Friday, April 28, 2017

A Stinkin' Mess

3 o'clock wake up call
God’s love keeps no record of wrongs. 
– 1 Corinthians 13:5

Do you ever feel like the condition of your house mirrors that of your soul?  When the kitchen looks like a bomb went off and you can’t walk from one room to another without stepping over piles of dirty laundry, don’t you feel a mess inside?  If the bathroom looks and smells like a Porta Potty, do you just hold your nose and quickly escape?

I do, and I’m guessing I’m not alone.  

Recently, the concept of our surroundings reflecting our souls was taken to a whole new level for me.

I had taken our dog, Henry, for a quick jog on a bike path during my daughter’s soccer practice.  Because the local law says to “scoop the poop,” I stuffed a green plastic bag in my jacket pocket… just in case.

Sure enough, Henry went for it in plain sight of several other runners.  So, as a law abiding citizen, I stuck my hand in the bag and picked up the soft, steaming mess (one of the grossest feelings ever). With no trash bins nearby, I carried the bag with me.  When we came to the part of the path where dogs can run off leash, I unhooked Henry and draped the leash around my neck.  Off we ran.  Boy, did that poop bag stink.  I couldn’t wait to get rid of it.

Finally, we reached an official “poop drop” bin and I hastily made my deposit.  We ran on.  The stink followed us.  The bin had been overfilled and I had been blown back by its stench, but we should have run clear of it by now. The poop smell must have gotten caught in my nose.  The more I ran, though, the more it smelled.

When we got back to the soccer fields, I pulled the leash from around my neck to hook Henry back up and saw it…“OH CRAP!”  

Henry had dragged his leash through his poop while I had been preparing the scoop bag.  When I draped the leash around my neck, I’d essentially perfumed myself with poop!  I jumped up and down, disgusted.  I couldn’t believe the mess I’d gotten myself into.

At the soccer fields, there were no bathrooms, just Porta Potties without running water.  My car had only dry napkins, so with the little water left in my water bottle, I moistened one and scrubbed my neck like I was rubbing off… well yes … dog poop. 

I threw out the evidence and sat in the car waiting for my daughter’s practice to end.  Almost immediately after getting in the car, she said, “Mom, this car stinks like dog poop.”  Defenseless, I quietly replied “It’s not the car honey, it’s me.”

How often do we get ourselves in huge stinkin’ messes?  We can’t blame anyone else when we wake up with regret or remember the hurtful words we said.  How painful!

Aren’t you thankful that God’s love cleanses us completely?  His word says that He removes our messes, mistakes, our sins as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12).  That’s far!  Thank you God, we can’t smell ‘em from that far away.

Today, no matter what messes you wallow in, step over, or clean up, be grateful that God’s love keeps no record of wrongs and Jesus’ blood poured out for you, cleanses you of all your mess ups and sins (1 John 1:7).  That’s stinkin’ awesome!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Cancer and Clouds

3 o'clock wake up call
Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. – 1Peter 5:7

Raise your hand if you hate cancer! 

Cancer stole my grandparents, Mama and Papa, way too early in my life. Cancer took my dear friend and writing mentor, Alice while we still had time to spend and stacks of stories to go through together.  And now, cancer has its claws in my friend Jane.  It angers me to think that Jane’s grandchildren will grow up feeling the same awful loss I did.  I hate cancer.

Just like the enemy, cancer steals strength and destroys dreams.  It knows no boundaries and usually sneaks up on us when we least expect it.  But God, can even use cancer in and around us to wake up to what’s most important in life.  

Cancer is a reset button for our priorities.  It expedites “Bucket List” activities and increases “thank yous” and “I’m sorrys”. Cancer also teaches us important truths… if we’re willing to slow down and listen to those who have fought the awful battle against it:   

  • My Papa before he died, would have told you that bad things do happen to good people, but God, He is always good.  
  • Alice would have encouraged you to give thanks in all times.  Even in times of pain, sorrow, loss, and disappointment, giving thanks invites God into the center of your life.
  • Jane would convince you today that the peace of God is real, and it really does surpass all understanding.  She exudes peace while dreaming of her new body in heaven.
  • All three would also reassure you that perfect love does in fact defeat fear because they weren’t, and aren’t, afraid to die.  

