Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Direction We Should Go

Come close to God and He will come close to you. 
– James 4:8

I set out on a hike from Chautauqua Park with my dog, Henry.  Six years ago we brought Henry home from Colorado Puppy Rescue.  He was found on a Native American reservation in New Mexico, then a tiny fluff-ball of blonde fur.  Now he’s my strong, faithful, hiking buddy.  Don’t tell the rest of the family but I’m Henry’s favorite, his best friend.  

Henry and I hiked the Gregory Canyon Trial.   The last time I’d hiked it, with Dan on my 40th birthday, I remember him explaining that this normally dry area swelled with mountain snowmelt in the springtime. Today, I didn’t see or hear any water, but I kept climbing in hopes that soon, maybe right around that next corner, I’d see a trickle of water flowing down.  

I was about to turn back and call it a good hike, when when my ears picked up what I thought was the faint sound of water off in the distance.  I decided to hike five more minutes to see.  With every step, the sound of water grew louder.  New energy surged into my body and I scampered faster and faster up the trail like a curious child.  

Turning a corner, I was rewarded with a beautiful waterfall, cascading down from the mountains above.  Continuous running water, quick and purposeful, crashing and splashing over smooth rocks.  I stood in awe and thanksgiving.  I wasn’t on vacation although I found myself in a spectacular spot far removed from my regular, daily routines.  I sat down on the side of the trail and talked to God.  

James 4:8 quickly came to mind: “Come close to God and He will come close to you.”  Why did I feel so close to God in this beautiful, secluded location?  With my eyes fixed on the waterfall, it made sense.  God, like the waterfall is always there even when I can’t hear Him, see Him, or feel His presence.  He doesn’t move.  I do.  While hiking and not giving up, I pursued the smallest sound of the waterfall.  As I drew closer and moved toward the sound of the water, I could hear more it clearly, confirming that I was headed in the right direction.  

God desires to direct our paths, but first we must come close to Him, hear His voice, and spend time in His presence.  Then, we’ll know the direction we are to go.  Imagine yourself sitting besides the beautiful, Colorado waterfall with God close.  What is He saying to you?  What loving words is He speaking over you?  What direction is He encouraging you to walk towards?  Give Him thanks for never moving or changing and draw close to Him today.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, May 30, 2016

Tug of War With God

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 
– 1 Peter 5:7

In a crowded restaurant, I watched a mother guide her young autistic son to their table.  She walked hunched over, speaking words of comfort into his ear every step of the way. His confusion and frustration was obvious, but the mother remained calm as they walked.  Once in his seat, he looked around and smiled.  I smiled too, because I could relate.

So often, like that young boy, I become anxious when I don’t know what’s happening next.  I become impatient when I’m tired and know that rest is a long way off.  I’m easily frustrated when I find myself in an out-of-control situation.  Can you relate?

Spending most of this Memorial Day weekend at a soccer tournament with our youngest daughter, I’m reminded of this past winter when we traveled to Arizona for a tournament.  Out of necessity, and reluctantly, I left our two teenagers at home with their dad so they didn’t miss school.  My husband was working night shifts, so the teens were essentially home alone for the first time in their lives.  I kept waking up with my stomach in knots from worrying about their choices.  

Were they using their time wisely?  Was his girlfriend over at the house with too much unsupervised time?  Why was my daughter late to fourth period?  Would her dress be appropriate for the dance?  Would they eat what their dad made for dinner?  (Frozen chicken nuggets… again?)  

My mind wouldn’t relax, even at our beautiful poolside condo.  By the third day, I was exhausted, irritable, and ready to fly home.  I barely made it through dinner and fell asleep early.  When I woke up around 3am, strangely without the nausea of overwhelming worry, I sat up in bed and smiled.  I had been singing in my sleep, the lyrics “I will cast my cares on You.  I will cast my cares on You,” playing in my head.

Some people have asked me, somewhat anxiously, if the 3 o’clock Wake Up Call is at 3am.  It isn’t, but that morning God made an exception.  He was reminding me to cast my consuming concerns and wild worries on Him.  I thanked Him for the reminder and for watching over my teenagers.  I easily fell back to sleep, knowing God was in control.  

