Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Love Compels

3 o'clock wake up callThe only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. – Galatians 5:6

For the past two weeks, we’ve been focusing on God’s love for us.  Now we are turning inwardly to let God’s love affect the way we see ourselves.
We can love ourselves because God first loved us. (1John 4:19), but I realize these arguments might be going through your mind:
“I can’t love myself.  I can’t even forgive myself for what I did.”
“If you only knew how much I blew up my life in the past, you’d understand why I can’t love me.”
“When he stopped loving me, I stopped loving myself.”
“This mountain of guilt and shame will never leave me.  I’m going to drag it around my whole life.  I’m too pathetic to be loved.”
Whatever your excuse…STOP IT right now! (Yes, I just yelled at you.)
Take a deep breath.  Let’s rewind and remind ourselves that God’s love for us is all consuming, reliable, sacrificial, faithful, loyal, unconditional, forever, protecting, unfailing, compassionate, trustworthy, and can never be taken away.  You are perfectly and powerfully loved by God.
Remembering who you are to God changes how you see yourself.  Girl, you are royalty!  You are God’s beloved daughter.  Yes, the daughter of the King of Kings.  You have been adopted into God’s glorious family.  You are heir to His kingdom in heaven and on earth.
Once you understand the magnitude of God’s love, then it can wash your past regrets away and change your present mindset.  As you begin to see yourselves as God sees you, you will discover newfound freedom to walk and talk and live and breathe… freely loved.
Let God’s love compel you to love yourself. No matter who has left you unloved or if you doubt you’re loveable, let’s journey together into why and how we can love ourselves purposely and intentionally.
Today, I challenge you to think of two things you like about yourself; a character trait, a strength, a gift you have… anything.  Thank God for these personal attributes and thank yourself that you have cultivated them.  Great job!

Engage With God - Read and Reflect 

DAY 10 – Love Compels
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. – Galatians 5:6

Daily Reminder: 
You love because God first loved you.  Let love be your compelling force in life.  The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. (Gal. 5:6) Love will outlive your life.

Real Life Reflection Questions:
1.         What “emotionally baggage” from your past do you need to let go of so you can love yourself purposely?

2.         There is no condemnation for those who are loved by God.  How can knowing you are perfectly and powerfully loved by God compel you to love yourself more?

3.         How would loving yourself intentionally impact areas of your life?

Lord God,
Thank you for loving me unconditionally.  Help me to let go of past regrets, shame, and guilt so I can love myself fully.  I realize that if I don’t love myself, I will never be able to love the people you want  me to love here on earth.  Let your Spirit move my heart to love me the way you do.
In Jesus’ Precious Name I Pray, Amen


Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.

2 Corinthians 5:14 -

2 Corinthians 13:4  (pray this as a prayer for yourself)

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