I spent some time with God today to “cast my cares” on Him.  More accurately, I chucked cancer at Him and told Him it was time for a cure.  As I sat in His presence, I quietly watched the clouds overhead slowly shift direction and change shape.  I got the sense God wanted to do the same thing with my thoughts and emotions.  

Instead of being caught up in despair, I smiled while remembering fun trips I’d taken as a little girl with my grandparents.  Papa was right.  Bad things do happen to good people. Health, wealth, power and position; the things of this world are fleeting, but God is forever good. 

I thanked God for His goodness.  Then I couldn’t stop thanking Him. I thanked Him that my legs could hike, my eyes could see, my arms could swing, my knees could bend, and my hands could pray.  Could watching a friend battle cancer actually give me a more grateful outlook on life?  I think so.

What about you?  

  • Can you be thankful for what you have and can do today instead of allowing despair to steal your joy?  
  • Can you cast all your cares on the One who is more than capable of carrying all your hurt and pain?   

Maybe the people we lose in this life live on through us as we adopt and live out their wisdom and understanding.  When their truths become ours, our hearts still beat together.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, April 24, 2017

Numero Ono

3 o'clock wake up call
The greatest among you will be your servant. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. – Matthew 23:11-12

This past Christmas, my husband got a package of trinkets from his company: pens, coffee mugs, a blanket, etc… emblazoned with the company logo.  It also contained a “selfie stick.”  If you don’t already know, a selfie stick is a lightweight telescoping pole that allows you to hold your phone about three feet away from you, press a button, and take wide angle pictures: more people and more scenery… with you in the center. Who knew?

I chuckled a bit thinking of me or Dan trying to use it.  We have a hard time just finding the camera function on the phone.  My daughter and her friends, though, would have it mastered in a few minutes, almost like a third arm.

I think it’s safe to say that the “selfie” photograph is symbolic of a culture that encourages putting ourselves at the center.  Every day, we are encouraged to get what’s ours, be our own boss, and be an army of one, because we deserve to be successful.

But God sends us exactly the opposite message through His word and by Jesus’ example.  God reveals the truth in Matthew 23, that He will exalt the humble.  In Philippians 2:1-4 we are called to imitate Jesus’ humility by being like minded, loving, and humbly valuing others’ interests more than our own.

How often do you get up in the morning and are motivated to walk humbly throughout your day?  How do you think others would respond if you purposely left pride at home and became a humble servant to them?  How would it make you feel about yourself?

Rick Warren has a thought provoking definition of humility. Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”  Isn’t that an awesome message for our culture today?
In preparation to teach my Bible Study ladies last week on the benefits of following Jesus’ ways of humility, I made up a game that, ironically, was a twist on one originally designed to focus on #1: UNO.  
I changed the rules to better match up with God’s economy of humility.  Instead of trying to win yourself, your goal was to make someone else win.  So, for example, when you’d play a “Draw 4” card, YOU would take the extra cards instead of them, thereby hurting your chances to win. That meant we were playing differently than we’d ever played before.  (And for the really competitive, it was hilariously difficult.)
But in the end, the room was filled with laughter, competitiveness, and true joy in seeing someone else win.  We had exchanged our culture’s economy for that of God, and we felt GREAT!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, April 21, 2017

Mercy, Love, and Hope

3 o'clock wake up call
Our love should not be just words and talk; it must be true love, which shows itself in action. – 1John 3:18