Sometimes I think we play tug-a-war with God.  We give Him our problems, but soon grab them back and try to solve them ourselves.  Back and forth we go, giving to God but taking back a short time later.  The good thing is that God is patient and continues to be in control, whether we acknowledge it or not.

Are you playing tug-a-war with God?  Do you need to trust Him more and hand over the worrisome pieces of your life for good?  Pray today and ask God to help you cast your cares on Him.  He will gladly take them and give you rest in exchange.  What a great deal!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

My thirteen-year-old daughter loves country music.  She got this from her dad, a country music hater who was converted by pre-set radio stations in his rental cars while working in New Mexico.  For a long time, I fought the two of them and switched the music back to “normal” as soon as I could.  They wore me down, though, and now my daughter and I belt out country songs together.  If you can’t beat ’em, join ‘em.

I think the reason I got hooked on country music is that many of the songs tell stories.  The stories of love, loss, faith, and redemption (punctuated by fast trucks, gravel roads, and beer), make me feel more alive.  

A great example of this is Carrie Underwood’s new song “Church Bells.”  It’s the tale of a dirt-poor young beauty named Jenny who catches the eye of a rich oil man while dancing in her dime-store dress.  Church bells ring at their lavish wedding and everyone thinks they’re “Barbie and Ken.”  They’re beautiful, blissfully in love, and “dripping in diamonds,” but behind closed doors, Ken’s drunken blows leave Jenny battered and bruised.  Covered in make-up and dark sunglasses, she sneaks into church and sits alone in the back pew, folding her hands and closing her eyes so she can listen to the church bells ring.  There, Jenny plots her escape from the depths of shame and sorrow by deciding to poison Ken’s whiskey.  The song ends with Jenny wearing a black dress at the funeral, in the front row now, singing and listening to the church bells ring.  

I love that song because I can see the whole drama vividly played out in my mind. I feel like I know the characters personally.  Inside I cheer for Jenny.  She’s freed from the abuse (and still gets the mansion).  It’s fiction, so I can easily see past the song’s dark undertones and enjoy its spirit of freedom and redemption.

County music also makes me proud to be an American.  The songs about John Deere tractors plowing farmlands, back road rendezvous, high school sweethearts, and soldiers coming home from war, ignite my national pride.  

Listening to a country station out of Denver today, my daughter and I heard the DJ, in his thick southern drawl, thank the thousands of American soldiers and veterans for serving this country.  

I usually think of Memorial Day weekend as soccer games, picnics, and the Creek Festival. This year, though, I am especially grateful for the men and women who have served and sacrificed for our country’s safety and peace.  I am also thankful for the parents and grandparents who encouraged them to serve, despite deep concerns for their safety. 

Both of my grandfathers and my father signed up and fought in wars to protect our nation.  My husband and son have not.  I sometimes wonder if those of us who are not directly impacted by a loved one being in the military can we really appreciate the risk, the danger, and the sacrifice.  

My heart sings this weekend, in a country twang, with gratitude for our country’s servicemen and women.  I believe gratitude unites people and generations, making us stronger and bringing us closer to God.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Rocking Chair

3 o'clock wake up callVery early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. 
– Mark 1:35

When is your favorite time to be with God?  Mine is first thing in the morning, when the sun is rising and the day stretches out before me.  I used to think I didn’t have time to meet with God because my day was already too full.  But as crazy as it sounds, when I began to make “an appointment” to sip my morning coffee with God, He showed up.  Here is a true story about another person whose life was drastically changed by a daily, divine appointment.

A very successful man who’d made his fortune in advertising made an unusual visit to a church in Chicago.  Perhaps his wife dragged him there because he usually worked every day of the week.  The pastor spoke that Sunday about hearing God’s whispers when we spend time with Him.  After the service, the wealthy man approached the pastor and asked how he could also hear God’s whispers.  The pastor shared his simple strategy: “First thing in the morning, set an appointment to meet with God.  Read His word, pray, and talk with Him.  Then be still and wait to hear His whispers.”  The wealthy man, somewhat proudly, explained that he didn’t have time for God.  He worked long, intense hours running an important firm. The pastor understood.  He’d heard it all before.  

