When you think about how much God loves you, really loves you, enough to send His only son to earth to suffer and die for you, that kind of audacious love, do you sometimes find it unfathomable? I do.
Yesterday was Mother’s Day. I’m the mother of three teenagers but I did not get Sunday off. I still did the laundry, cleaned the house, and made dinner for the whole gang. The kids bought me pretty flowers (with my money) and gave me a silly card that sings. They said they loved me and their hugs were sincere. But I can assure you, they have no idea how much I love them. They can’t fathom the depth and breath of my love.
A mother’s love for her children is similar to God’s love for us. It’s sacrificial, all-consuming, and never-ending. My mom still wakes up in the night to worry about and pray for my brother and me, and we left home over 25 years ago.
Having teenagers has deepened my understanding of “unconditional love”, helping me better understand God’s love for His children. When my kids have messed up big time and are walking through the consequences of their poor choices, I hurt with them and extend my love to them. It’s in those moments when I recognize I may not like what my teens are doing but my love continues. Nothing could cause me to stop loving them.
I’ve messed up more times than I can count and God has never stopped loving me. I have walked away from God and told Him I don’t need Him, “I’m just fine on my own!” But God still loved me and waited patiently from me to walk back home.
You’ve messed up and walked in ways God would not approve of too. But God’s love still rages on for you. Like a fast moving, mountain stream surging with spring snow melt, God’s love for you is a powerful force moving and changing the landscape of your life. If you will accept it with no conditions, it’s free for the taking, a gift, a priceless treasure. Have you accepted God’s all consuming love? If you have, thank Him for it. If you haven’t, ask God to crack open your heart so His love can pour in.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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