Last night’s sunset was so magnificent that it brought tears to my eyes. God put on a beautiful show in pink, orange, blue and white. When the clouds wrapped around and the mountains like huge arms giving a hug, I closed my eyes feeling God’s presence and said, “Thank You God.”
I thought of all the beautiful women taking the Wake Up Call to Love Bible Study. Each one of them beaming with unique gifts and strengths. I wished I could hug each one and tell them how much God loves them perfectly and unconditionally.
I thought of one of our first activities together this week. I asked each woman to anonymously write on small cards their attitudes, actions, or thoughts that were taking up space in their hearts which could otherwise be filled with love. There was freedom to be vulnerable and honest. One by one we hung our cards along a strip of tape suspended between two chairs. I read aloud some of their cards. The most frequent responses were selfishness, resentment, bitterness, anger, and jealousy. Others were even more raw: self-loathing, body hatred, “I’m not good enough to be loved.” These cards, written by God’s beautiful daughters, crushed my heart.
As I shared with the women that Jesus took all our guilt and shame upon Himself and died for our sins at 3pm one dark day, I cut the tape and all the cards fell to the floor. I could see the visual representation hit their hearts and minds. It was clear that God had forgiven them. But more challenging would be the forgiveness they needed to grant themselves.
God reminds us in Zephaniah 3:17 that God saves us, takes delight in us, quiets us with His love, and rejoices over us with singing.
Let those truths sink into your soul today.
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