Two days ago we looked at the two fish and five loaves story in the Bible. I return to it today because I just learned something new and exciting.
Last Saturday, I am so grateful I was able participate in Priscilla Shirer’s Simulcast. Priscilla is an amazing, on fire for God, Bible teacher who travels with her husband and three young boys around the globe sharing her love for Jesus and real life stories of how the power of prayer can change lives. Priscilla is one of the main characters in the movie, War Room that came out last winter. If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s a “must watch.”
When the Simulcast began, we were informed that our small group in Broomfield, CO was joining 70,000 other people around the world for a day of worship and Bible study. Yes, 70,000 people (mostly women) in the United States, Canada, Australia, Jamaica, and Saudi Arabia, among others, were stopping their busy lives for one day to spend time worshipping God and learning from His word. I’m sure God smiled upon us all, His children of different colors, on different continents, all united to praise and thank Him.
Priscilla taught on our passage two fish and five loaves story. She highlighted a different angle I hadn’t thought of before. Jesus told the disciples to feed all the people. They thought Jesus was crazy! They didn’t have enough food or enough money to buy the food. They suggested Jesus send the people away and get rid of the problem. Jesus refused. So the disciples had to believe the impossible was possible and gave Jesus what they had. In His hand, their “not enough” was blessed, given back to them, multiplied in their hands, all ate and were satisfied. Amazing! There were even twelve baskets of leftovers, one for each disciple.
A question dawned on me. Do I, like the disciples, have the “mentality of lack,” thinking I’m not enough, and that what I can offer isn’t sufficient? I’d much rather have an “attitude of abundance,” where I recognize that God can take my little and turn it into a lot.
What about you? Do you give God what you have and watch as He multiplies and blesses others through you? Today, let’s have an attitude of abundance” and give all we have to the one who promises that all things are possible.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank you for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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