Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Write It Down

3 O'clock wake up call“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being convinced of what we do not see.” – Hebrews 11:1

Yesterday, I introduced you to my dear friend Alice.  When I was fearful to step out and start this ministry, Alice believed in it wholeheartedly.  She encouraged me with her words and her actions.  While giving a public blessing over me, Alice confidently said, “Be strong and work, for God is with you.”  She marked up my writing with red and black pen, circling the needed changes and starring the sentences she approved of.  Any time I would doubt with my head down, Alice would lift me up with encouraging words and remind me to have faith.  Alice may be in heaven but her wisdom is still teaching me and her strong faith is still encouraging me to believe in my dreams.

This week, I will spend hours reading through Alice’s graduate school papers and personal journals. I am searching through her writing to find her faith stories.  I am collecting her wisdom, like hidden treasure.  Because she wrote them down, they have out-lived her and will continue to teach future generations.

What about you?  Have you written down your faith stories?  Have you documented times when God showed up in miraculous ways, answered your prayers powerfully, or lavished love on your hurting heart?   I so wish I had my grandparents’ faith stories to treasure and share with my children.  This wish spurs me on to write my own down in hopes that they will leave a legacy of faith that surpasses the number of days I have on this earth.

If you would like to share a faith story you treasure, please email me at laura@3oclockwakeup.com.  Be strong and share your faith. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank you for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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