Did you know the famous story of Jesus feeding five thousand people happened while He was mourning the loss of his cousin, John the Baptist? Jesus had been trying to escape to a desolate place to be alone with God after hearing John had been killed, but large crowds followed Him. In the midst of His pain, He still had compassion for the sick people in the crowd and decided to heal and help them. Amazing!
Rick Warren, author of the best selling book The Purpose Driven Life, and the pastor of Saddleback Church in California, was interviewed after his adult son, Matthew took his own life. Obviously in pain, Rick shared publicly that he and his wife intended to spend the rest of their lives equipping churches around the globe to help people struggling with mental illness. What the enemy planned for evil, they would use for good. Amazing!
Just as Rick and Kay Warren are following in Jesus’ footsteps, so can you. When you are hurting, disappointed, sad, or simply caught up in the busyness of your life, take a few seconds to focus on the compassion that lives in your heart. Look up to God, give Him thanks, then look around for someone to help and bless.
Who can you serve? Who can you bring a meal to, help with yard work, or call to cheer up? Change your world today: Stop, Look Up, Give Thanks, and Live Out your faith in God. Go!
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank you for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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