for all our relationships.  

This week, make a plan to spend some time alone with God.  Write TWG (Time With God) on your calendar and carve out space to be together. Tell God you love Him at 3pm, and all the other times He comes to mind during your week.  Thank Him for all the wonderful things He’s done for you. When God points out a way for you to step out and serve, move quickly and put your love into action.  

It’s while we’re loving God deeply that He’ll blow our minds with the incredible dreams He has for us.  Dream and love big!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, July 21, 2017

Endless Encouragement

3 o'clock wake up call
May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had. – Romans 15:5

It doesn’t take much for me to shed a tear.  An act of kindness in a TV commercial, a child singing enthusiastically at the top of her lungs, or a beautiful orange and pink sunset will all start my eyes leaking.  When I recently confessed this to a room full of women, I was shocked by the near universal “me too” response.  

Just today, I had to hide my tears behind sunglasses at the tennis courts as I watched a father teaching his seven-year-old daughter how to play tennis.  Instead of starting her out holding a heavy, awkward racquet, he patiently set her up for success by tossing a rubber ball back and forth over the net.  The ball was quite heavy for the little girl, so her father encouraged her to go slow and take her time throwing it back to him.  He modeled how to turn her body, lift her back arm up, and follow through with her swing after releasing the ball.  Although the little girl struggled to link the moves together, her dad never once lost patience or stopped encouraging her.  He would frequently shout out “You’ve got this!  Great swing honey! That one was amazing!”

I watched the young girl’s body transform from clumsy into confident.  By the time they walked off the court, her smile beamed up at her dad.  She said, “You know how you’ve always wanted to tube down Boulder Creek?  I think I’m ready!”  He put his arm around her shoulder and said with a smile, “You sure are sweetie.”

In the midst of that beautiful father-daughter snap shot, I thanked God for all the joyful memories my daughters have with their dad.  I also thanked God for being my father in heaven who never stops encouraging His children.  God sets us up for success, lifts us up with His words, and cheers us on non-stop.

Your father may have been loving and encouraging and you miss him so much because he’s no longer on earth.  Or your father may have been absent, distant, or even cruel and you miss not having that fairy tale father-child relationship.  We may all have different fathers on earth, but thankfully we share the same father in heaven.  

God is our faithful father who loves us each and every day regardless of our successes or failures.  He will never stop encouraging you to become more confident in your identity as His child, adopted into His royal family.  You belong to the Kings of Kings.  He calls you His very own daughter or son.  

Today, step into your rightful inheritance and walk with confidence because you know whose you are.  Beam up at God and take on the next challenge, because you know there’s no end to His encouragement.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

New Heights

3 o'clock wake up call
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. – James 1:2-4

As I jumped out of the boat and started swimming, it became crystal clear just how differently my teenagers and I view risk. As they get older, they’re pursuing higher and higher cliffs to jump off of.  As I get older, I’m more content to watch them from the safety of the boat.

Nonetheless, there I was out of the boat, paddling to face my fear of heights in what has become my annual Lake Powell cliff jump. Listening to their encouragement, mixed with a little taunting, I resigned myself to the fact that this year’s was going to be the highest one yet.  

With my toes on the edge, thirty feet above the water, I couldn’t look down.  After a few minutes, when I was about to let fear win and retreat to the boat, the teens suggested we play Categories. 

In Categories, one person calls out a “category” to the jumper such as a tree, or color, or holiday.  On the way down, the jumper has to shout out something that fits in that category such as willow, red, or Christmas, before they hit the water.  My middle daughter said she a category just perfect for me so, distracted by the challenge of the game, I jumped.

Bible verse,” she yelled.
I screamed back “First Thessalonians 5:18 – Give thanks at all times.”  I’m not sure how much of it I actually got out before hitting the water, but it felt like I was in the air a looong time. 

When I rose to the surface, I knew three things for sure: 

1.  Falling from that high up was kind of fun
2.  I didn’t ever want to do it again.
3.  If I did, I’d choose a shorter Bible verse, like John 3:16.

