Saturday, August 20, 2016

Run With Perseverance

3 o'clock wake up callLet us run with perseverance the race that is marked out for us. – Hebrews 12:1

Today, August 20th if you are reading this, then I am in Leadville, Colorado supporting my husband, Dan, as he runs the Leadville Trail 100, The Race Across the Sky

A month ago, I believed my support would consist of cheering Dan on from the side of the trail, handing him water bottles, and encouraging him to eat something and rest for a few minutes every 20 miles or so.  I also pictured myself, come nightfall, asleep in the soft bed of a nice vacation rental house.  Now, with his brother and running buddy hurt and at home, I’m not only “crewing” Dan with supplies and support, but I’m also running with him through the night for the final 14 miles.  No more cozy vacation rental for this girl.  If I get to sleep at all, it’ll be for a few minutes at a time in a tent or the car.  Oh, and also, I’m in the worst physical shape I’ve been in since we moved to Colorado twelve years ago.

When was the last time you faced a physical, mental, or emotional challenge you felt unprepared for?  Have you ever found yourself helping someone else and thinking, “What if I’m actually hindering them more than helping?”  Or, have you been running the race you know God has marked out for you but still feel like quitting?

God uses race illustrations several times in the Bible to spur us on:

Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that entangles us so we can run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  – Hebrews 12:1

  • Many other believers in Jesus have gone before you.  They are cheering for you in heaven, so run with strength and never give up.  They want you to cast aside things hindering you, like guilt, shame, worry, and self-pity, and just keep going.

You were running a good race.  Who cut in on you to keep you from following the truth?  - Galatians 5:7

  • Those times when you’ve veered from living your faith in action.  What happened?  Who did you start listening to instead of God?  Go back to your race and press hard after the truth.  You are free to run, so run on purpose.  You can do it!

I will be living out these scriptures on Sunday night.  The goal is to get Dan to the finish line in less than 30 hours.  When he’s discouraged and losing heart (whining, he calls it), I’ll change the subject and focus him on getting to the next mile marker.  We’ll stay on the marked trail and refuse to sit down at the Aid Stations, because we’ve learned in the past that once you sit, getting back up feels impossible.  Lastly, I’ll tell him over and over that he’s running great and to “keep on keeping on, my love.”  

God is saying to you too, “Keep on running your race my love.” If you’re off God’s trail, get back on it today.  If you’re tired, throw off all that’s burdening you.  Stay the course and run with purpose toward the goal God has set for you. You can do it!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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