I’ve been asking God for some pretty big stuff lately. Nothing material, but “life-changing” stuff. My prayers have sounded like this lately. “God, please heal her completely. God, keep him safe from all danger. God, speak to me so I know what direction to go.” I’ve been asking God to move mountains that are standing in my way and open doors that are locked shut.
I think I told you that our Colorado spring has been wacky. There has been so much snow melt that the hiking trails around my house have become huge mud pits. In some spots, standing water consumes the whole path. Since hiking helps reduce my stress level is my favorite time to talk to God, regardless of the conditions, I go. Last week I strapped on my hiking shoes and ventured out in the rain with my favorite hiking partner, my dog Henry.
Once on the trail, I realized how silly this really was. I’d take one step forward, plant my shoe in deep, slippery mud then slide backwards as soon as I lifted the other foot to move forward. After twenty minutes of this madness, I starting laughing out loud. If you could have seen me, you’d have laughed too given the remarkably short distance I’d “slip-slid” up the trail. When the trails are dry and hard packed, I’d have covered that ground in five minutes.
Slipping in the mud that day reminds me of what my faith sometimes looks like. I ask God to move, or help, or heal, and I take a step forward, believing God is willing, able and good. Then life gets messy, complicated, and emotional and I slip back into doubt and try to control the situation by myself. How frustrating!
That day in the muddy rain, I asked God to help me with my doubts and increase my faith. I also apologized for not recognizing His leadership over me in every circumstance. Finally, I thanked God for being with me every slippery step I take.
You can do the same. Ask God today to get involved in your big “stuff.” Ask Him to forgive you if you have doubted Him lately. Then thank Him for guiding your steps day by day.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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