Yesterday, as I was working through the events of a “terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day,” I kept thinking. Where was God in all of this?
While praying and reflecting upon each awful situation, I recognized that God wouldn’t want any of those things to hit my life. God does not plan evil for us. Just like He wouldn’t condone mass shootings, God hates it when His children hurt and kill one another. Stealing, lying, killing, and hurting are not God’s ways. They are sins and painful for God to watch.
Then why do horrible things continue to happen? I believe it is because we decide to turn from God’s ways and instead have our own. We steal because we want it. We lie to cover our tracks. We hurt others because we put ourselves above them. Throughout the book of Proverbs, God tells us over and over again that our hearts can be either deceitful or loving, plotting evil or designing good, wise or arrogant. We get to choose. Out of our heart comes our motives and our actions.
Last night, as I tossed and turned in bed, wrestling through the day’s pain and confusion. I woke with Jason Gray’s song lyrics playing in my head:
“Nothing is wasted. In the hands of our redeemer, nothing is wasted.”
I hadn’t heard that song since buying it weeks ago, but I believe God brought it to my mind when I desperately needed its message. I realized that instead of asking God how He was going to make good out of evil, the question He wanted me to ask was, “Do you believe that I can?” That’s it.
Do you truly believe God can take what others have done to hurt you and make something good of it? If so, will you place all of these disappointments and painful experiences into His hands? Here is my prayer:
Lord God,
Into Your loving, powerful hands I place the pieces of my broken heart.
Take each one and have your way. Bring good from these painful messes.
I love you and believe You are able to redeem, restore, help, and heal.
I thank you in advance for Your wonderful ways. I can’t wait to see what good You will bring and how nothing is wasted with You.
In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
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