A few days ago, I exited the highway and saw an older man in a wheelchair begging at the end of the off-ramp.  The car in front of me, which ended up stopping right next to the old man, was a dirty beat-up Subaru (the official car of Boulder). Because the number of heads inside, bobbing up and down to the beat of the stereo’s thumping bass, exceeded the number of seat belts, I figured it was full of teens. 
When the driver noticed the man in the wheelchair, he quickly turned down the music and reached into the middle of his car.  It looked like he was digging around for something.  (No joke, my first thought was that he was probably going to give the man a joint to smoke to help him with his pain.) 
The light turned green but the Subaru stood still.  Suddenly, the front door flung open and the driver ran over to the man. He emptied the change cupped in his hands into a plastic bag hanging from the wheelchair.  Then, the boy quickly rifled through his jeans pockets, front and back, in search of more money.  Finding a few dollar bills, he triumphantly held them up to the sky, then added them to the bag.  
He quickly patted the older man on the shoulder as if to say “You’ve got this!” then, like a little child on a playground, joyfully skipped back to his car.  Yes, he skipped!  Inside the car, I could see hands high fiving each other and hear laughter coming from the Subaru.    
Tears stung my eyes.  All I could say was, “Thank you God!  There is hope for these teenagers.”  Because the light was still red, I opened my car door and walked over to the gentleman. I placed a handful of granola bars also in his plastic bag, patted him on the shoulder and wished him a blessed day.  I glanced over at the young boys and smiled.  
Then didn’t need a mom to tell them “Great Job!” though. They had already shown that the power of cheerful giving had rushed through their veins and filled their hearts with joy.  
That young boy reminded me of the mercy and love the Good Samaritan showed to a complete stranger in the Bible.  When the Good Samaritan happened upon a man beaten and left for dead in a ditch, he stopped to care.  He gave his time and money, expecting nothing in return. 
My city, like many others, is perplexed about how we’re to help people begging on our streets.  Some people ignore them.  Some call the police to have them removed.  Others care, share, and show love to these complete strangers in need.
In my mind, those teens in the dirty, beat-up Subaru are a modern day example of Jesus’ love on earth.  I believe if Jesus came back today, He’d behave just like the young boy did.  He’d give all He had, encourage with a touch, and love everyone.  (He’d probably heal the man as well.)  The young boy did all he could in that moment, which ignited a chain reaction of mercy, love and hope. 
Who can you reach out to today or this weekend to show mercy, love or help to?  Who needs help in your corner of the city?  
When our hearts fill up with mercy, we will give and help others no matter who they are, what they look like, or how well we know them. If we believe mercy and cheerful giving exemplifies God’s love on earth and increases our joy, we’ll find a way to express it soon.  And when we do, we might just find ourselves skipping a little bit too.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Hope out of Hemp

3 o'clock wake up call
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
 – 1Peter 1:3

Tourists from around the world flock to Colorado in order to explore our ski slopes, mountain peaks, hiking trails, and now… marijuana dispensaries. 

Searching Google for “places to buy marijuana” in my hometown of Boulder results in over twenty different options.  Each dispensary proudly touts their unique environment, friendly and expert staff, and excellent products.  On their websites, they even let you know how many minutes it will likely to take you to purchase your cannabis and be on your way to experiencing a true “Rocky Mountain High.”

Last summer, while at a stop light across from a marijuana dispensary, I watched a young girl leave their parking lot by driving over a curb, onto the sidewalk, and into traffic without looking. As cars swerved, horns honked, and people shouted at her, I thought to myself: “They must have really powerful samples today!”

It’s crazy that people driving high don’t shock me anymore.  Because we live up a mountain road where people often park to get a glimpse of the mountain peaks or the city lights below, I smell marijuana so often I’ve stopped counting.  Although this “new normal” doesn’t surprise me anymore, I’m still concerned about the health of our youth in America.

