Friday, December 29, 2017

Talking to Jesus

Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His presence continually! – Psalm 105:4 (ESV)

This Christmas morning, while placing gifts under the tree, my mind was flooded with memories of when my kids were little. When the wonder of Santa’s arrival caused little feet to hit the floor, then wiggle and dance at the top of the stairs long before sunrise. Now, I can barely drag their feet out of bed before 10:00am. 

Waiting for my kids to wake up this year, I spent some time alone reading Talking To Jesus by my friend Jeannie Blackmer. From the first page, Jeannie’s gifted storytelling immediately transported me into stories from the Bible that, although familiar, are infused with new dimension, depth, and clarity.

In Talking To Jesus, Jeannie uses personal encounters with Jesus from the book of Matthew to draw us into their story and make captivating connections to our own lives. She tears down the notion that prayer is formal or formatted, and encourages us to pray to Jesus in a fresh new way.

Prayer, she says, is simply “talking to Jesus anytime, anywhere, about anything.” 

In Talking To Jesus we discover people we can relate to, who stretch our thoughts about what praying to Jesus looks and sounds like. We encounter, up close and personal:

  • Simon The Leper experiencing sorrowful days of rejection and isolation. When Jesus reaches out and touches “the untouchable” Simon, we’re reminded that nothing we have done or will do can ever separate us from the love of God through Christ Jesus. Simon asked Jesus for His powerful cleansing touch, and so can we. 
  • A Roman officer courageously seeking Jesus for help because his dear servant is deathly ill. One man’s confidence and faith in Jesus reminds to us to pray for our loved ones who are physically, mentally, or spiritually hurting. The officer believed that Jesus could heal with simply a word, and so can we.
  • A desperate mother pleading with Jesus to save her daughter from a demon’s torture. Discouraged from approaching Jesus by His disciples, she pushed through her personal fears and demonstrated persistent, persuasive, and non-stop prayer. As love propelled this woman to pursue Jesus, it calls us to do the same. 

Later that morning, watching my three teen children open their presents, I was encouraged by Talking To Jesus to consistently pray in the midst of wrapping paper and family chatter. Gratitude, like the fresh layer of snow outside, blanketed our morning and my heart.

My raw prayers to Jesus sounded something like this:

Just like Simon the Leper, thank you Jesus for cleansing me from all my past mistakes, especially the ones that brought shame, isolation or rejection into my heart. I love you more knowing no one is ever off limits to You.

Just like the Roman officer, thank you Jesus for hearing my cries for help and healing when people I love are suffering from sickness, disease, and pain. My faith is stronger because You are mighty to save. 

And closest to my heart is the desperate mother. Thank you Jesus for hearing my non-stop prayers for my children. When they’ve been lost, you’ve found them and brought them home. When our dreams were dashed, you gave us hope. When the despair was dark and the road unknown, you made a way and you’ll do it again. You’ve caught every tear and never left me in my sadness or disappointment. I trust you because I’ve seen you do the impossible. Thank you for loving my children even more than I do. 

Jeannie describes praying to Jesus as a constant communication that “can become as natural and necessary as every breath you take every moment you’re alive.” She’s so right. Talking to Jesus is simple, yet so profound for our faith journey. It has been an anchor of hope to my soul through both the calm and the storms.

You can start today…share your cares, concerns, compassions, and challenges with the One who is available anytime, anywhere. Just talk to Jesus and discover a fresh approach to prayer. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Choose Joy

3 o'clock wake up call
“Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of every detail in my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything will be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in all things.” 
– from Choose Joy by Kay Warren 

When my oldest daughter was in middle school, she would start complaining about going to school as soon as her feet hit the floor in the morning. Her complaints continued throughout the entire twenty-five-minute commute. Without fail, as we’d pull into the “Hug and Go” line to drop her off, my last words to her were always “Abby, choose joy!” She hated hearing that every morning. Instead of lifting her spirits, I think I just gave her one more thing to complain about: me.

I learned a few years ago a wonderful definition of JOY while reading Kay Warren’s book, Choose Joy. It’s what I wish for my children every day and for you as we say good-bye to 2017 and move into the new year. 

Kay’s understanding of joy: “The settled assurance that God is in control of every detail in my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything will be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in all things.”

I believe this is the most brilliant definition of JOY I’ve ever heard or read. It’s complex yet simple, challenging yet comforting, and enthusiastically encouraging!