After convincing my kids that I’d sufficiently conquered my fears for this year’s trip, it dawned on me that giving thanks in the midst of a challenge, a test, or a trial is exactly what I needed to be thinking about while facing fear.

When James, Jesus’ half-brother, penned consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds (James 1:2), I imagine that people thought he was crazy.  Why should  we welcome trials and tests?  Wouldn’t it be better to live easy, storm free lives?

But God knew, in James’ time and in ours, that we grow and learn a heck of a lot more through the storms than through smooth sailing.  Wouldn’t you agree?

  • When you make it through a financial disaster with God’s help, don’t your priorities now align more closely with what God says is most important?
  • When you’re in the middle of a health crisis, don’t you pray more frequently and experience God’s presence in tangible ways?
  • When you watch a loved one head down a destructive path, doesn’t your reliance on God skyrocket?

Joy is possible in the storm if our eyes are cast on the One who is with us through it all.  The next time you’re tested, lift your eyes up and thank Jesus that this trial will bring new heights of growth and faith.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, July 17, 2017

But Who's Counting

3 o'clock wake up call
Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me?  Up to seven times?”  Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.” – Matthew 18:21-22

Are you like me in that when someone hurts your feelings, your thoughts stop in their tracks, your tongue gets tied, and your heart twists until it hurts?  It’s one of the few times that I find myself speechless. 

How do you respond when someone tells lies about you, ignores your pleas for help, or leaves you out on purpose?  Most likely, you feel hurt.  We all walk through this life being hurt… far too many times to count, it turns out.  

In these painful moments, when forgiveness is needed the most, I find that it is the hardest to give. 

But think for a second how many times God has forgiven you for all the mistakes you’ve made, both big and small.  Too many times to count, right?  

In Matthew 18, Jesus told Peter about a King who wanted to settle his financial accounts.  The King summoned a man who owed him a debt worth millions in today’s dollars, and told him to repay it immediately or he and his family would be sold into slavery.  The man fell to his knees and begged for the King’s mercy.  The King took pity on the man, cancelled all his debt, and set him free.  Right after this, the forgiven man found another person who owed him just a few dollars.  He demanded repayment.  When he was asked to show mercy and forgive this small debt, he refused and had his debtor thrown into jail.  When the King heard what had happened he said, “I cancelled all that debt of yours because you begged me to.  Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?” 

As the first man owed a debt too large to ever pay back, our sins may seem too numerous to forgive.  We’ve messed up millions of times.  Yet our Heavenly Father still forgives us.  As we’ve been forgiven, so should we too forgive.  But that’s a lot easier said than done.  What if the next time you’re wronged you…?

  • Remember all the times God had forgiven you.
  • Remain calm and look at things from the other person’s point of view.
  • Request God’s help to forgive and set you both free.

Forgiveness may be hard, but the drawbacks of not forgiving are far worse.  Un-forgiveness makes us slaves to bitterness, revenge, and anger.  We become prisoners to the very emotions God, our King of Kings, wants to free us from.  Who do you need to forgive today, for the seventy-seventh time?  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, July 14, 2017

Do Tell

I will tell of the kindnesses of the LORD, the deeds for which He is to be praised, according to all the LORD has done for us – yes, the many good things He has done…according to His compassion and many kindnesses. – Isaiah 63:7

Last weekend, I got a talking to from a Military Activist, a Creative Technologist, an Enlightened Educator, a Supersonic Traveler, a Healthcare Maverick, a Relationship Role Model, and a Performance Poet.  And I loved it!

I was at the TEDx Mile High conference, Point of Departure, riveted by each speaker’s passionate, thoughtful, and diverse perspective.  The Military Activist is working to eliminate sexism in the Marine Corps by advocating for equal, side by side training in boot camp.  Men and women are currently segregated.  The Healthcare Maverick is an ER doctor making house calls in a Prius in order to improve patient care and reduce medical costs.  And the Performance Poet brought us to tears, then had us on our feet applauding, with his impassioned call on Latino men to break free from cultural limitations and choose love instead.

Although topics varied widely, I noticed a common theme: as the speakers shared their dreams, no matter how impossible they seemed, their perseverance and passion caused the listeners’ hopes to soar.