While studying the life of Simon Peter in the Bible, I received a renewed hope for our teenagers in Colorado, and around our country.  When Peter was young, he was spontaneous and impulsive, easily tempted and distracted.  He often spoke offensively and acted without thinking.  On the eve of Jesus’ crucifixion, He gave in to sleep and disobeyed Jesus’ orders to stay awake and keep watch.  Moments later, he acted bravely in defending Jesus by cutting the ear off of one of Jesus’ captors.  Yet even later that night, Peter denied ever knowing Jesus three separate times.

Still, Jesus called Peter a friend.  Instead of shame and blame, Jesus gave him a second chance.  After His resurrection, Jesus asked Peter three different times if he loved Him.  Each time Peter responded “Yes, Lord. I love you.” Jesus allowed Peter to replace each of his three earlier denials with three affirmations of love.  Then, Jesus gave Peter an important task to do for God’s kingdom.

When Peter grew up and stepped in his calling from God, Jesus took Peter’s mess ups and created a powerful message.  Peter was the “ROCK” Jesus built His church on.  The very first day Peter shared his faith in Jesus with a crowd, more than three thousand people believed and were added to the early church (Acts 2:41). 

Later in Peter’s life, he was compelled to share his faith in two books of the Bible; first and second Peter.  In these books, we hear a mature, thoughtful, and faithful follower of Jesus passing on his wisdom to generations to come.  

Peter’s turnaround gives us hope for our teenagers of today.  Though they may be acting immaturely and impulsively, they can one day gain wisdom and understanding like Peter. Let’s praise God that He’s not done with us yet.  Lessons will be learned.  Mess ups will become powerful messages, and wayward ones will find their way to Jesus.  

I have decided to replace my concerns with a hope anchored in faith and prayer powered by God’s truths.  I will lift up our teens in prayer and believe God is on the move even today.  Like times before, He will raise up spiritual leaders and faith followers in this generation too.  Please hope and pray with me.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, April 17, 2017

He Knows Your Name

3 o'clock wake up call
Mary Magdalene stood outside the tomb crying. She turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not realize it was Jesus.  “Woman,” he said, “Why are you crying? Who are you looking for?”  Thinking he was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.”  Jesus said to her, “Mary.” 
– John 20:11, 14-16

The moment Jesus spoke her name, Mary Magdalene immediately knew that He was alive.  Death could not defeat Him.  The grave could not hold Him.  The enemy had lost and love had won!
Have you ever thought that Jesus knows your name and calls you close to Him by it?  He knew you before you were knit in your mother’s womb.  He loved you from the moment He created you.  He knows your every thought and action, both good and bad, and He still calls you His beloved child.  But that’s rarely what we call ourselves, right?  
Because I spend a lot of time each week with women, I hear how they talk about themselves.  I often hear things like “I’m so anxious,” “I worry all the time,” “I’m such a mess,” and “I have so much on my plate that I’m failing in every area of my life.”  I hear how their hearts are angry, bitter, critical, and filled with shame and regret.
Before Mary Magdalene became friends with Jesus, she was trapped by seven demons.  The demons screamed lies in her ears and held her captive.  The demons stopped her from living life the way God had planned.  I wonder how many of us are trapped by thoughts about ourselves that God would love to replace with truth.  I’m guessing all of us.
Just think how our lives would be so different if we gave Jesus our “demons” and let Him replaced the empty space with His character traits.  Imagine these incredible exchanges happening in your heart.  What if you traded…
  • Anger for Adoration
  • Bitterness for Forgiveness
  • Criticism, for Compassion
  • Doubt for Devoted Love
  • Pride for Peace
  • Selfishness for Security

After being healed, rescued, and restored, it’s no wonder that Mary Magdalene followed Jesus in His earthly ministry, walked with Him to the cross, and mourned His death at the tomb.  
Mary Magdalene lived out her faith through fellowship with Jesus every day.  She poured out her resources and her heart to the One who had saved her.  It’s not surprising, then, that she was the first person Jesus spoke to after His resurrection.  
Mary was blessed beyond her wildest dreams.  Jesus wants to do the same with you.  He is calling your name.  Will you draw close to Him?  Will you listen to His truths about you?  Will you give him your hurts, hang ups, and anything that holds you back from living your life freely?  Will you take your new identity, given to you by Jesus, and live blessed beyond your wildest dreams?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, April 14, 2017

What's so Good About Today?