The reason joy is complex is because it goes against our human nature to give up control and let someone, let alone a God we can’t reach out and touch, be in charge of our life. But at the same time, knowing God is in control of every detail gives us peace and joy, because we can let go and let Him call the shots.  

Joy is also challenging because our culture teaches us that our confidence should come from our accomplishments. But when we strive for confidence in our own strength, our efforts rarely produce joy. Joy comes when God meets us in our real weaknesses and comforts us with His joy that surpasses all understanding.

And lastly, the joy of the Lord is encouraging because when we’re joyful, we experience His tangible presence. Jesus’ holy presence is energizing because it lifts us out of the mundane and turns our eyes to believe all things are possible. Living intimately with Jesus causes our soul to sing praises because joy is available at all times.

I’m so grateful for Kay’s insights. As a mother who has endured incredible heartache and loss, I know that if she can choose joy, then we can too. 

Yes, choose joy today wherever you go, whatever you do, and no matter how you feel. Complaining will only drag you down while joy will lift your spirits high. 

Be assured that God is in control of every detail. Be confident in His strength and power to guide you. Praise Him every step of the way, and JOY will follow.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

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Friday, December 22, 2017

I am a Child of God

3 o'clock wake up call
To all who receive Him, who believe in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. – John 1:12

By far my favorite family tradition at Christmas is visiting an orphanage called His Little Feet in nearby Windsor, Colorado. The children, from places like India, Ethiopia, Haiti, and Kenya, are on tour for one year singing, dancing and telling their stories in churches across America.  They bring the message of the gospel and teach about why loving the most vulnerable children on this planet is God’s will on earth. 

We arrive at His Little Feet with a carload of presents made possible with the help of close friends and families.  We surround their tree with gifts of baby dolls, matchbox cars, puzzles, games, and crafts.  We share a meal, play silly games, sing Happy Birthday to Jesus at the top of our lungs, then stuff ourselves with cake and ice cream.  The ending of our time together is by far the most special part in my heart.

We gather all together in the living room and the children sing Christmas songs.  I cry tears of joy every time.  Last year, the kids sang their new favorite song, No Longer Slaves.  

One of their leaders had shared with me over birthday cake that when the children first arrive in Colorado, the fear from their old lives often follows them.  Although safe in warm beds, many are wracked by night terrors.  The staff of His Little Feet have a brilliant battle plan to combat the enemy’s lies and fight against the fear.  They pray over the children before bed, play quiet worship music, and teach them about their true identity.  Every child knows he or she is God’s beloved child.

I will never forget the night at His Little Feet when nineteen orphans belted out, 

“From my mother’s womb, You have chosen me.  Love has called my name.  I’ve been born again into your family.  Your blood flows through my veins.  I’m no longer a slave to fear.  I AM A CHILD OF GOD!” 

They don’t know their mothers, but they know God chose them for His family. They are not orphans in God’s sight.  They are His beloved children.  

And so are you, dear one.  When you know your true identity, you can fight fear with God’s truth.  You are adopted into His family.  His blood flows through your veins. You are no longer a slave to fear, you are free because you are God’s child.  Walk in the inheritance you’ve been given today and every day.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

No Room?... Make Room!

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. – Luke 2:6-7

Years ago, the scriptures above unfolded during a children’s Christmas drama.

The narrator entered from a side door and stood beside the stage. She hollered, “Ready, set, action! Welcome boys and girls! Tonight, we’re going back in time to the starry night Jesus was born. Welcome to Bethlehem!” 

Next, the Innkeeper bounded to center stage. As Mary and Joseph slowly approached, the Innkeeper raised his voice loud enough for the last row to hear. With angry eyes and a frowning face, he boomed, “NO ROOM! We have no room in the Inn.”

Mary and Joseph, attempted to plea for understanding. The Innkeeper silenced them and yelled, “NO ROOM!” 

Mary and Joseph slowly turned to face the crowd, their hopeless heads hung low, shoulders drooped, and spirits squelched.

But wait…Joseph lifted his head at the sound of animals in a nearby stable.  The actors are enthusiastically mooing and baaaing. He gently turns Mary in their direction, to see the animals are inviting them into their manager. Yes! They wave their hooves telling them to come close.

The children in the audience clap and cheer for the animals. Some even joined the heroes with moos and baas of their own. 

