Thursday, June 16, 2016

Your Body Is A Temple

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is within you, whom you have received as a gift from God, and that you are not your own.  You were bought with a price (you were actually purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own).  So then, honor and glorify God with your body.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (AMP)

Yesterday, I railed on my body image by calling myself “Jello Woman.”  Later that day, the Bible verse above kept coming to my mind.  “Do you not know….your body is my temple?” 

So today, I’m going to turn my mind around and be thankful for the body God has given me and encourage you to do the same.  Together let’s give God thanks and remember who lives inside us.  And while we’re at it, we may want to set some healthy summer goals.

Quick questions:

  • If you believe the Holy Spirit lives inside of you, doesn’t that make your body the “temple” or the dwelling place of God?
  • If God’s Spirit resides in you, do you think God cares how you treat your body?

  • Are you treating your body with respect and dignity recognizing it as the home of the Holy  Spirit?

  • Lastly, if you criticize your body daily, how do you think this makes God feel?  How does a critical spirit contradict how God sees your heart, soul, mind, and body?

Lots to think about.  I took a long walk/jog today and contemplated these questions myself.
I decided to do two things.

  • First off, I decided to give thanks to God for what my body can still do.  I can walk, hike, jog, swim and do other fun summer activities.  Thanks God!

  • Secondly, I decided to set same healthy summer goals.  I will listen to that still small voice inside saying, “That’s enough.”  I will not neglect my body by being “so busy I forgot to eat.”  I’ll focus on eating smaller portions more often.  And, I will change up my exercise routine because I know more variation will ignite other muscle groups and make working out more interesting and fun.  I’m committed to do these three things until Aug. 1 (at least).

When setting Goals remember to set = Smart Goals = specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, timely!

What about you?  How can you see your body as the beautiful house of God?  Is God’s Spirit leading you to set personal summer goals?   Write to me and share them.  We can pray for one another and be thankful together.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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