Thursday, September 22, 2016

Loyal Love

The LORD declares, “I will betroth you to me forever; in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion.  I will betroth you in faithfulness. – Hosea 2:19-20

In her book, Redeeming Love Francine Rivers beautifully depicts the love story between a loyal husband and his wayward, adulterous wife.  Half way through the book, I want to throw it across the room because the wife leaves her faithful husband again and returns to her old ways of prostitution.  What could she possibly be thinking?  He’s strong, compassionate, generous, kind, a godly man of integrity.  How could she leave him?  How could she be so foolish?
Even as a romantic, I’d lost hope. I thought their relationship was damaged beyond repair, hurt beyond healing.  But when the wife finally comes to her senses years later and walks home, she finds her husband right where she left him.  He’s been waiting for her and loving her every day since her departure.  He sweeps her up in his strong arms and kisses her passionately as if she was his innocent bride.   
That is how God loves us.  We are like the wife in the book of Hosea.  At times in our lives, we too walk away from God and choose to live far from the plans God has for us.  Once we come to our senses, we may feel like we’re too dirty or shameful for God to still love us.   But like the loyal husband, God is waiting for us to return.  He continues to love us and is thrilled when we come home.
Lauren Daigle is an amazing singer and song writer whose How Can It Be album was an overnight success. Her song Loyal is the theme song for this Bible Study.  I hope you’ll download it and listen to it often.  At first, I wasn’t thrilled about a song with the title Loyal because it makes me think of a big golden retriever dog who’s a loyal companion.  Loyal seemed dull and boring to me until I looked deeper into its’ meaning.
The definition of Loyal – giving and showing firm and constant support or allegiance, faithful, true, devoted, steadfast, dependable, reliable, trustworthy, dedicated, unchanging, unwavering, and unswerving.
Wow!  I now think LOYAL an amazing word to describe God’s love for us.  Don’t you? 
The first few lyrics in Loyal says, “I could never earn Your heart.  I could never reach that far.  But You have pulled me close.  You’ve never let me go.  I’m safe forever in your arms.” 
Those words must have been running through the wayward wife’s mind when her loyal husband scooped her up, swung her around, and passionately welcomed her home.  God’s love is loyal.  For that we can be forever grateful. 

Engage With God - Read and Reflect

DAY 6 – Loyal Love
The LORD declares, “I will betroth you to me forever; in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion.  I will betroth you in faithfulness. – Hosea 2:19-20

Daily Reminder: 
God’s love for you is LOYAL, which means His love is faithful, true, devoted, steadfast, dependable, reliable, trustworthy, dedicated, unchanging, unwavering, and unswerving.  Wow!

Real Life Reflection Questions:
1.          When you look at the definition of LOYAL what stands out to you as being the most important attribute of loyal love?

2.         Listen to Lauren Daigle’s song, Loyal or read the lyrics.  What lines in the song speak most powerfully to your heart?

3.         Do you have a time in your life when you lived far from God only to return to His loving arms?  That’s a love story!  What were some important lessons you learned?

Lord God,
Thank you God for your loyal love.  I could never earn Your love, but you give it freely.  Forgive me for wandering far from you at times in my life.  Thank you always waiting for my return and loving me still.  I love you too.
In Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen


Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.

Psalm 111:7 –

Isaiah 25:1 -

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