Friday, July 22, 2016

Pray With Power

The prayer of a righteous one is powerful.  
- James 5:16

Colorado summers can get so dry that many roads have signs displaying, like a car’s speedometer, the current fire danger.  Once the spring snows melt, the needle quickly moves from “low” and “medium” to “high” or “extreme,” where it’ll stay until winter.  When the blazing red “FIRE BAN” sign goes up, it means that we’re a lightning strike or errant cigarette butt away from disaster.

On July 9th, a poorly extinguished campfire outside of Boulder started a blaze that burned for over a week, consuming over 600 acres and several houses. When I reached out to a friend who lives in the fire zone, I was impressed by her response to my offer of help.  After explaining that her family of six was safe a relative’s home outside of Denver, she said that the best thing I could do was pray. 

All too often, our first response to a stressful situation is to get to work on a fix. It’s only when we’ve run out of options that we reach out to God.  I’m guilty of blazing full speed ahead in a crisis, only to wake up days later, exhausted and depressed, remembering that God’s been there all the time just waiting for me to pray. 

James tells us that when we’re in a “right” relationship with God, our prayers are powerful.  I believe that a “right” relationship begins with us believing that as children of God, we can pray directly to Him.  God is our loving Father who can’t wait to hear our needs, requests, fears, and concerns.

I hope your 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call continues to remind you to invite God into your life’s messes every day.  He has the answers to your deep questions and holds the plans for your next steps.  He can be trusted in the “storms of life” as well as when things are easy and simple.

So when a tornado hits your path, pray with power.  Why?  Because you can!

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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