I must have “gotten up on the wrong side of the bed” this morning. I botched breakfast, cut short my TWG (Time with God), forgot to drink my coffee, left the house late in a stained t-shirt, and sped across town with my bad attitude riding shotgun. Hoping that caffeine would lift the dark cloud, I stopped to get a cup at a local grocery store.
I chose a seat away from the crowd where I could be alone and look out on the Flatiron Mountains in the distance. I sipped my coffee, opened my Bible, and asked God to help me reset my attitude. Verse after verse of reassurance somehow didn’t sweep away my bad mood. When I looked up to ponder why, I saw her.
Sitting near me was a beautiful African American woman with long, dark braids in her hair. They draped over her shoulders and lay upon her simple, black cotton dress. Also alone, she held a book on her lap. Her brown, smooth-skinned hand would trace the words on the page she was reading, then she’d stop, look up, as if looking at someone affectionately across the table, and smile. As she repeated this several times, I began to notice that she radiated peace and joy. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I wanted that. I needed that.
She must have felt my stare, because she turned and smiled at me. Before I could stop myself, I said, “May I ask you a question?” She paused for a second, then simply nodded. I dove in deep and asked, “You seem so peaceful and joyful. Where does that come from?” She giggled. I joined her nervously. I had just asked a complete stranger a very personal question.
She turned herself around, looked directly into my eyes and responded, “I have two answers to that question. First, I choose joy and peace many times, every day. I truly believe that I have that choice. Second, I am a child of God and a woman of faith, so God gives me His peace and joy.” (I’m not making this up).
I blubbered out a thanks as tears welled up in my eyes, then laughed and said “You are a walking, talking example of God’s peace that surpasses all understanding!” She was blessed by my affectionate affirmation. I was blessed by her divine wisdom. A complete stranger reminded me that I had chosen my bad attitude when I could, instead, have chosen peace and joy.
No longer strangers, we talked for an hour about faith, politics, our changing country, racial conflicts, and love. We agreed that when the world spins out of control, our emotions often follow suit. But we both agreed that we must stand firm in God’s love and love one another as brothers and sisters of Christ.
Stand with us! As each of us shines in our own corner of the world, others will notice. Our peace and joy illuminating the darkness will, in some way, draw them closer to God. We can brighten this world together!
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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