Time Magazine just came out with a Special Edition called, The Science of Relationships. I find it thrilling when scientific research backs up what God has been saying for thousands of years.
God designed our hearts to love Him and love others. Nineteen different times in the Bible, God commands us to love one another. He knows life is rich and rewarding when it’s filled with love. Science also shows that this makes us healthier.
Choosing to love God, yourself, and others can sometimes complicate life and challenge us beyond our heart’s capacity. But these are the opportunities God uses to stretch our hearts so we can love like Him and create the “love stories” that make life so valuable.
Follow along with these love stories and imagine how you would feel. Would you make the same choices?
- A young couple in love chooses to get married even though the wife was recently diagnosed with terminal breast cancer.
- A husband and wife receive the news that their unborn child has Downs Syndrome. They choose to birth the child and raise him in a loving home.
- A wife discovers her husband is addicted to pornography. She chooses to stay by his side and walk with him through recovery.
- A single mom works three jobs, six days a week. She chooses to work long hours so her children can attend a safe school.
- Parents choose to love and pray for their teenage son who is trapped in a dangerous lifestyle of drugs and illegal activity. They never stop believing God will one day save their son.
- Grandparents choose to retire early so they can take care of their grand-daughter while her mom finishes college.
- A healthy woman chooses to sell her home and move into assisted living with her husband who has Alzheimer's Disease. She spends all day and night caring for him. He has forgotten who she is.
The path of love is a choice. Will you press on to love God, yourself, and others more powerfully and purposely… even when life is hard and you want to give up? God is calling you to love every day. My friend, press on in love and fill your life with love stories. You will one day look back upon your years and be thankful for each and every love story lived. I believe in you. Press on in LOVE!
Engage With God - Read and Reflect
DAY 26 – Press On in Love
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:14
Press on toward the goal to love God, yourself and others more powerfully and purposefully. Each day brings opportunities to choose love. Choosing love will fill your life with love stories and lead you on towards your best life.
Real Life Reflection Questions:
1. Which love story pierced your heart the most? Why?
2. How will you continue to pursue a life a LOVE! once this Bible Study ends? Write your goals or action plan here:
Lord God,
This Bible Study has come to an end but I know this is just the beginning of filling my life with love stories. Help me love like You love Lord. I want future generations to see You through my life. Guide me as I press on to love You, myself and others more and more with each new season in life. Lead me on. I will follow you.
In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen
TODAY’S THOUGHTS – I Press on to Love More Powerfully because ….
Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.
Philippians 3:13-15 – (Read and Record Highlights)
My Prayer for YOU! – May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. – 2 Corinthians 13:14
Thank you for journeying with me in Love! Much Love, Laura
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