3 o'clock wake up call
From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He gave up His spirit.  At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split. – Matthew 27: 45, 50-51

More than two thousand years ago, Good Friday changed the course of history.  I grew up in the church perplexed why followers of Jesus named the day our Savior was crucified on a wooden cross Good Friday.  How was it “good” when Jesus suffered so intensely and His pain was so excruciating? 

It wasn’t until I was an adult writing a children’s Easter drama that I discovered Good Friday is better than good, it’s phenomenal!  

Yes, Jesus’ persecution and death were horrible.  He was whipped, beaten, spit on, mocked and forsaken by God when He took our sins upon Himself.  Until that moment on the cross, Jesus had not spent even one second apart from God.  Through His suffering, Jesus fulfilled God’s greatest calling upon His life on earth: to save a lost and broken world. This enormous and painful sacrifice for Jesus was so good for all of us. 

The moment Jesus cried out from the cross, “It is finished,” and gave up His life, the whole earth shook and the thick curtain in the temple that separated God from His people tore from top to bottom.  Before that, for hundreds of years, only the high priest could go behind the curtain, into the “holy of holies,” and communicate directly with God.  Once a year, he alone had the privilege of standing before God on behalf of the Jewish people. 

In a split second, Jesus’ death on the cross changed all that.  His sacrifice made a way for every person on this earth to step into the presence of God.  Man or woman, rich or poor, young or old, Jewish or Gentile, all people of every color, race, and nationality are invited to approach God anytime, anywhere.  

Our 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call is a reminder of Jesus’ incredible, life giving, earth shattering sacrifice.  Every day we can give God thanks and praise for our new life, our freedom from death, and our abundant life on earth through the blood of Jesus. 

We can also wake up and remember that one day in history Jesus made a way for all of us to run into the throne room of God and give our father in heaven all our worries, concerns, sadness, joy and dreams.  He’s available 24/7 to listen, love, and receive our prayers.

Happy Good Friday!  Isn’t today amazingly good?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Watch and Pray

3 o'clock wake up call
Jesus said, “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.  The spirit is willing but the body is weak.” – Matthew 26:41

Have you ever noticed that it’s easy to fall asleep in your faith?  When it’s smooth sailing, we can nod off to God’s presence, sometimes forgetting He’s even there.  But, when we suddenly crash into craziness, something snaps us awake and we holler to God for help.

We all had different reasons for our spiritual slumber.  It may be bitterness, anger, busyness, or pride.  It may just be complacency. But eventually, thankfully, something startles us awake and we realize that we’ve been hitting the snooze button over and over.

Jesus knows how hard it is for us to stay awake in our faith.  Even His closest disciples fell asleep on the job.  On the eve of His crucifixion, while Jesus was crying out to God in the Garden of Gethsemane, He asked His best friends to do only two things: Watch and Pray

Three different times, however, Jesus found His friends fast asleep (Matthew 26:40-46).  Reading these passages recently, two questions popped up in my mind.

  • Where were their eyes?  When Jesus told Peter, James, and John to keep watch, He was only “a stones throw away” (Luke 22:41). In the moonlight, they could’ve seen Jesus’ intense sorrow and grief.  If they’d kept their eyes on Him, they’d have realized that this was not a moment to be missed. 

  • Why were they weak?  Instead of the three men coming together to pray, as Jesus had asked, each kept to himself and sat down.  Praying together would have strengthened their minds and bodies in God’s presence.  Sitting alone, however, each was overcome by the temptation to sleep.