The narrator concluded, “Mary gave birth to baby Jesus and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. Merry Christmas! The End.”

As a drama director volunteering at church, I wanted to bring the manager scene to life and encourage young children to find the Bible fascinating. But I messed up a little and tapped into their love of animals, not their love for Jesus.

This morning while reading Luke 2, a totally different scene unfolded in my mind. I imagined the Innkeeper feeling compassion for the young couple. Maybe he even apologized then offered the manager as the only space available on his land. Mary and Joseph, humble at a heart and pledged to do the will of God, thanked him for a place to rest and prepare for the Savior of the world. Instead of anger and rejection, I saw compassion and love in the scene. 

Luke’s gospel is the only one to describe the manager scene, so we don’t have many written details. But we do have these two words; NO ROOM. Let those two words drop into your heart and resonate in your mind.

Here are some Wake Up Call Questions to ponder today:

  • Will you make room during this busy season to celebrate Jesus’ birth? How so?
  • Is it possible for you to have a humble heart and willing spirit to do the will of God even if you’re placed in an uncomfortable spot?
  • Instead of being angry when so many demands are upon you, in what ways can you give thanks and find joy in the messiness of life?
Share your thoughts with God and/or with someone else. Let them spur you on to shine a bright light on Jesus during this Christmas season – right where the light belongs.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, December 18, 2017

Lift Your Atmosphere

3 o'clock wake up call
The mind-set of the Spirit is life and peace. 
– Romans 8:6

One week until Christmas! Are all the decorations up and the presents wrapped? Have you mailed out your cards? If so, good for you. If you’re like me, though, you’re just thankful that there are still six days left to run around like crazy and get maybe half of it all done Ready… set… go!

I begin every Christmas season hoping to be more organized and better planned than the last one. But it never happens, and I repeat the same pattern of busyness and last minute shopping, cooking, and cleaning. Somehow though, it always gets done in time, and I nap all afternoon on Christmas Day. 

Running around town last week, I noticed how different people are responding to this stressful time of the year. Here are three snapshots. 

An older gentleman on a bicycle yelled angrily at a driver whose tires were in the middle of the crosswalk. She apologized to him, then hastily backed up, almost into my car. He wasn’t impressed with her courteous gesture and cussed her out some more as he crossed the street.

While checking out of one store, the owner enthusiastically paused to thank the delivery driver who had just dropped off some packages. She smiled and told him his timing was perfect. His face brightened, he wished her well, then bounded out the door, his spirits clearly boosted. At the next store, the delivery man was ignored. Forced to wait for a signature and never spoken to, he left with an air of irritation that he hadn’t come in with. 

Dropping off two bags of donations behind the Goodwill, the worker sorting through hundreds of items greeted me with a huge smile. I wished him a blessed Christmas. Immediately, he shouted at the top of his lungs, “Christmas is the reason why we’re so blessed!” I threw my arms up in the air and shouted, “Amen!” My daughter in the car might have been slightly embarrassed, but she’d agree joy abounded in that alleyway.

Think about the scenes you’ve recently witnessed during this Christmas season. Have they been grateful, joyful, and peaceful or have they been ungrateful, angry, and mean? 

Even in the midst of this busy season, with so many things vying for our attention and time, we still have a choice about our mind-set. Let’s chose to express gratitude, exude joy, and walk in peace.

The Spirit of God gives us a mind-set of peace (Romans 8:6). What a wonderful time of year to prioritize peace and chose to have the mind-set of Christ! 

When you choose a mind-set of gratitude, joy and peace, you’ll lift the atmosphere of places you visit and bless the people you meet.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank you for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, December 15, 2017

Stand Firm

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. – Philippians 4:6

Worry and I have spent way too much time together over the past two years.  Worry wakes me up at night to taunt me about my teenagers or remind me of what I didn’t accomplish.  Worry also distracts me during the day by rehashing past conversations that didn’t go well or projecting possible future failures.

Recently, I decided to go to war against Worry.  I wanted to share with you my Battle Plan in hopes that you will be ready to fight against Worry when it shows up uninvited in your heart and mind.  

Standing Firm - Battle Plan to Fight Worry:

  • Pray – When worry enters into your heart or mind, let it be an alarm sounding in your soul reminding you to go to God immediately in prayer.  Whatever the concerns, give them all to God first.  

1Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you. 

  • Give Thanks – A thankful heart is key to fighting against Worry. Look to God’s goodness, mercy, grace, and unending love, then start counting your blessings.  Every good gift you have is from your Heavenly Father. If you need help to get started, just start with the alphabet and thank God A to Z for the good in your life or His awesome goodness. 

Psalm 100:2, 4 – Enter His presence with joyful singing! Give thanks to Him and praise His name.  

  • Fix Your Eyes on Jesus – When Worry tries to take you captive, turn to Jesus and follow His lead instead.  Walk as He walked, talk as He talked, and ask His Holy Spirit to be your guide. Whatever the Worry may be, God can use it to prepare you for His great plans. 

Hebrews 12:1-2 Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.  

These days while I’m waging War against Worry, my 3pm alarm goes off with God’s truth appearing as a message written personally for me.  You can write your own and have it repeated every day.

This is one example of a Stand Firm 3pm Prayer:

“Jesus, I give you my worries. Thank You for taking them ALL.  Fill me with your peace so I can run the race you have marked out for me. I will follow you.  Lead me on.”

I truly believe we all need our Wake Up Call from God each and every day to fight our good fight of faith.  Whatever war you’re fighting, set a personal message for yourself on your phone, so when the day is in full swing the alarm can snap out of it and help you stand firm in your faith.  

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Awe & Wonder

I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. – Psalm 9:1

A few days ago, I shared how Mary the mother of Jesus treasured “God moments” in her heart. She pondered the miraculous signs the shepherd shared of how a heavenly host of angels pronounced the birth of her son, the Messiah. She stood in awe and wonder when the religious leaders in Jerusalem found Jesus brilliant beyond his years. How wonderful it must have been for Mary to witness Jesus growing in wisdom and knowledge right under her roof. 

I think God wants us to have our own awe and wonder stories. They are to point directly to Him and tell of His wonderful deeds. Lean in as I share one awesome God moment I experienced just recently.

What a week! After a crazy busy, out of control, chaotic pre-Christmas week, I dropped my husband off for a work trip on Sunday morning. As I drove alone to church, I honestly didn’t feel like going. Everyone else in my family was either sick, working, or had already attended a different service. As I turned onto the road leading to the church, loneliness welling up in my heart. I made one simple request to God, “Please give me one friend to sit with.”

As I entered the building, I immediately spied a dear friend from Bible Study. Our eyes locked, we hugged, and I humbly asked if I could sit with her and her husband. She smiled and nodded. We grabbed coffee and headed into the sanctuary to find him. He had chosen center seats up close to the front, a spot I’ve never sat in before. When we stood to sing the first worship song, I recognized another woman sitting diagonally in front of me. As I did, the rest of her family filed into the empty seats beside her. 

Their presence took my breath away. Out of more than 500 seats in the sanctuary, Jane’s precious family was an arm’s length away from me. These were the loving people I’d walked with during the last days of Jane’s life last spring. We were not only close in proximity, we were close at heart. Three of them were from out of state and all of them were visiting today. Why today?

Then it hit me. I’d asked God for one friend to sit with. He’d given me an entire family even larger than my own. I was reminded of Ephesians 3:20-21. 

Now to Him is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen

All I could squeak out during the second worship song was, “Thank you God!”

After the service we all hugged and I heard how hard Thanksgiving had been without sweet Jane. Who would make the gravy? Tears welled up, but the laughter still came. God was certainly in this place, knitting our hearts together, Catholics and Protestants connected by our love for Jane and Jesus. I bet both Jane and God were rejoicing in heaven. 

When I got back in my car after church, loneliness was gone. All that remained were awe and wonder. I promised to give thanks and tell of God’s wonderful deeds. 

May we never lose our wonder. 
Wide eyed and mystified.
May we be just like a child.
Staring at the beauty of our King.
  • Lyrics from the song Wonder, Bethel Music

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, December 11, 2017

Tuck Treasures in Your Heart

Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. – Luke 2:19

On an ordinary night near Bethlehem, shepherds kept watch over their folks in fields. Suddenly an angel appeared and the glory of the Lord shone bright all around them. 

The angel announced, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:10-11)

As the shocking news was sinking in, a great company of angels appeared in the sky praising and glorifying God. The shepherds took in the brilliant scene; bright beams of lights, loud and beautiful singing, eyes wide open darting up and down and all around. 

So many questions must have raced through their minds…What was happening? Was this a dream? Were their eyes playing tricks on them? Or would this night go down in history as the night God announced the birth of the long awaited Messiah to lowly shepherds? For real, had they just received the directions to the Savior of the world? Would they find Him there?

Yes! The shepherds heard the great news first; before kings or rulers, before the rich or the wise. God revealed His rescue mission for all mankind to the “least of these.” They were purposely chosen to witness the glory of God and tell Mary and Joseph about it. 

Finding Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus lying in a manager, they shared all the wonderful sights and sounds God had given them. The Bible tells us, Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart (Luke 2:19).

God gave Mary so many miraculous signs and wonders while she mothered the Messiah. All these treasures were tucked in her heart.

  • An angel of the Lord told Mary that the Holy Spirit would come upon her and she would be the mother of God’s one and only son, Jesus. (Luke 1:31)
  • Joseph told Mary how an angel came to him in a dream and told him not to divorce her even though he wasn’t the child’s father. He was also told to name the child Jesus. (Matthew 1:20)
  • When Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth, the baby in her womb leaped for joy and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. She proclaimed that Mary’s baby was the Lord. (Luke 1:41-44)
  • Laying in a manger, Mary gave birth to a baby while she was still a virgin. 
  • When she and Joseph took Jesus into the temple on the eighth day to be circumcise, they were stopped by Simeon, a devout man of God, and Anna a prophetess. Both of them recognized Jesus as the Savior of the world. (Luke 2:21-33)
  • Later when Jesus was twelve years old, he amazed all the religious teachers in Jerusalem during Passover with his knowledge and understanding of God. (Luke 2:46) They had no idea that he was the “Word made flesh dwelling among them”. (John 1:14) Again we’re told Mary treasured all these things in her heart.

Mary filled her heart with treasures about Jesus. This Christmas and all year ‘round, we can do the same. What truths and treasures about Jesus are tucked in your heart? 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, December 8, 2017

Are You Ready

3 o'clock wake up call
May the LORD make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else. – 1 Timothy 3:12

Are you ready for Christmas: tree up, cards signed, and gifts ready to wrap?  If not, don’t feel bad.  I’m sure you’re way ahead of me.  Just this morning, I picked up the soggy Halloween pumpkin from our front porch and launched it into the compost pile. Upon landing, it collapsed into a flat, gooey heap of orange mess.  I could relate.  This time of year, with holiday pressures squeezing me from all sides, I too feel flattened into a hot mess.  

Why does December seem to move faster than all the other months?  I’m especially far behind this year.  Except for a few cards from my high-functioning friends, my house has no sign of Christmas. My list of things to do, people to connect with, and places to go gets longer every day.  I plopped down on the couch this morning and wondered “where is the love, peace, and joy the season?  Where is God in the midst of our dizzy December days?”

My first thoughts were critical.  As soon as the Laura bashing began, I began to pray.  Immediately, in God’s presence, I felt the love and reassurance I desperately needed.  I reached my hands out, with palms up, and confessed that I had too much to do and asked God what I needed to prioritize.

As I exhaled and waited for the Lord to direct my day, one word came to mind: LOVE.  

Think about that for a minute.  What if we were to focus our distracted hands and minds on love?  

I picked up my long list of Christmas chores and circled what would increase love in my life.  I moved visiting a friend who just had surgery to the top. Next came taking my daughter out for dinner, then finishing my Bible Study.  That means the Christmas decorations won’t come out for another week and our Christmas cards might arrive in 2017.  But that’s ok because by prioritizing love, God brought peace into my heart.  Bonus love and peace!

Then John 3:16 came to mind.  I’ve known this verse since I was a child: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  Just last week I heard David Platt, author of the book, Radical, explain how “radical” is was for Jesus to speak those words. 

Up until then, God’s people had been the Israelites.  God loved, protected, and guided them. They were His children.  The notion that God loved those outside of the Jewish Nation as well was unheard of.  This message of inclusion resonated with God’s people.  His love went viral when He sent Jesus to earth.  

Christmas is when God began His divine rescue mission, a great work on earth that He will be faithful to complete.

In 1 Timothy 3, Paul is praying for Timothy and the people of Thessalonica; for their love to grow and overflow onto one another.  That is my prayer for all of us during this Christmas season.