What if… we as believers in Jesus Christ shared our GOD Talks with an equal amount of tenacity and energy?  What if we boldly professed our faith stories?  Someone could take the stage and share:

  • God is real because He spoke to me this morning.
  • Only God could have saved me from despair.
  • I’m proof that no one is too far from God.

Isaiah 63:7 encourages us to tell of God’s kindness and His praiseworthy deeds.  God knew that when we do, our faith will soar and others will be inspired.

All of us have GOD Talks within us.  Think of a time when you knew that you knew He was right there with you.  A time when joy or peace washed over you in the midst of crisis.  When someone was miraculously healed, or your faith was renewed by recognizing God’s overwhelming power at work in your life.

I challenge you to close your eyes and search your memory bank for a GOD Talk you could give.  Remember a time when God touched you.  How were you changed? Then, in a few sentences, describe your GOD moment.  That’s your GOD Talk!

Share your GOD Talk with someone this weekend.  And share it with us.  Email your GOD Talk to and I will compile them.  With your permission, your GOD Talk could encourage many people that God’s kindnesses are worthy to be praised.

Do tell!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


3 o'clock wake up call
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. – Hebrews 12:28-29

As things start to dry out here in Boulder, forest fires become more and more of a concern. Fire bans go into effect, and Smokey the Bear signs start popping up, telling us that “only you can prevent forest fires.”  It’s easy to tune it all out, until you get the call.

Last week, mine came from a friend, telling me that there was a grass fire at a trailhead near our house.  It had been five years since the last time I’d gotten a similar call, but the feelings came rushing back like it was yesterday.  The heart pounding, panicky sense that something big was happening and I was no longer in control.  My teenage daughter was home alone and not answering the phone (probably sleeping in again), and my mind leapt to her being trapped up there for days.

I had been trapped at home back in 2012, when a lightning bolt started what turned out to be a huge forest fire about half mile from our backyard.

From our back deck, I watched the helicopters overhead dropping hundreds of gallons of water and bombers laying down precise lines of bright red fire deterrent.  I had front row seats to the show because our home was one of the closest structures to the fire.  

To suppress the panic, I lifted my eyes above the flames up into the blue sky.  I prayed to God to protect our home.  I prayed for the fire fighters’ strength and stamina to squelch the growing flames.  I prayed for a miracle.  I believed with all my heart that God’s power could control even a blazing forest fire.  

Leaving the fire in God’s hands, I went back to evacuating.  Surprisingly, as I scurried from room to room packing suitcases and removing pictures from the walls, I was filled with a sense of peace.  After an hour or so, I sensed God was up to something and went back to the deck to check the status of the fire. 

The sky looked beautifully surreal. Columns of black smoke swirled upwards as if being slowly inhaled by the few white cumulous clouds that dotted the otherwise brilliantly blue sky.  On the ground, roaring orange flames consumed pine trees like matchsticks violently juxtaposing the peaceful scene above.

Then, without a thunder clap or any real storm clouds around, it started to rain.  I stood awestruck, silently at first.  When the reality of God answering my prayer hit me with full force, I cried out, “Thank You, Thank You, Thank You God!”

As if to say “you ain’t seen nothing yet,”, God then threw in a large dose of hail.  Yes, rain and hail fell from heaven, drenching the forest fire right in front of my eyes.  As I danced and praised Him on my deck, I knew our God is still more than capable of miraculous signs and wonders today.   

Throughout the Bible, God’s presence is often witnessed through fire.  God spoke to Moses through a burning bush.  He directed His people, the Israelites, through the desert by a pillar of fire.  And in Hebrews 12, God is referred to as a “consuming fire.” 

God’s miracles come in different sizes.  Some are tiny and often go unnoticed, while others are huge and stop us in our tracks. Where do you see God’s presence in your life this summer?  Praise and thank Him, today and every day, because His presence is truly miraculous!   

