Sunday, September 25, 2016

Rest in God's Love

3 o'clock wake up call
Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in Him. - Deuteronomy 33:12.

In this season of your life, are you on the “hamster wheel,” running faster and faster but feeling like you’re going nowhere?  Do you wake up wondering if you’re living your “purpose”?

Carving out some time every day for rest would be transformative… but that’s easier said than done.

God gives us permission to rest in His love.  He modeled rest through Jesus’ life.  Jesus often retreated to solitary places to be alone with God.  What if God is prompting you to do the same thing?

This week, I challenged a group of women to create space in their lives to be “wide awake” and experience God’s love more fully.  We all agreed that in order to do this, we’d need to slow down quite a bit.

I knew today that I needed to “walk the talk,” so I ventured out into the wilderness to hike, spend time with God, and rest.  I realize some of you noticed that I used the words “hike” and “rest” in the same sentence.  Rest means different things to different people because God made each of us unique.  I feel at rest when I’m connecting with God on a mountain trail, especially if water is running nearby.  What about you?  Where are you replenished?

Wherever you create space for God, He’ll show up and surround you with His presence.  In His presence, you will experience rest, feel replenished and be redirected closer to His plans and purposes for you. 

While I hiked, surrounded by God’s glorious mountains, my heart filled with awe and thankfulness.  Gratitude is a great catalyst for rejuvenation.  Although I was exerting energy while I hiked, I was in a restful space, off the hamster wheel, lost in time, alone with God, and filling up my reservoir of love. 

Where are you rejuvenated?  When are you resting and refueling so you can love more purposely?  This week I challenge you to intentionally carve out time to run away with God to a restful place, even if only for a few minutes.  Think of your time with God as “a date.”  Wouldn’t you be excited to go?

No excuses.  Give yourself the freedom to rest with God and be blessed by his secure and steadfast love.  Find a solitary place where time slows and your heart and mind refocuses on what’s most important in life.  Jump off the wheel and be real with God, who knows you even better than you know yourself.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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