Like Peter, James, and John, we are also friends of Jesus.  He asks us to Keep Watch and Pray everyday.  

God warns us that the enemy sets up temptations all around us.  Therefore, we are to be alert always (1Peter 5:8).  God also teaches us to pray at all times (Eph. 6:18).  And, although one of us can easily be overpowered, two can defend themselves and a cord of three strands is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12).

Here’s your three-part action plan to stay awake in your faith:

  1. Keep your eyes on Jesus to experience His presence around you
  2. Pray at all times to awaken the Holy Spirit’s power within you
  3. Stand together unified in prayer to live out the plans God has for you
Even though Jesus’ best friends disappointed Him three times by falling asleep, Jesus still forgave them, saying “Rise!  Let us go!” (Matt. 26:46). He does the same with us.  We are still invited to follow Him even after we mess up repeatedly. Each day is a new opportunity to keep watch and stay awake.

Now ask yourself… Today, will I keep my eyes on Jesus, wake up to His power inside of me, and live wide awake to the plans God has for me?  

If you do, you will walk toward Easter not missing a single moment with Jesus. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, April 10, 2017

No Fear

3 o'clock wake up call
God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”  So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.” – Hebrews 13:5-6

Has spring sprung where you live?  Are the trees blossoming pink and white? Are yellow, purple, and blue flowers pushing their way through the hard ground?  (Or is everything still under a blanket of snow?)  Isn’t spring such a wonderful, hopeful time of the year?

Where I live, in the mountains of Colorado, spring is when the elk migrate through the land surrounding my home.  I’ve witnessed their arrival now for more than a decade now, but each time I drive around the corner and see the herd grazing in front of me, I’m amazed by how massive they are.  

Years ago, the kids and I pulled into the driveway to find a massive bull elk with gigantic antlers standing on our front porch, blocking the door.  Instantly I was caught in a moment of helplessness, frozen in fear.  

He was too big to ignore and way too dangerous to approach.  Minutes ticked by with the two of us just silently staring at each other.  Then, like waking from a dream, it occurred to me to honk the car horn.  Startled by the obnoxious noise, the elk galloped off the porch, past the car, and down an embankment to rejoin the herd.   

Why had it taken me so long to arrive at this simple solution to our problem?  Fear. 

Fear has a way of clouding our minds, making a situation much more difficult than it actually is.  Fear also paralyzes, stunts our spiritual growth, and blocks us from living our best life now.  

God must have known fear would have too much power over us.  That’s why His word reminds us not to be afraid three hundred and sixty-five times (once for every day of the year, it turns out.)  God knows that the enemy would love to use fear to steal our joy, stop us in our tracks, and block God’s good path for our lives.  It’s time to lay on the horn and shout out, “I will not be afraid!” Claim it and live it!

This is a perfect week to put a few spiritual practices in place that will safeguard you from fear.  As we walk toward Easter Sunday, I challenge you to do these three things every day this week.

  • Wake up 10-15 minutes earlier than usual to spend alone time with God. Talk to God honestly.  Hand over your fears and ask for His loving guidance to lead you through your day. Imagine yourself making a wonderful trade with God.  You give Him your fears and He gives you His courage and confidence, His strength and renewed faith.

  • Then, thank God for never leaving you. Thank Him for always walking with you.  And thank Him for being your faithful helper.  Declare to God that you will not be afraid. (Heb. 13:4-5 – there is power when you pray scripture

  • Lastly, write down a quick list of what you’re thankful for.  Remember every good gift you have received is from your Heavenly Father (James 1:17).  God is your loving and good dad.  He longs to give you the desires of your heart.  Writing down your gratitude helps your mind store God’s goodness. 

I encourage you to write down scripture and your list of thanks on a 3x5 card or on your phone, so later in your day when fear rears its ugly head, you can pull out your list and be reminded that God is with you and for you.  Like an alarm, fear can be a Wake Up Call to your soul to start thanking God for who He is.  