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, July 10, 2017

Dark Clouds

3 o'clock wake up call
Why are you downcast, O my soul?  Why so disturbed within me?  Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God. My soul is downcast within me, therefore I will remember You. – Psalm 42:5

Sometimes, no matter how upbeat, smiling, and happy-go-lucky we start out, the day takes an turn for the worse.  It might be a mean spirited email, a rejection letter, a doctor’s report, or a phone call conveying an unwanted change in plans. 

When that happens, it feels as if a dark cloud has moved in.  If you’re like me, those clouds tend to linger overhead longer than they should.  

I’ve learned the hard way that no matter how comfortable we attempt to make our lives, disappointment dawns on days we never invited it in.  We’d never schedule disappointment on our calendars, right?  So what does God say to do when that dark cloud lingers or grows into a huge summer storm?

Psalm 42:5 gives us three things to do to fight depression or a downcast spirit God’s way.  Place your HOPE in the Lord by:

  • Remembering – God’s goodness in the past.  How has He restored your soul before today? Reflect on God’s hand at work in your life up until today.
  • Repeating – God’s name.  Who is He to you? Your Savior, redeemer, healer, helper?  Call upon the name of the Lord you need today.

  • Rejoicing – Give God thanks and praise for what is unchanging in the midst of your despair.  God’s character is constant – He’s always loving, compassionate, close to the broken hearted, and the wind and waves still know His powerful name.

Here is a 3 R prayer you can pray today or any day you face a dark cloud above.

Lord God,
I will remember how You always come through for me.  When I am weak, you are strong.  You have lifted my spirit and renewed my soul in the past, so I believe you can help me today.  You are my strong rock in which I stand, my rescuer from all storms, my Savior.  I thank you for your comfort and closeness.  Thank you for loving me and walking with me through the darkness.  Remove my despair and renew a right spirit in me.  I will praise you even in the storms of life.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, July 7, 2017

Shhh... Don't Tell

3 o'clock wake up call
But Esther had kept secret her family background and nationality just as Mordecai had told her to do, for she continued to follow Mordecai’s instructions as she had done when he was bringing her up. – Esther 2:20

When should we keep a secret?  When should we tell? Are some secrets “good,” and others “bad”?  Could secrets really be lies in disguise?

Years ago, a close friend shared a secret had left several generations of women in her family scarred and broken.  It’s a secret that is unfortunately far too familiar to many girls growing up in America.  One man; a grandfather, father, uncle or brother, inappropriately touches the girls growing up in the house, but for some reason none of them talk with each other about it.  

Why is that?  Could it be that the enemy works hard to convince us that shameful secrets are better kept hidden than shared? 

In the Bible, Esther knew what it was like to keep secrets.  When orphaned as a young girl, she was left in the care of her Uncle Mordecai.  Mordecai raised Esther to be proud of her Jewish heritage, but asked that she keep it a secret from Xerxes, the King of Persia.  Even as his wife, Xerxes did not know she was a Jew.  It was not until Esther learned of a plot to kill all the Jews in her land that she gathered the courage to share her secret with the King.  She bravely decided, “If I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:16)

Once the King knew Esther’s secret, her true identity, he issued a decree to protect the Jewish people.  Esther is a hero, because she told her secret with faith, courage, and for a much greater purpose than herself. 

God is our King and He already knows all our secrets.  Nothing is hidden from Him.  Yet He still calls us His daughters and sons and loves us unconditionally.  

Sometimes He calls us to share our secrets with others who have the power to help.  

If God is nudging you to share a secret, then like Esther, you might want to gather the courage to say “For such a time as this,” and tell it for the good of yourself and others.

Be brave.  When we share our secrets with our King and others who can help, goodness can bind-up the brokenness, and scars can start to heal.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

A Miracle

3 o'clock wake up call
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. – Psalm 139:14

By far, my least favorite thing about summer is bathing suits.  Around Spring Break, when it again dawns on me that bathing suit season is right around the corner, I make a plan to start slimming down.  But somehow, summer finds me before I lose the pounds.

As I packed up the pool bag today with towels, sunscreen, my bathing suit, and a long cover up, I heard familiar voices of condemnation in my mind.  No cover up could ever cover up all that cellulite.  The people at the pool are going to notice you’re wearing last year’s suit, and they would have to be blind not to notice that it’s tighter now.

