In church last weekend, we
sang the song “No Longer Slaves.” As the
worship team sang, I was moved to tears by its powerful message:
“I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
From my mother’s womb
You have chosen me
Love has called my name
I’ve been born again
Into your family
Your blood flows through my veins
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God”
Many of us search for a
sense of belonging. We join clubs,
committees, friend groups, schools, and churches, seeking to “fit in” and be a
part of something bigger and more meaningful than ourselves. In a sense, we are searching for an
When was the last time,
though, that you let the concept that you are God’s child define your identity? It’s true!
You are God’s son or daughter, given an inheritance of unconditional
love that can never be taken away. God
calls you by name, His precious child.
The sermon on Sunday was
about The Prodigal Son in the Bible
who disrespectfully asked his father for his inheritance early, then left his
family in pursuit of “wild living.” I
was struck when the pastor pointed out that the prodigal son was not just running
away from his family, but from God. At
that moment, it hit home that we have ALL, at one time or another, turned our
backs and run from God.
Before God woke me up to
His presence and love, I had spent years ignoring Him, “pulling myself up by my
bootstraps,” and forgetting that I was His child. It’s no wonder, those years were filled with
worry, anger, and paralyzing fear.
Thankfully God used a simple 3pm alarm to crack my wounded heart wide
open and begin a good work in me.
It was probably three
years into the Wake Up Call from God that I accepted the fact that I was God’s
daughter, completely and unconditionally loved.
I spent months telling God at 3pm every day, “Thank you for loving
me. Thank you that I am your daughter.”
Last Sunday, I was
reminded of that prodigal daughter who finally came home to where she truly belonged. Tears of gratitude ran down my face as I
thanked God for adopting me into His forever family.
Today be reminded, you are
no longer a slave to fear. YOU ARE A
CHILD OF GOD! That is who you are. You too are known and loved by God. You are in God’s forever family.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and
Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a
part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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