The next morning, much to his surprise, the wealthy man’s eyes popped open before his alarm went off.    His first thought was not about God but about a high quality rocking chair.  All day long he kept thinking about that rocking chair.  So after work, he went and bought the most expensive one he could find and brought it home, placing it off the master bedroom overlooking his expansive backyard.  

For many mornings after, the wealthy man kept his appointment with God, reading the Bible, praying, and waiting to hear God’s whisper.  But all was silent, except for the birds in his backyard.  Finally, one morning the wealthy man heard God’s voice telling him to quit his high-paying position and go work for free at the church.  He met with the pastor and excitedly shared his career plans.  The pastor questioned his logic, but after hearing about the rocking chair, agreed with the plan.

Day after day, year after year, the wealthy man met with God in the rocking chair.  When God whispered to the man to sell his big house, he sold it.  When God whispered for the man to help a friend start a church, he moved and helped plant the church.  When God whispered to give more, and to love more, he eagerly did both.  Whenever God whispered, the wealthy man listened and obeyed.  He’d never been happier.  

Then one day, the wealthy man received terrible medical news.  He took the news to God in his rocking chair and asked for healing.  God whispered, “No, but I’m here to comfort you.”  At the memorial service, his wife shared with the pastor that the rocking chair would be passed down from generation to generation as a reminder that God does whisper when we meet with Him.  It would be the wealthy man’s legacy of faith to his family.

Just as He called to this man, God calls to each of us to spend quality time with Him, every day.

The power of giving God thanks will ignite your faith and change the world

Thank you for being a part of The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, May 27, 2016

To Think Like Jesus, First Think Of Jesus

3 o'clock wake up callFix your thoughts on Jesus.  
– Hebrews 3:1

When you think about the same things over and over, do thoughts like these play in your head?:

“I can’t believe she said that!”  

“He was so rude.  I wish I’d had a better comeback.”  

“Why am the slowest runner out here?  I’m so fat!”

“She always gets the breaks.  No one ever notices how hard I work.”

“Why did I do that again?  Haven’t I learned by now?”

“When is it going to get easier?  I’m exhausted, depleted, and ready to quit!”

Now imagine your thoughts creating pathways in your brain, like well-worn hiking trails on a mountainside.  It’s easy to see the trails from a distance because so many people have passed that way.  The frequent footsteps prevent anything from growing.  

God’s word tells us to, “Fix your thoughts on Jesus.”  We are to think about Jesus all day, every day?  How is that even possible?    

One way to think about Jesus and think like Jesus is to invite Him into every part of your day.  When you’re planning events, invite Jesus into your decisions. When good things happen in your day, acknowledge His gifts and thank Him right away.  When bad things happen, ask Him for help and guidance.  Tell Him you trust Him.   And when you find your brain full of worry and fear, stop, take a deep breath, and thank God you are not alone.  

What thoughts do you want carving the pathways in your brain?  Your thoughts or Jesus’ thoughts?  Thoughts of anger or thanksgiving?  Thoughts of criticism or compassion?  Thoughts of hatred or grace?  Thoughts of lies or truth?

Let’s fix our thoughts on the One who loves us, guides us, and wants to be invited into every detail of our days. 

The power of giving God thanks will ignite your faith and change the world!

Thank you for being a part of the 3 O'Clock Wake Up movement

Thursday, May 26, 2016

In ALL Your Ways

In all your ways acknowledge Him.  
– Proverbs 3:6

Why does God want ALL our hearts and ALL our ways?  I believe it’s because He knows that if we hold some back, we’ll be more easily be swept away from Him by life’s distractions. 