I shoved my bathing suit into the side pocket as my mind drifted back to last summer.  I’d ordered this “miracle suit” online after reading how it takes 10 lbs. off your figure (once you squeeze your body into it).  That’s pretty miraculous, I’d say. You might want to hold off on getting one for yourself, though.  I’m still waiting for my miracle.

That wasn’t the case for all the people Jesus touched.  Wherever Jesus went, miracles happened.  I’ve often thought wouldn’t have been easier if Jesus could have walked into a village, lifted his hand to heaven, and prayed for all the sick or lame to be healed in that moment.  Instead Jesus spent His moments with individuals.  One by one Jesus’ touch healed; one dying girl, one demon possessed boy, one paralytic on a mat before Him and one lying by a pool, one leper named Simon, and one desperate woman named Mary.  

One.  When God made you, He made you one of a kind.  There is no duplicate of you anywhere.  He fearfully and wonderfully made you in His image for the good purposes He planned long ago.  Have you ever taken the time to think…God could have placed you anywhere, in any time period, yet he chose your exact birthday and used your parent’s unique DNA to create what He calls a masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).

From God’s point of view, you are His beloved, beautiful child.  He overlooks your physical flaws and looks directly into your heart (1Samuel 16:7).  Too often we focus on our cellulite, wrinkles, acne, nose, and thighs, missing the fact that God sees us fully and loves us completely.  

I’ll most likely be at the pool when my 3pm alarm sounds.  I’m pretty sure I’ll need this reminder.  How about you?  

Today’s Wake Up Call from God: You are beautiful inside and out to the One who made you in His image, for His delight. God will never criticize what He created.  He only cheers you on and sees you as a miracle.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, July 3, 2017

In Pursuit

3 o'clock wake up call
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. 
– John 17:3

This summer, I am reading A.W. Tozer’s book, The Pursuit of God for the third time.  I’ve found it to be packed full of profound lessons on the value of spending time alone with God. 

A.W. Tozer (1897–1963) was an uneducated man.  His remarkable spiritual intelligence came from spending numerous hours in the Word of God, listening to the Holy Spirit.  Isn’t that wonderful!?  You don’t need a degree in God to know Him, you just need a seeking mind and a desiring heart.

I know all too well that spending time with God in the middle of our busy days can seem like an impossible demand.  From the moment our feet hit the ground in the morning, we rush from place to place checking items off our list.  We eat food on the go, return calls in the car, and text at stop lights.  No wonder we’re exhausted before dinner.  

I had thought it must have been easier for Tozer seventy years ago.  Wasn’t life so much simpler before cell phones and the internet?  Tozer felt differently, describing much of what we see today: busy, distracted people who are stagnant in their faith. 

“Complacency is a deadly foe of all spiritual growth.  Acute desire must be present or there will be no manifestation of Christ to His people.  He waits to be wanted.  Too bad that with many of us He waits so long, so very long, in vain.” 
(The Pursuit of God, page 17)

As a teacher, I feel compelled to simplify and personalize this quote for us.  I think Tozer is telling each one of us -  When you become “fine” with not growing spiritually, then you miss out on experiencing God’s real presence and power in your everyday life.  God is waiting for you to wake up and know Him more.

The Holy Spirit wants to guide you into a deeper knowledge and intimacy with God your Father and Jesus your Savior.  The Spirit wants to awaken you to God’s desire to be known by you.  The Spirit reminds you of God’s promise; when you seek Him with all your heart, He will be found by you (Jeremiah 29:13).

The first time I read The Pursuit of God was in 2011.  I wanted to know God more, but with three young kids, I didn’t have a lot of time to spend with Him in prayer, reading the Bible.  I did, however, have the habit of my 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call.  So every week, I chose one or two Bible passages that would help me know God more, and loaded them onto my phone.  When my 3pm alarm sounded, these truths about God popped up in the middle of my busy day.  

I didn’t realize it then, but tucking truths about God deep within your heart combats complacency and increases intimacy.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement