Would you feel safe standing on a mountain
top? Do you find peace when you’re surrounded by grand mountains or walking
along the ocean’s shore? Are you “at home” exploring a dense forest or driving
through farmland with corn fields on both sides? Where are you most comfortable in your own
skin? All of creation speaks to us about
God’s eternal power and divine nature. (Romans 1:20) God uses the world’s beauty
to capture our attention, and if we’re quiet, we might just hear His
God is constantly calling us to come closer
to Him. (Revelations 22:17) He woos us with His love in many different
ways. You might feel closest to God
during a worship service or on a service project. God might reveal himself to you while you’re
driving or while your kids are driving you crazy. God is creative and He is persistent.
When my 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call started more
than a decade ago, I was sound asleep to God.
I didn’t think about Him or see Him in creation. I didn’t ask Him for help or acknowledge His
good gifts. I was a young mom doing life
on her own; independent, self-reliant… and miserable.
Once I became a mother, I was hit with a
tidal wave of emotions. Every day I focused on making my children safe and
happy. I tried to make our home a fun
and creative refuge for our children and kids in the neighborhood. I took in another little boy while his mother
worked part time. I hosted play groups
and kept Kosher snacks for our Orthodox Jewish next door neighbors.
It was easier for me to take care of others
than deal with the emotional issues I needed to face. I could have never asked for help. I was the helper. I found my identity in being needed by
God knew this all along and waited patiently
until I needed His help. It was
available day and night. I couldn’t see
my need until I fell down the stairs head first.
In desperation, with a head injury, I had to
rely on others to help me and God to get involved in the details of my life
(feed the baby, pay the bills, grocery shop, do the dishes…) I invited God in and that changed my future.
Engage With God - Read and Reflect
DAY 4 – Refuge of Love
Show me the wonders of your great love,
You who save by Your right hand those who take refuge in You. – Psalm 17:7
All of creation
shouts of God’s power and goodness. The
wonders of this world proclaim God’s great love for you. Stand in awe and give God thanks and praise
for He is your secure refuge.
Real Life Reflection Questions:
Where in nature do you see God’s glory?
How can God be your refuge,
a safe and secure place away from difficulty and danger?
What is one area of your life that you need to
invite God into today?
are my strong tower, a refuge from difficulties and danger. I invite you into these areas of my life… I
will trust in your great love. Be my
secure foundation, the rock on which I stand today and every day of my
life. I will praise you for your
incredible creation and your wonderful love.
Jesus’ Name I Pray, Amen
Am God’s Daughter!
Personal Bible Study- Read, record, and reflect on these
scriptures. Let them seep into your soul.
Psalm 62:8 –
Proverbs 30:5 –
Zephaniah 3:17 -
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