I’ve had to learn the hard way to ask God for direction before venturing out on my own.  Many years ago, I started a home-based business to make some extra money for a non-profit organization I was involved in.  The non-profit was doing great things, helping to bring “Lost Girls” from Sudan to America to go to school, get jobs, and begin new, safe lives.  We always needed more funding, so I figured that starting a for-profit business to help out was a “no brainer.”  

Without consulting God, I jumped into the business feet first.  I bought tons of products to sell and invited everyone I knew to join me in this “great opportunity.”  However, there were two big problems.  First, I am a terrible salesperson.  It took me months to realize that to make a profit, you have to sell the products, not give them away.  Second, I was raising three little children; messy whirlwinds of distraction that resulted in a pile up of products and missed meetings. (Unless I hired a babysitter and paid her more than I made.)  It was becoming clear that this was not a good idea.

While stubbornly pushing ahead, God showed me that He can use our mistakes to guide us. I was in Sydney, Australia, helping to train women in the company’s newest territory (I had finally realized that I was a better teacher than a salesperson.)  On a Sunday morning jog, questioning what I was doing and and apologizing to God for not seeking His guidance, I felt a pull to go to church.  I ran into the hotel business center and started searching for churches online.  The only other person there leaned over and suggested Hillsong Church (“It’s the only one you should go to.”)  I quickly changed clothes and jumped into a taxi, making it just in time for the first worship song.   As the choir took the stage, I noticed people of every color, every nationality, and every age.  This is what heaven will look like, I thought as I looked up to the warehouse ceiling and thanked God for “bringing me home.” It was then that I acknowledged God as the leader of my life and pledged to go home, quit my home-based business, and work for Him instead.  

How about you?  In what area of your life is He asking for ALL of you?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Prioritize Your Faith

3 o'clock wake up callThree times a day Daniel got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.  
– Daniel 6:10

As I’ve been studying TRUST and discovering how to trust God more and more, I’ve found myself looking at people in the Bible who trusted God even when they didn’t understand
what He was doing.  One person who continues to intrigue me is Daniel.

Daniel was growing up during the time when Jeremiah the prophet was trying to wake up all of God’s people who had forgotten Him.  Jeremiah was calling the people to turn back and return to God’s ways.  One way to do this was to revive the ancient custom of praying to God three times a day.

As a Jewish boy, Daniel was taught to stop whatever he was doing, morning, afternoon, and evening, and give thanks and praise to God.  The three prayers Daniel prayed were to remind him of the Fathers of the Jewish nation.  Abraham introduced the morning prayer time, having served God with kindness and love.  Isaac introduced the afternoon prayer time, having served God in reverence and fighting for justice.  Jacob introduced the evening prayer time, having served God while balancing truth and mercy.  

When Daniel knelt to pray, he would have been reminded to serve God as his fathers of faith had: with love, in awe, believing in truth, fighting for justice, and walking in mercy.  We too are children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  Daniel can serve as our example of faith and trust and can guide us in our afternoon prayer.

When Daniel was taken from his homeland and held captive in Babylon, he didn’t stop his habit of praying three times a day.  Despite the trouble this placed him in with his Babylonian captors, he had decided to remain true to his commitment of following God’s ways.  When we stop and pray to God at 3pm, we are waking up to God’s presence and the plans He has for us.  

Like Daniel, we can pray and listen to God during our afternoon prayer time.  Like Daniel we can prioritize God before we’re carried away into captivity and forget God.  We can!
What if prior to problems crashing into your life, you prioritize your faith in God?  Do you think you’d have more peace?  I think so.  Here’s a powerful statement to remind you to be like Daniel.

Putting Priorities in Place Prior to Problems = Greater Purpose & Peace

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

When The Answer Is No (Or Not Yet)

3 o'clock wake up call“I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in You.” 
–Lauren Daigle

Have you ever faced a challenging situation that feels like a gigantic mountain standing in your way?  You know that in order to conquer it, you’ll have to rely on God, because it seems impossible in your own strength to even take the first step, let alone climb it.  

This past year, as I was crying out to God yet again to move a huge mountain in front of me, one of my favorite singers, Lauren Daigle released her song, “Trust In You.”  I must have listened to it a hundred times, letting the chorus saturate my soul.