Heavenly Father,
Awaken our hearts to Your boundless love. 
Fill our hearts with a love that overflows onto others.
This Christmas, may we remember Your love and prioritize love every day.
In Jesus’ Name I Pray, 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Step Into Mary's Shoes

“I am the Lord’s servant.” Mary answered the angel, “May it be to me as you have said.” – Luke 1:38

It’s easy to look at someone else’s life and find fault… until you find yourself walking in their shoes.

I remember hearing a mother of three telling a group of us that she and her husband let their kids pick the high school they wanted to attend. Since we have an “open enrollment” policy in our town, it is possible for siblings to go to different schools. But from my perspective as a mother of young kids, I thought, and often said out loud, that there was no way I’d ever let my kids be scattered across town in different schools. 

Wouldn’t you know it, several years later, I found myself transferring my son from the high school where he and his sister attended, to the one across town. And, as God has a sense of humor, the guide for our new school tour was a mother, who just a few years before, I had thought was a complete fool for doing the same thing. When she greeted me with a huge smile, we both knew who the biggest fool was. 

Mary must have felt quite foolish explaining to Joseph that the child she was carrying was placed in her by the Holy Spirit. How would you have responded if you were Joseph? I might have laughed out loud then cried as all my dreams went up in smoke. 

But Mary had been awakened by the angel. She had heard with her own ears that God had chosen her to be the mother of the long awaited Messiah. She saw the bright light. She heard her name clearly spoken with these calming words, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God” (Luke 1:30).

Mary had received a blessing. Joseph’s world had been turned upside down. Mary was caught up in a beautiful mystery. Joseph could only see misery ahead. That is until an angel appeared to him in a dream and comforted his greatest fears. 

The angel confirmed, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:20-21)

God used an angel as the messenger and the quietness of night to convey His message. Because of this, both Mary and Joseph could believe that nothing was impossible for God.

God still whispers messages into our souls. He still uses dreams to convey His plans. He even lets us be the fool to teach us lessons. And he’s still looking for people who will believe all things are possible with Him.

This Christmas, step into Mary’s shoes and let your heart dream bigger, let your hope soar higher, and let your faith fly where there are no boundaries. God is searching the whole earth looking for people He can use to bring about His grand plans.  

For the eyes of the Lord move over all the earth so that He may give strength to those whose whole heart is given to Him. – 1 Chronicles 16:9

Will you be found by Him this Christmas?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, December 4, 2017

Add "Trust" to your to-do list

Those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength. – Isaiah 40:31

Do you ever lose your “To Do” list, or maybe send it through the laundry? Do you ever have multiple lists, each with more tasks to complete than hours in the day?

As we move towards Christmas, responsibilities ramp up, more balls get thrown into the juggle, and additional hats need to be worn. It’s exhausting, especially when we stretch and strive in our own strength.

My husband told me yesterday that we aren’t sending Christmas cards this year because we’re all going in a hundred different directions. There’s simply no time to come together for the family photo. I laughed and told him I’d make it happen.

My kids are struggling in all different areas of life. School is hard… I’ll find a tutor. Energy is low… I’ll make protein packed dinners and buy better vitamins. Relationships are challenged… I’ll be a counselor.

No wonder I wake up in the middle of the night making more lists. As the Christmas season spirals faster and faster, I’m trying to cling to the people I love and control their lives and mine. That’s when God whispers into my soul, “Stop Laura. If I spin the earth, I can handle this.”

So if God’s got all our lists and loved ones in the palm of His hands, what are we to do? He makes it clear in Proverbs 3:5-6, our job is to TRUST Him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

 When the “To Do” lists multiply and your mind fills with worry, WHAT IF YOU…

  • Presented your “To Do” lists in prayer to God and asked Him to help you prioritize? Wouldn’t that invite Him into your busy day?
  • Admitted you’re exhausted and asked for God’s strength? Wouldn’t that increase your reliance on God?
  • Made an additional list of thanks and praise to God that’s longer than your “To Do” list? Wouldn’t that please God immensely and ease your mind?

That’s TRUST! Inviting God into our busy days, asking for His guidance, and relying on His strength. 

Will you trust God to make your path towards Christmas straight? When you do, your heart will awaken to why we’re celebrating in the first place. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

A Different Answer

3 o'clock wake up call
Be careful how you live.  Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise.  Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days…and give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. – Ephesians 5:15, 20

How do you usually respond when someone asks you how you’re doing?  I tend to answer with “I’m fine.  How are you?”  The other day when I gave this response to the cashier who had asked, she didn’t answer me in return.  She had just been making small talk and really didn’t care how I was doing.  It was easier for her to ignore my question then answer me honestly.

This interaction, or lack thereof, got me thinking about the small talk we make everyday with people who don’t know us well but see us often.  Who are the people you bump into often; at the grocery, coffee shop, gym, post office, library, school or at church?   

What if the next time one of them asks you how you are, you answered their question by saying, “I’m thankful!”  Wouldn’t that prompt them to ask the next question, “WHY?”
The Bible tells us to always be ready to give the reason for our hope.  (1 Peter 3:15)

Think for a moment about the act of thanksgiving alive and active in your life.  Answer these quick Powerful “W” questions:

  • Who are you thankful for?
  • What is one gift you’re thankful for?
  • When was the last time you said “Thank you!”
  • Where have you experienced great gratitude expressed lately?
  • Why do you think God desires for us to give thanks for everything?

I’ll share my answers through a story:  

I’m thankful for Tammy, my favorite grocery store employee.  Every time Tammy sees me shopping, she comes over and gives me a big hug.  I guess a long time ago she decided that she could be herself with me because I saw past her disability and genuinely cared about her.  Recently, she was used by God to answer one of my prayers.  
A week earlier, I had been calling around looking for a place to serve on Thanksgiving Day since our family had postponed our celebrations to Saturday.  Every center and church I called said “No thanks.  We have enough help.”  But the day before Thanksgiving, there was Tammy in the produce aisle hugging me and excitedly talking about tomorrow’s “feast.”  A local restaurant was holding its yearly dinner for children with disabilities and their families.

I thanked Tammy for what I call a “God wink,” then drove across town to the restaurant hosting the event.  At the hostess’ station, I asked the manager if I could volunteer the next day.  He almost hugged me like Tammy does, and said “Yes, we need more hands to help!”  

What an incredible experience!  When the families with special needs children asked me, their waitress, how I was doing on Thanksgiving Day, I answered them truthfully by saying “I’m so thankful!”  Those three words seemed to give people permission to respond in kind.  It’s as if one “Thank You” unleashed a multitude, reminding me that that is exactly how God desires for all of us to live every day.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Confident in His Control

3 o'clock wake up call
My heart is confident in You, O God; my heart is confident.  No wonder I can sing your praises! Wake Up, my heart! – Psalm 57:7-8 (NLT)

OK, so you survived Black Friday… How’d you do with Cyber Monday? How many stores did you visit without ever having to leave the house?  Last year on Cyber Monday, Americans spent over three billion dollars online in 24 hours.  This was an increase from the year before, and it’s predicted that this year will be even bigger.  

I didn’t think Cyber Monday was a big deal until several years ago when I purchased our family’s Spring Break trip at a 60% discount.  Cyber Monday made an otherwise unaffordable trip into one of our favorite family memories.  The kids were old enough to be safe on their own, yet still liked spending time with us.  That wonderful week gave me confidence that we could maneuver the rapidly approaching teen years without much of a problem. 

Boy was I wrong.  As soon as we started hitting the bumps in the road, I lost all my confidence as a mother.  I spent endless hours awake at night worrying that they wouldn’t make it home safely.  I tracked our teens on their phones every time they left the house. 

It had been my job for so many years to keep my kids safe, and now they were driving and making challenging decisions on their own.  Had I taught them well enough?  Would they choose the right path in the face of temptation and peer pressure?  As I paced and worried, fear and anxiety rose to levels I’d never experienced before as a mother.  The enemy had a field day with me, filling my mind with thoughts of destruction and death.  There was one point that I fully expected our son to die.  It wasn’t a matter of “if,” I thought, but “when” would we get that call.  I was trapped in darkness and despair.

Thankfully, my 3 o’clock alarm saved me from fear’s trap.  Every day when my alarm sounded, I started sending God S.O.S (Save Our Son) prayers.  God heard my cries for help and came close.  

His presence gradually displaced the fear with faith.  His powerful Holy Spirit began teaching me to give Him my troubled heart and He’d lead me to trust Him more and more.  God entered our high school story and gave me a renewed confidence.  A little in myself and my parenting, but a lot more in Him.  After all, God loves my teens even more than I do.  He has great plans for them.  My job is to place them in His loving hands so that, day by day, He can guide all of us through the tumultuous times.  

