Joyce Meyer is one of my favorite Bible teachers. For over forty years she’s delivered inspirational, thought provoking, and life changing messages of Biblical truth to audiences around the world. I start every morning by reading a page of her daily devotional, and usually end up reading or hearing one (or more) of her other messages later in the day.
Imagine my excitement these past two days, sitting among thousands of believers at Joyce’s FREEDOM conference in Denver. Picture me with a smile on my face, scribbling furiously into the notebook on my lap. It’s been a little slice of heaven for me.
Joyce’s message of freedom, delivered in her trademark rich, deep voice, was that Jesus didn’t die for us to live mediocre lives. Instead, His life was given to set us free from bondage, slavery, and the prisons we lock ourselves in. He cares about the condition of our hearts and desires for us to fully enjoy our everyday lives.
From ministering to women in prisons around the country, Joyce has noticed that women behind physical bars can be more free than many of the rest of us. She explained that while we may be free to move about in our lives, we can still be imprisoned by something that has too much control over us.
What is that one thing that has too much power in your life? Is it another person who causes you to view yourself negatively? Maybe it’s what you use every day to cope with life’s stresses. It might be a number on the bathroom scale that screams whether you’re beautiful or not. Or, maybe it’s the title you think you need in order to be successful. Whatever your “one thing” is, and we all have at least one, God wants to set us FREE from it.
The Bible encourages us to “Walk about in freedom after we seek God’s truths” (Psalm 119:45). Start your journey today by talking to God about the “one thing” that’s hindering your full freedom in Christ. He is ready to listen and wants to set us free.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
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