“When You don’t move the mountains I’m needing you to move.
When You don’t part the waters I wish I could walk through.
When You don’t give the answers as I cry out to you.
I will trust, I will trust, I will trust in You!”

I think we all agree that it’s awesome when God answers our prayers.  But what about the times when we’ve asked over and over again and God seems silent?

If you listen to the rest of the song, you’ll discover valuable truths about God that can save your sanity when you’re waiting in a desperate place.  Lauren Daigle’s lyrics turn your thoughts away from the enormous mountain in front of you or the waters overwhelming you and reminds you of who God is.  Each truth is grounded in scripture.  

Read and repeat these truths.  Let them increase your trust.

  • God You are my strength. – “The LORD is the strength of His people.” Psalm 28:8 “The LORD gives strength to His people.” Psalm 29:11
  • God You are my comforter. – “The LORD comforts His people.” Isaiah 49:13
  • God You are my compassionate and gracious God. – “You Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.” Psalm 86:15
  • God You are my rock in which I stand. – “The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer.” Psalm 18:2

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, May 23, 2016

Follow Me

3 o'clock wake up call“Come, follow me,” Jesus said. 
– Matthew 4:19

By sending Jesus to this earth, God gave us an example of how to walk and talk like Him.  Just look at God’s one and only son and you will see God with skin on.  If we trust God and want to walk in His ways, then we will follow in Jesus’ footsteps. All are welcome!

I find it comforting that Jesus didn’t call the most beautiful or the brightest to follow Him.  He called regular people.  The fisherman probably flunked out of Hebrew school.  The tax collector was shunned, most likely a loner with no social life.  And the women who accompanied Jesus along His journeys were sinners just like you and me.  Thank you God for choosing people we can relate to thousands of years later.  

I’ve been praying a lot lately for our nation, its our youth, and our future leadership.  I was encouraged a few years ago while at a Hillsong Church conference in Los Angeles.  It seemed like most of the people there were under 30 years old.  Statistically, this age demographic is supposedly not in church, not walking with Jesus, and not caring if we’re a Christian nation at all.  What I saw those days in LA gave me such hope.

I saw young Americans jumping for joy as they worshipped, heads down and arms raised praying for real help and healing.  I heard shouts of praise when the Bible was preached over them.  I cried tears of thanks to the Lord.  It was made clear to me that God is waking up a sleeping nation!  He is calling His children to turn back to Him, just like Jesus did in synagogues and homes, on mountainsides, and along lakesides.

Yes, God is waking up all His children and calling them to trust in Him.  God’s call is expansive and inclusive.  He calls people of different colors and backgrounds, with crazy tattoos, and multiple piercings.  He calls those who drive motorcycles and mini-vans, those who drop out of school and those with doctorate degrees.  Just like long ago, Jesus called a diverse group of people to follow Him.  In LA, I was reminded of what heaven will one day look like.  Thank you Jesus!

One day every knee will bow before Jesus and every tongue confess that He is Lord.  
- Romans 14:11

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Can You Just Let Me Know?

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light to my path. 
– Psalm 119:105

Do you agree with me that trusting God can be challenging and requires a conscious daily decision?

Sarah Young, the author of Jesus Calling, writes her daily devotions as if Jesus were talking directly to you.  She writes:

The challenge continually before you is to trust Me and search for My way through each day.  Do not blindly follow your habitual route, or you will miss what I have prepared for you.  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

We can all admit that truth.  Yes, God’s ways and thoughts are not ours, but wouldn’t you like to know His day by day plans for your life?   Don’t you wish God would write you an email and tell you what’s next on your timeline or highlight what’s most important on your “To Do” list?  Wouldn’t you love it if God wrote instructions to us in the sky?

Even though God doesn’t pick up the phone and call us directly, He often gives us wake up calls. If you want to know the plans God has for you, then spend time with Him in His word.  God’s word will direct your feet and give light to the paths He has marked out for you.  

