Let them give thanks to the LORD for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. – Psalm 107:8-9
On Thanksgiving Day, homeless shelters, churches, and community centers will feed thousands of people who have little to eat and nobody to share it with. Countless volunteer hours will go into making them traditional turkey meals, and hearts will overflow with joy as people do the work Jesus called all of us to do. It seems that God has wired our hearts to sense His powerful presence when we serve His people in need. When we do, Jesus is right there with us reminding us of how blessed we truly are.
Here are a couple of my most joyous memories of service at Thanksgiving:
Many years ago, while traveling in San Diego for a holiday soccer tournament, the team and accompanying parents spent an afternoon sorting food in a large distribution center. This food would be delivered on Thanksgiving Day to poor families in the area. The enthusiasm, sense of purpose, and joy felt by both the soccer players and their parents was incredible.
When our kids were little, we served Thanksgiving meals at our church to several hundred homeless people a year. The kids who could read and write took meal orders. The older kids delivered the plates of home-made food, addressing each person by name and wishing them a Happy Thanksgiving. Even the little kids passed out desserts. It was a fantastic way to begin our own family celebration.
Before Jesus sent His disciples into a town to share the good news of God’s saving grace, He reminded them to take care of the “least of these:" the widows, orphans, and the poor who have always been close to His’ heart.
Think about the people living in your community. Who would Jesus serve if he arrived in your hometown? Here in Boulder, Colorado, I think Jesus would hang out along the bike path. He would look intensely into the eyes of the homeless, call them each by name, tell them He loved them, and ask how He could help.
Count your blessings today. Then think of some way you can serve those in need during this Thanksgiving season. "The least of these" are always in sight and never out of reach.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!
Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement
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