Don’t let fear freeze you.  Instead, let God’s perfect love drive out all fear so you can follow Him wherever He leads you next.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, April 7, 2017

Don't Be a Donkey

3 o'clock wake up call
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! – Matthew 21:9

As a little girl, I remember waving palm branches at church on Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter.  In the flurry of greenery, the service always felt so exciting and alive. Every year, I’d hear the story of Jesus coming into Jerusalem as people greeted him with shouts of praise, laying their coats and palm branches on the ground before Him.  I always wondered why He rode on a little donkey instead of a huge, royal white horse. 

Many years later while teaching Sunday school, I noticed that children were still fascinated with the donkey Jesus rode on Palm Sunday. I challenged a large group of elementary school kids to act out Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem.  When passing out roles in the play, more hands went up to be the donkey than any other part. 

I had thought that the boys would have wanted to be Jesus, and that most of the others would have wanted to be the onlookers, shouting “Hosanna!  Hosanna in the Highest!” at the top of their lungs. But no, most of them wanted to be donkeys.  So much so, that when they realized that there was only one in the story, they started making up other donkey roles.  There were suggestions to create a bunch of donkey friends to tag along.  Some wanted to change scripture to “Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a large herd of donkeys.” 

In their child-like exuberance to have the most fun, they made the donkey the most important part of the Palm Sunday story.  Jesus was just along for the ride. 

I’ve noticed, though that we, as adults, often do the very same thing.  How quickly we make other things and people more important than Jesus. 

·         Sports teams play games on Sunday mornings so we shout for our kids on the sidelines instead of singing praises to Jesus in church. 
·         Our days are over-stuffed with “To Dos,” so we stop reading our Bibles and stop spending quiet moments with Jesus. 
·         Life feels out of control, so we grab hold of everything we can get our hands on. We desperately attempt to rearrange pieces of our life to feel like we’re in control, all the while forgetting to pray to the One who really is in control.
·         Others shout for our attention.  In our quest to love, help, and serve them we often end up telling Jesus “Later.  I’ll have more time for You, later I’ll love You more and help Your world… later”

It’s hard.  I get it.  The world pulls at us to care more about the “donkeys” than Jesus. 

For when we do, our position, power, status, and salary are lifted up.  We are praised when we achieve greatness in the world’s eyes.  No one’s applauding for us when we wake up early to spend time with Jesus, pray to Him throughout our day, or give Him thanks and praise at 3pm.  No one, that is, except our audience of ONE.

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, the crowds cheered loudly and called Him King.  He remained humble, however, knowing that He was only playing the part God had laid out for Him.  All that mattered to Him was obeying God. 

It should be the same for us.

What’s the next step of faith God is calling you to walk out?  How can you live for an audience of One?  Who are you trying to please above all else? 

Let today and this Palm Sunday Weekend be a Wake Up Call to praise Jesus and give Him the reigns of your life instead of to a “herd of donkeys”.  (or the other word for donkey is just fine too;)

We praise you Jesus, our King, who humbly rode a donkey right into God’s will for Your life on earth.  May we also have the courage to follow Your lead.  Amen.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Time Keeps on Ticking

3 o'clock wake up call
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. 
– Ecclesiastes 3:1

Luke Bryan’s hit country song, “Fast,” seems to come on the radio almost every time I’m in the car.  I’m not sure whether that means it’s played too often or I’m just in the car too long… probably a little of both. The song tells of how we tend to rush through the present, rarely stopping to appreciate its blessings.  And as we age, the time seems to speed up.  Every time I hear it, I nod my head and think about going back in time to live to re-live some of my days. If I could, I’d have more appreciation.

When we’re teenagers, we can’t wait to grow up and leave home.  Then, we can’t wait to get married and have children.  After that, we look forward to our kids getting older so we can be free to travel and “live life to the fullest.” Why are our eyes always fixed ahead of us?

