When Paul wrote those words to the church in Ephesus, he genuinely cared about their faith in Jesus. His letter was written to encourage them to keep growing in their faith. His prayers were non-stop praises, giving thanks to God for them and asking Him to grant them greater wisdom and understanding. He desired for them to know God more and more. That my friends, is my prayer for YOU!
When my 3 O’Clock alarm goes off, I immediately thank God for you. I am thrilled you are taking time out of your busy schedule to stop what you’re doing, look up to God, give Him thanks, then read my words of encouragement written for you. We are growing, and that is good. But what is more important than the number of people who have joined the
3 O’Clock Wake Up Call Movement is the depth to which are you knowing God.
Here are some of the things you as a group have shared with me. These words encourage me. I hope that they encourage you and you can relate.
“I often forget about God’s presence by 3pm in the day. The Wake Up Call is a great reminder that He’s still with me.”
“3 O’Clock in the afternoon is a tough time for me. It’s when I start realizing how much I didn’t get done at work. When my alarm sounds, I snap out of my critical thinking and thank God for what I have completed that day.”
“Job loss is challenging. I’m praying everyday at 3pm for God to lead me to where He wants me to be. That gives me courage and confidence.”
“I stop and count my blessings when my 3pm alarm goes off. Thankfulness fills my heart with joy!”
“I don’t attend a church. The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call is my church everyday.”
Thank you for sharing with me how the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call is helping you in your faith journey. I pray every day for you to grow and know God more and more. May the Spirit of God fill you with wisdom beyond your years and understanding beyond your intelligence. I thank God for YOU!
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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