A woman I truly admire stopped me last week and told me that when her 3 o’clock alarm sounds in the afternoon, she’s usually exhausted and needs a nap, a cup of coffee, or a glass of wine to snap out of her afternoon lull. She hugged me tight and said, “What I really need at 3pm, is more of God!”
Years ago the energy drink company, Red Bull launched a marketing campaign calling customers to fight their afternoon energy depletion by drinking a Red Bull every day at 3pm. They actually called it a “3pm Wake Up Call.”
When I saw Red Bull’s advertisement, I thought of what my friend said last week. People don’t need to chug energy drinks to make it through the rest of the day. What they really need is a Wake Up Call from God to be reminded that they have God’s power living in them to continue running their “race” and they can do all things that through God’s strength who lives in and through them.
Yes, the power of God is alive in you! The Bible tells us that the same power that rose Jesus from the grave, lives in you. (Romans 8:11) Take courage, you can tap into God’s unlimited power.
It is true! Even when you are weak and tired, the strength and power of God is always available. Take the apostle Paul as an example. Three times he pleaded with God to take away the torment of the “thorn in his flesh.” God refused, saying “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weaknesses.” This promise from God transformed Paul’s attitude from complaining about his weakness to boasting in the Lord. God gave Paul a jolt of new energy and new perspective.
Our 3 o’clock alarms can do the same thing for us! When you’re hit with the “tired stick” in the afternoon, lift your eyes to the One who has all the power you will ever need. It is not weak to ask for help. You are not a coward when you look to God to strengthen you. You are in fact brave when you truly believe you can draw strength from God above because His power lives in you.
Let your 3 o’clock alarm catapult your energy levels and attitudes to a place where you too boast and praise God for His unlimited power and strength.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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