God does speak to and lead us when we do three simple things:

1. Ask – “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7

2. Seek – “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13

3. Know - “Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10

More than fifteen years ago, God started waking me up to His presence by interrupting my day at 3pm.  The simple act of giving God thanks at the same time every day began a good work in me.  God has been faithful to continue opening my heart and mind to His presence, His power, and His plans for my life.  God will do the same for you if you ask Him.  Seek His will for you, and spend time getting to know God’s character and His word. 

As we know God more, our trust in Him will flourish and we will walk by faith and not by sight, giving God thanks and praise for leading us on.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Praise be to you O LORD; teach me your ways. 
– Psalm 119:11

Today, my oldest child graduates from Boulder High School. Like thousands of other graduates around the country, our family and friends will gather together to celebrate this important life event.  We’ll watch caps fly through the air, graduates scream and dance with delight, and moms like me will shed tears of joy and sadness.  

I held his hand as we walked into preschool.  I hugged him, and cried a bit, on his first day of elementary school.  And I tried to be as cool as I could while dropping him off at middle school.  Now he is leaving high school and chooses the path he will walk.  

How I wish I could still tell him which way to go every day.  In my experience, though, most eighteen year olds don’t really want to hear words of wisdom from their parents or grandparents…we’re too old to know much.  As such, I’ll share of my favorite truths with you all instead:

  • Love – You are loved.  First by God, then by others.  So love yourself.  Then you can more fully love God and others abundantly.  Life will be better if you lead with love.
  • Joy – Happiness is fleeting because it coincides with circumstances.  But joy is a gift from God.  Joy will remain even in the worst of storms.  So accept the joy of the Lord and go live your life of adventure with God.
  • Peace – Pursue peace everywhere you walk.  When you’re hurt and you want to repay evil, refuse and choose peace.  You will lead yourself and others into a safer, more grateful world.  
  • Faith – Faith in God is not just for the weak.  Build a strong faith so we can be a strong nation.   Your faith will grow when you give God thanks everyday. 
  • Hope – Hope is an anchor for your soul.  Tie your anchor to the rock that can’t be shaken.  Even when the world gives way, Jesus will remain.  So place your hope in the one who was, and is, and is to come.

Now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 
(1 Corinthians 13:13) Like I said, lead with love and trust God every step of the way.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, May 20, 2016

Standing In Awe

3 o'clock wake up callThe Lord says: “My thoughts and my ways are not like yours.” – Isaiah 55:8

Have you ever noticed that God’s name in the Bible is spelled in different ways?  Sometimes Lord is in all capital letters.  I learned that when LORD is written, it’s English, and when YHWH is written, it’s Hebrew.  The Jewish people did not write out the whole name of God.  They left out the vowels to show respect and honor to G-d.  LORD is the covenant name for God.  It’s a reminder to God’s people that what He has promised, He will do.  That is the God we are to love and trust with all our hearts.

Is it hard for you to admit that God’s ways are not your ways? That His thoughts are not your thoughts?  Do you try to put God into a “human box” and make the creator of the universe talk and walk like everyday people?  Yes, we are made in the image of God, but we cannot fathom how He designed the earth we live on.  

The Bible says:
God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways,
He does great things beyond our understanding.
He says to the snow, 
“Fall on the earth and to the rain shower, 
be a mighty downpour.” – Job 37:5-6

I may not understand the weather, but that doesn’t stop me from telling God what I think.  Just today I told Him, “We’ve had enough snow and rain this spring in Colorado.  It’s time to dry up all the land!  Please let the sunshine in!”

We may not understand God’s thoughts or His ways but we can stand in awe and give thanks and praise every day.  I don’t understand gravity, but I’m grateful for it.  I don’t understand how ocean tides roll in and out several times a day, but I love running along the beach, jumping over the foamy waters.  And I don’t understand how the rocks were cut to make the Rocky Mountains, but I enjoy hiking through them.  The whole earth proclaims God’s glory.  (Psalm 19:1) This magnificent God is trustworthy.  

