My husband and I just spent three days on Lake Powell with four teenagers. Besides being light years ahead of me in understanding technology, they also speak a different language.
I don’t Snapchat or Instagram but I do ask a lot of questions. Here are a few of my inquiries from the first day on the boat with the teens:
- Why does your bathing suit have so little fabric on the bottom?
- What’s up with all the bad language in your music?
- Were those shorts that short when I bought them?
- Just how well do you think your tiny top is going to stay on when you hit the water?
Do you want to know what their response was every time? They said over and over again, “Mom, you’re such a pot mixer.” A what? Living in Colorado where marijuana is legal, I thought they were calling me “high.” That only made them laugh more. Finally, I got the truth out of them.
A bunch of kids at their high school were discussing “girl drama” one day and a friend said, “She’s always stirring the pot.” Then another girl chimed in, “Yea, you’re right. She’s loves mixing the pot.” Then one gal in the crowd yelled, “She’s a POT MIXER!” And it stuck.
When was the last time you were with a “Pot Mixer?” Or maybe you are one! If you like to add intensity to the conversation or get jazzed by heated discussions, then you, my friend, like mixing the pot. According to the teens, the worst kind of “pot mixing” is telling lies or spreading rumors about someone. I tend to agree.
I’m so thankful our God is not a “Pot Mixer.” He tells us truths we can cling to:
- Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6)
- Jesus gave us His Holy Spirit that guides us into truth. (John 16:13)
- The truth about Jesus will set you free. (John 8:32)
Let’s be reminded today that although it might be tempting to “mix the pot” by getting involved in daily dramas, God has called us to live by His truths. Let’s be Truth Tellers not Pot Mixers.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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