These days it seems that so many different things are vying for our attention, sending us messages like:
You can do it - It’s Springtime so you’d better ramp up your exercise program to get ready for bathing suit season.
Plan ahead - If you haven’t planned your summer vacation, get on it. Things are booking up.
Clean it out - Spring is here so everything should be washed: walls, windows, and floors especially! While you’re at it, you really should clean out all the clutter in your house.
Donate - You didn’t wear half your winter clothes, so donate them today. Oh, and have you donated blood lately? You could even donate your car to a needy single mom. Think about it.
Give your time - Make your neighbor dinner, she just had surgery. Volunteer at church, school, or the homeless shelter. Your gifts and talents really should be shared.
Give gifts - Buy graduation cards and stuff them with money. Hurry up and get them in the mail.
Connect – Your inbox is full. Return those emails, texts, phone calls, and library books while you’re at it. Schedule a girls’ night out. It’s been ages since you had some fun. If you go out with your friends, then you’d better schedule a date night too.
Be responsible - Pay the bills, balance the checking account, save for retirement, give to charities, change the oil in your car, and don’t forget to schedule the dentist appointments. Also, it’s time for your yearly mammogram.
AHHHHHHH…That to do list makes me what to jump on a plane, fly by myself to a five-star resort and disappear under the down comforter for days. But honestly, isn’t the “to do list” what drives many of our days? Are you drowning in daily details like me?
I’m a list girl. I love checking stuff off my list. I’ll even put things I’ve already done on my list just so I can cross them off. (Don’t judge me, you do it too.) Most evenings, my “to do” list is only partially checked off. All the undone things end up on tomorrow’s list, so I start out in the hole. Ugh! No wonder I crave red wine most nights.
What would it look like to trust God with your “To Do” list? What if you spent time with God at the start of your day and asked Him to help you prioritize your day? When other people think it’s silly to carve out time to spend with God because there aren’t enough hours in the day as it is, what if you put first things first and went to God first thing every morning? Do you think your day would turn out differently if you first asked for God’s strength and peace to go with you and flow through you? I’m not a betting girl, but I’d put money on your day turning out better if you decide to trust it to God.
Here’s a simple prayer you can pray right when your eyes pop open in the morning: “God, before my feet even hit the ground. I give you this day. Guide me, help me, and go with me. I will put my trust in you Jesus. Amen.”
Now GO with GOD!
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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