Stop and look around you.  Where do you see God’s hand at work?  What in this world reminds you to be in awe of our creator?  Pick one thing to be grateful for today.  Your praises honor and glorify the maker of heaven and earth who is worthy of your trust. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Lean In

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  
– Proverbs 3:5

Have you ever been asked to participate in a “Trust Fall?” It’s where you turn your back toward your partner, close your eyes, then fall backwards into their arms.  Kids love to do this.  Adults are much more hesitant.  

Recently, I asked a friend if she would model a trust fall in front of our Bible study.   To my surprise, she trusted me completely and started falling back even before I said, “Go!”  I reached out my hand to stop her then steadied myself and caught her mid-fall.   We both laughed but truly I was more relieved than happy.  I couldn’t stop thinking, “What if I had dropped her?”

It dawned on me later that trust is a choice, one that we make many times a day.  Will we trust our neighbor to check on our house while we’re traveling?  Will we trust our teenager to come home on time, our spouse to keep his word, our friend to keep a secret?  When I plugged my cell phone into my computer today, I was asked, “Do you trust this computer?”  

Complete trust is leaning your whole weight upon that person or thing.  Total trust is also letting go, 100%.  Imagine yourself standing high up in a treehouse.  Now grab hold of the zip line handle.  Walk to the edge of the wooden floor, look down at the forest a hundred feet below then, lean forward and jump!  Once you commit, there’s no turning back.  Now you are flying through space trusting the zip line with your whole body.  

God wants us to have that crazy, adventurous kind of trust in Him.  He wants us to let go of our fears, hesitations, and anxieties and completely trust in His understanding of our lives.   

What does that kind of trust in God look like in real life?  Great question!  

It looks raising your granddaughter in your retirement years so her single mom can go to work.  It looks like moving across the country to a different climate to help your child deal with his extreme allergies.  It looks like confronting your boss who expects you to lie on expense reports.  In all of these real life scenarios, trusting God in the midst of challenging circumstances causes you to follow His leading, not our own.  You want to flee and quit but God says stay and love.  

How are you leaning on God’s understanding these days?  Give God thanks today for understanding completely the direction He is leading you in.  You can trust Him.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Join The Cloud

3 o'clock wake up callBlessed is the one who trusts in the LORD.  
- Psalm 40:4

Hebrews 11 contains a list of people who were blessed because they lived lives of faith:
  • Abraham was called by God to leave his homeland.  Despite not knowing where or why, he went, and God blessed him by making him the father of many nations.
  • Noah built an ark on dry land and God blessed him by saving his family when the flood waters covered the earth.
  • Moses stood up to Pharaoh, escaped Egypt with God’s people, and marched to the Red Sea.  God blessed them all and parted the waters for them to walk across.  
  • Esther risked her life by approaching the King on behalf of her people.  God blessed her courage and rescued the Jewish people from death.
  • Ruth left her native land and idol worship to follow her mother-in-law and the one true God.  God blessed her with marriage, wealth, security, and placed her in the Messiah’s family tree. 
  • Daniel boldly refused to eat food from the King’s table because it violated Jewish laws.  God blessed him with great health, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.  
These “Bible Heroes” were really just ordinary people, often deeply flawed.  When they were faced with challenges, however, they chose to trust God and put their faith into action.  I’m sure each of them had doubts, fears, and vocal critics, but they moved forward anyway. And God blessed them abundantly.

How do you need to put your faith in action?  In what areas of your life do you need to trust God?  Is He calling you to go, build, refuse, approach, or stand up boldly?  

Trusting God is doing what He asks even though you are afraid.  The next time you are asked to step out in faith, remember that you are not alone.  God is with you and the ancients in heaven are your cloud of witnesses, cheering you on (Hebrews 12:1).  

Life following Jesus is an adventure! 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Starting Off Right

3 o'clock wake up callI trust in you, LORD; I say, “You are my God.”  - Psalm 31:14

These days it seems that so many different things are vying for our attention, sending us messages like:

You can do it - It’s Springtime so you’d better ramp up your exercise program to get ready for bathing suit season.

Plan ahead - If you haven’t planned your summer vacation, get on it.  Things are booking up.  

