Do you like to play tennis? Despite several lessons, I find tennis to be extremely frustrating. I can’t seem to hit the ball where I want it to go. Usually I blame it on the tennis instructor.
“Grip the racket like this.” “Keep your elbow down.” “Swing through higher.” “Bounce on your toes so you’re ready for the ball.” “Face the net, now quick turn.” My brain is trying to remind different body parts to do so many different things that I wind up not doing any of them well. If I’m focusing on the ball, then my form slips. If I’m focusing on my form, then I miss the ball or hit it long, or wide, or out.
Every time I play tennis, I start off thinking that it will be different. “Today is the day I’m gonna improve and have fun.” In a short a short time, though, frustration builds to the point where I have to stop and walk away before I smash my racket on the ground or throw it at my opponent. My husband, Dan, never misses a chance to remind me of having to duck my thrown racquet during a game when we were dating in high school. I’ll own up to that, but I didn’t aim for his head. (Remember I have no aim).
I also don’t understand the scoring of tennis. If you have zero points, why in the world do you say you have “LOVE”? If my opponent has 40 points and I have zero, that it not a very loving spot to find myself in. Losers have love? That makes no sense.
It might not make sense in tennis, but it reminds me of God’s love. Nothing, nothing, nothing can separate us from God’s love. Nothing we do or say or think of become can cause Him to love us less. Once you accept it, there is zero chance of losing it. That’s amazing!
God never gets frustrated with us because His love covers a multitude of sins. (1Peter 4:8) His love wins every time, every day. That is worth thanking God for today!
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
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