My family’s involvement with refugees began thirteen years ago, when we hosted a Somali Bantu family for seven weeks, fresh off the plane from Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp. We’ve also walked closely with “Lost Girls” from South Sudan now living here in Colorado. Several single Sudanese moms have lived with us off and on over the years. These relationships have enriched our lives and taught our children a little about life outside of the “Boulder Bubble.”
In the various refugee-themed children’s camps I’ve run over the years, I’ve taught that a “refugee” is a person who is forced to leave their homeland because it’s not safe. A “refuge,” on the other hand is something or someone providing shelter. One of the more striking things about the refugees I’ve lived and worked with is how completely they rely on God as their refuge. I’ve always been amazed and inspired by this, given the magnitude of the death, pain, and suffering they have endured.
How do you feel when trouble comes your way? Is your first reaction to try and control the situation? Do you call a friend or family member to angrily complain? Or, are you quick to go to God as your refuge, your secure, safe home? Do you trust Him when you can’t see beyond your tremendous troubles, when darkness invades?
God’s word tells us that He is good, even when the cancer cells come, the bills overwhelm, a child goes astray, or a loved one dies. When you are utterly exhausted and can find no purpose in this life, God is still God. He reigns over all, and wants to be our refuge.
I pray the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call will prompt you to go to God first when trouble shows up in your life. When your 3pm alarm sounds, give God all your troubles, thank Him for the strength He gives, and ask Him to be your refuge. He promises He will!
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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