Clean it out - Spring is here so everything should be washed: walls, windows, and floors especially!   While you’re at it, you really should clean out all the clutter in your house.  

Donate - You didn’t wear half your winter clothes, so donate them today. Oh, and have you donated blood lately?  You could even donate your car to a needy single mom.  Think about it.

Give your time - Make your neighbor dinner, she just had surgery.  Volunteer at church, school, or the homeless shelter.  Your gifts and talents really should be shared.

Give gifts - Buy graduation cards and stuff them with money.  Hurry up and get them in the mail.

Connect – Your inbox is full.  Return those emails, texts, phone calls, and library books while you’re at it. Schedule a girls’ night out. It’s been ages since you had some fun.  If you go out with your friends, then you’d better schedule a date night too. 

Be responsible - Pay the bills, balance the checking account, save for retirement, give to charities, change the oil in your car, and don’t forget to schedule the dentist appointments.  Also, it’s time for your yearly mammogram.  

AHHHHHHH…That to do list makes me what to jump on a plane, fly by myself to a five-star resort and disappear under the down comforter for days.  But honestly, isn’t the “to do list” what drives many of our days?  Are you drowning in daily details like me?  

I’m a list girl.  I love checking stuff off my list.  I’ll even put things I’ve already done on my list just so I can cross them off.  (Don’t judge me, you do it too.)  Most evenings, my “to do” list is only partially checked off.  All the undone things end up on tomorrow’s list, so I start out in the hole.  Ugh!  No wonder I crave red wine most nights. 

What would it look like to trust God with your “To Do” list?  What if you spent time with God at the start of your day and asked Him to help you prioritize your day?  When other people think it’s silly to carve out time to spend with God because there aren’t enough hours in the day as it is, what if you put first things first and went to God first thing every morning?  Do you think your day would turn out differently if you first asked for God’s strength and peace to go with you and flow through you?  I’m not a betting girl, but I’d put money on your day turning out better if you decide to trust it to God.

Here’s a simple prayer you can pray right when your eyes pop open in the morning: “God, before my feet even hit the ground.  I give you this day.  Guide me, help me, and go with me.   I will put my trust in you Jesus.  Amen.”

Now GO with GOD!   

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, May 16, 2016

Go Into The Deep, Without Drowning

3 o'clock wake up call
“Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders.” 
– “Oceans” by Hillsong United

Every once in awhile a song will impact my faith in God and I will be forever changed.  

“Oceans” by Hillsong United, is one of those songs that has moved my faith to a new level.  If you read the lyrics several times, I think you will be blessed as the message sinks into your soul.

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

I was alone on a beach near San Diego when I first heard it.  Listening to the lyrics over and over again. I knew that my wandering feet would never take me to the places God had planned for me.  On my own, I’d stay in the shallow water, occasionally dipping my toes in. I realized then that God was calling me into the deep, over-my-head waters, where it would be impossible to walk alone.  I would need to trust Jesus more than I ever had before.

What deep waters is God calling you to walk out into?  Is it to start a dream business like my friend Jenny?  Is it to step into leadership and believe God will push you up the steep learning curve, like my friend Kayla?  Whatever God is calling you to do or become requires you to do two key things: 1)Trust Him,  and 2) Put your faith into action.  We have to trust and we have to move.

On that beach alone with God, I drew a clock in the sand with the hands in the 3 o’clock position.  I looked at those hands.  One pointed up.  For fifteen years, I’d been looking up to God everyday at 3pm.  I drew a heart where the hands meet.  That symbolized my love for God and how everyday at 3pm, I give Him thanks and praise.  Then I focused on the hour hand pointing forward and tears stung my eyes when it hit me. Move forward in faith every day! That’s it. So simple. Look up, give thanks, and move forward in faith!

Such a simple reminder wakes me up to God’s presence around me and His power within me. Only then do I have the courage to go forth in my faith and trust God without borders and walk upon the waters wherever He may call me.

Look up, give thanks, now wade forward into the deep. You can do it!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement