If your house is like mine, the TV has been on almost constantly over the past two weekends, tuned to “March Madness,” the end-of-season college men’s and women’s basketball tournament. My husband has been filling out March Madness brackets, trying the predict the winning teams, with his college buddies for twenty-seven years now.
These guys banter back and forth about their chosen teams and compete with one another as if they attended these colleges. I’m surprised my husband doesn’t paint his face before some of the more important games. The intensity of March Madness has really put a wrinkle in my weekends lately. Even on Easter, we had to hurry home so my husband could watch which teams would make it to the “Final Four.”
Recently, I came across this verse in the bible. “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” Since today is April Fools, I was reminded of this passage. I giggled to myself. I know one way to tear my house down – cancel Direct TV next year just before March Madness. My husband would probably move out or live at a sports bar.
It’s easy to think of ways we can tear down things we might not like, but today let’s choose to do the wise thing. What could you do today to build others up with encouraging words or actions? Be a builder, wise one!
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