Joyce Meyer, one of my favorite Bible teachers, has said that when she gets dressed in the morning, she images herself “putting on” the characteristics of Christ. I envision her first putting on a blouse that covers her heart with Christ’s compassion. Then, she slips on her pressed pants and is reminded to walk in peace all day long. Finally, when she dons a colorful jacket, she is surrounding herself with Jesus’ gentleness and kindness.
What are some characteristics of God that you could display today? Could compassion be your first response when a friend is late or makes a rude comment? Can you show others your gentleness and patience while, say, stuck in line at the grocery store or with a crying toddler?
Jesus had the amazing ability to cross over man-made boundaries with compassion, gentleness, and kindness. One day, He and His disciples were traveling through Samaria. Most Jewish men would have chosen to walk the much-longer route around the city, because they considered Samaritans to be an inferior mixed race. Jesus, however, walked right through the city at mid-day, stopping to ask a woman at Jacob’s well for water. She was shocked! Jewish men didn’t talk to Samaritan men, let alone women.
To avoid the heat of the day, women traveled to the well in the early morning and again in the late afternoon to fetch water for their families. Biblical scholars believe the woman Jesus met was there at high noon in order to avoid the other women. The heat of their judgment of her sinful lifestyle must have been hotter and harder to bear than that of the sun.
Jesus, too, knew of her secrets and shame. Instead of the heat of judgment, he offered her His “living water” of forgiveness and salvation. His loving compassion crossed the boundaries between them.
Wherever you walk and whoever you meet, you can share God’s compassion with hurt and broken people. Sharing God’s love in gentle, kind ways is humbly clothing yourself with the characteristics of Christ. He is looking for people that will reach across boundaries, build bridges, and link arms with others, no matter where they’ve been or what they’ve done. Will you?
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
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