Last night we celebrated my youngest daughter’s fourteenth birthday. She’ll be heading to high school in the fall.  Her baby, toddler, preschool, elementary, and middle school years are gone.  It feels like yesterday that she was climbing into my lap with a favorite book clenched in her chubby little fingers.  I read to her every day.  Surprisingly, though, it took her a very long time to be able to read on her own.  I worried myself sick thinking she’d never read, that she had some kind of learning disability.  

It turns out I was wrong.  Now, all she wants for her birthday is books and a new book shelf, because her “library” has taken over her bedroom.  Her once chubby fingers are slim and long, just like her legs.  Why did I waste so much time worrying? Where did all the time go?

The same night, we also celebrated my mom’s 70th birthday.  Wasn’t it yesterday that we were arguing about my curfew and car dates? Back then, I couldn’t see that her boundaries were there for my safety, placed because of love.  Instead, I thought she was clueless and uncool.  But now, as I see her loving concern for my children, I better appreciate her steadfast support and love for me.  Where did all the time go?

Why does hindsight provide a clearer vision of yesterday?  Why aren’t we fully present today, appreciating each moment with all its blessings? 

I heard a pastor once share that he had a serious case of, “I’ll be happy when”. 

  • I’ll be happy when I get married.
  • I’ll be happy when we have kids.
  • I’ll be happy when the kids grow up.
  • I’ll be happy when we move.
  • I’ll be happy when…

God doesn’t stay rejoice tomorrow or be happy when… He says, REJOICE TODAY!  (Phil. 4:4) God wants us to be happy now.  He desires for us to enjoy this day, this season, this stage in life.  But how?

Jesus teaches us to “fix our eyes” on Him because He is the author and perfecter of our faith (Heb.12:2).  With our focus on Him, we walk together in this season, and this day, living fully awake and alert instead of frantic, busy, and chaotic.  We can cherish today’s special moment’s more clearly.  With our eyes wide open, we take snapshots of the beauty and goodness all around us instead of quickly passing by without noticing God’s blessings.  

In Jesus’ presence, our faith continues to grow.  When we’re walking by faith, it becomes easier to see God’s hand at work in small, simple ways.  We’ll see God taking care of an overdue bill, teaching a young child to read, hugging a sad grandchild, or answering a prayer no one else knew about.  

When we see Jesus clearly and rejoice in His ways, time does seem to slow down, just enough to enjoy today.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, April 3, 2017

Think, Speak, Give Life

3 o'clock wake up call
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. – Proverbs 18:21

Think about the last time you were the target of someone’s hurtful words. Or maybe you were the one doing the talking.  How did you feel?  Wouldn’t be wonderful if we could rewind and delete those painful moments? 

God warns us in Proverbs 18:21 that our tongue has the power of life and death.  Our words can build up, spur on, and encourage others to blossom in this life.  And, out of the same mouth, our words can tear down and hurt others, leaving them deflated, defeated, and dead.

James, the half-brother of Jesus, also spoke of the power of the tongue:

“The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.  Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.  The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body.  It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire.” – James 3:5-6

Just a few weeks ago, a campfire abandoned with a small spark still aflame, spread quickly causing hundreds of homes to be evacuated in a mountain area close to my city.  One spark grew to destroy many acres of land and put hundreds of lives in danger.

Our words can be just like that small fire that quickly grew out of control.
·       One flirtatious word (or text) can open a door to an affair.
·       One statement of blame can poison a friendship.
·       One lash of contempt can set a couple drifting apart.

·       One encouraging conversation can spur someone on to run after their dreams.
·       One word of praise can keep someone going even when they want to quit.
·       One humble Thank You can nurture a relationship.
·       One sincere apology can heal a torn heart.

Practice today.  Think before you speak and listen to God’s warnings.  Remember, your tongue has the power of life and death.  Let your words give hope, encouragement, and wind to another’s sail.  Choose wisely and speak love and life. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a Part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement