By faith Noah built an ark. By faith Abraham left home even though he didn’t know where he was going. By faith Rahab welcomed spies into her house. By faith, God desires us to move, or help, or trust, or go.
While sharing the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call with a group of women, I acted out a visual to help them remember what to do at 3pm when their alarms sounded. Facing them I pointed my right arm straight up into the air and said, “At 3pm, stop what you’re doing, LOOK UP and give God thanks.” Then I stretched my left arm out parallel to the floor to mimic the hour hand of the clock at 3pm explaining. “After you give God thanks, go and LIVE OUT your faith.”
I didn’t think it was that powerful a teaching tool until several women approached me later and shared that this simple visual sealed the deal for them. They were now “all in” to the concept of looking to God to live out their best lives. When you see the arms of the clock at 3pm, I hope you, too, are reminded to LOOK UP and LIVE OUT.
How is God asking you to live out your faith? Are you to build a business? Are you to go into the unknown? Are you to welcome someone into your home? By faith, what is God prompting you to do? In Hebrews 11, these “Bible Heroes” were called to put their faith into action. They marched, built, trusted, traveled, and persevered.
Complete the following statement.
By faith (your name) _________________ (action) __________________________________.
Look up, give thanks, and go live out your faith in God! You can do it!
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
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