This is Day 4 of my Wake Up Call Story. Here’s what happened next.
As thanksgiving grew in my heart, I began to ask God for help and invited Him into my daily messes. I discovered God’s presence was available to someone like me. The more I approached God at 3 O’Clock in the afternoon with a thankful heart, the more my desire to know Him grew. I was talking to God everyday but did I really know Him?
I started reading the Bible and began memorizing passages by having them pop up on my phone everyday at 3pm. I learned that the whole Bible is about Jesus, not just the New Testament.. If I really wanted to know God, then I should look to His son’s character and convictions. So I did. I fervently studied the life of Jesus – who He loved and touched and ate with and taught. To my amazement, one day close to Easter, I was reading about Jesus’ final words on the cross. I about fell off my chair. I had no idea Jesus died for ALL people at 3 o’clock that afternoon. I’d been thanking God for years but I’d never once thanked Him for my salvation through Jesus at 3 O’Clock – the exact time that Jesus made a way for ALL people in the whole world to come close to God. Amazing!
You’d think I’d have run through the streets shouting my profound findings. Instead years passed and I kept my 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call private. Certainly my close friends and family knew about it but only because I had to explain why my alarm kept going off every day. I was keeping it between me and God. For more than ten years I’d been journaling and writing stories about how such a simple practice of giving thanks everyday had catapulted my faith forward. These were my secret stories no one else had read.
Now I share them with you. It’s time.
How about you? Have you invited God into your everyday messes? Do you have faith stories of how God has showed up to guide or protect you? If you would like to share one with me, I’d love to read it.
What if we stopped when our 3pm alarms sounded and thanked God for our salvation through Jesus? What if someone asked you what you’re doing? Are you bold enough to share your faith in Jesus in that moment?
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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