I have learned to give God thanks and praise even when I can’t locate my kids, when it’s past their curfew, or bad news comes our way.  Thanking God for who He is, instead of the circumstance I’m in, eventually developed a comforting level of trust in my heart.  I can now stand confidently in the storms because I know who controls the weather. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Monday, November 27, 2017

Let Peace Arise

3 o'clock wake up call
Make every effort to live in peace with everyone. – Hebrews 12:14

When God says “everyone,” He doesn’t mean the complaining kids, angry neighbors, and rude co-workers, does He? 

He does. In fact, He’s not just encouraging us to live in peace with everyone we encounter every day, He’s commanding us to. 

Some people thrive in conflict. Not me. When emotions heat up, I want to flee from the flames. When I suspect an upcoming conflict, I steer clear of mean moms, dodge difficult meetings, and stay as quiet as possible. 

That is not the way God wants us to live in peace, however. As God’s children, instead of fleeing in fear, we’re to walk in peace (Ephesians 6:15). Instead of hiding, we’re to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9). And instead of running away from conflict, we’re to stand firm in our faith (1 Corinthians 16:13). 

We can’t control who or what gets thrown at us each day, but we can control how we respond to grumbling, complaining, anger, or rudeness. The key is to follow the Prince of Peace. 

What if thanking God in the middle of our messy days, could remind us where and who our peace comes from?

Instead of focusing on the conflict, let’s thank the One who’s truly in control. Thanksgiving ushers us right into the presence of God, where we can hand over today’s challenges. 
There, He reminds us that His power through the Holy Spirit is alive and active in us. 

Peace is a “Fruit of the Spirit.” As God gives us greater amounts of it, we are able to face conflicts and challenges more like His son Jesus, the Prince of Peace, would. 

Wow! Facing our fears, standing firm in the fire, produces a peace that surpasses understanding. Let God and others see peace flourishing in your life.

Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you. – 2 Thessalonians 3:16

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

Friday, November 24, 2017

Black Friday Fighting

3 o'clock wake up call
Do not have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels… instead be kind to everyone. – 2 Timothy 2:23-24

Ok, be honest, what time did you get up to go shopping today on “Black Friday”?

My daughters have big plans to hit the sales; first Target, then Barnes & Noble, then the Mall… all day long.  Maybe you think this is a great plan of action.  Or maybe, like me, you’d rather stay home and avoid the chaos.

I’m still a little traumatized by my recent visit to Whole Foods, two days before Thanksgiving.  When I pulled into the parking lot, it was filled with police officers, on foot and sitting in their cars.  They were also walking back and forth in front of the store. My first thought was “world’s biggest tofu heist.”  

I didn’t want to disturb the busy officers so once inside the grocery, I asked an employee what was happening.  He shook his head and said, “Nothing yet. The police are here because they don’t want people fighting over parking spots.”

No joke!  I burst out laughing.  You have got to be kidding me.  The Whole Foods had employed a fleet of police officers to manage Thanksgiving anger.  What has this world come to?

At first, I thought it was a bit of overkill, until I went to the back of the store to pick out a turkey.  There, I discovered a long line of unhappy people waiting to get their individualized Thanksgiving orders.  

One woman was arguing with a sales clerk.  She claimed her order was WRONG! Another man, arms crossed over his puffed out chest, was losing his patience by the second. The police probably should have been inside as well because he looked like a ticking time bomb.  I escaped the crowd as quickly as I could.  It wasn’t until I got to the parking lot that I realized I’d fled without my turkey.  

God’s word is timeless.  Thousands of years ago, Paul shared with Timothy a warning about foolish arguing.  Paul is still right today, quarreling and fighting over such things as parking spots and catering orders is stupid.  (Don’t you love that the Bible uses the word stupid, how appropriate?)

Let’s heed Paul’s warning.  When holiday tensions soar, let’s stay grounded in kindness and humility.  In any heated situation, we can take a deep breath and give thanks to God for our simple blessings: breath in our lungs, a family to feed, friends to shop with, and money to purchase presents.  All these are gifts given to you from God. (James 1:17) 

Let thanksgiving reduce tension and faith replace fighting.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement