Saturday, November 26, 2016

Tellin' It Like It Is

3 o'clock wake up call
Yes indeed, it is good when you truly obey our Lord’s command. “You must love and help your neighbors just as much as you love and take care of yourself.” 
– James 2:8 (TLB)

Do you know someone who is blunt?  They say it because it’s true and you need to hear it (even if you’d rather not).

I have a family member whose blunt statements often leave me speechless.  They are not unkind, they’re just so straightforward that I’m too startled to think of a comeback. So I just laugh instead.

I find that highly effective pastors can be blunt as well.  They shoot straight, speaking God’s word with authority and conviction.  There’s no wiggle room around the truth.  If God said it, then believe it.  If Jesus did it, then do it. 

Andy Stanley, the pastor of North Point Church, is gifted with just such a communication style.  His captivating talks resonate with diverse audiences, from a huge church on Sunday mornings in Atlanta to, with his Your Move series, late night bars full of people watching TV after Saturday Night Live.

In Andy’s recent sermon series, Be Rich, he called his church to donate their money, time, and love.  He confessed that love might be the hardest of the three to give away.  He challenged everyone to follow Jesus’ number one command, ”love God and others,” with this very blunt question:

“What does love require of you?”

Ouch.  As soon as you read that question, you knew the answer, right?  You knew who it is you need to forgive, to call, to invite over, or spend time with.  You just might not want to.v  

Thousands of people in our nation are taking Andy’s challenge to love someone difficult to love or someone who God has put on “your radar.”  We are called to love them in tangible ways.  So make a plan.

Thank God He is never finished with us.  He continues to change us from the inside out to become more and more like His perfect son, Jesus.  Jesus said it straight up – Our highest priority is to LOVE God and others.  They will know you are a Jesus follower when you LOVE.
The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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