Monday, December 18, 2017

Lift Your Atmosphere

3 o'clock wake up call
The mind-set of the Spirit is life and peace. 
– Romans 8:6

One week until Christmas! Are all the decorations up and the presents wrapped? Have you mailed out your cards? If so, good for you. If you’re like me, though, you’re just thankful that there are still six days left to run around like crazy and get maybe half of it all done Ready… set… go!

I begin every Christmas season hoping to be more organized and better planned than the last one. But it never happens, and I repeat the same pattern of busyness and last minute shopping, cooking, and cleaning. Somehow though, it always gets done in time, and I nap all afternoon on Christmas Day. 

Running around town last week, I noticed how different people are responding to this stressful time of the year. Here are three snapshots. 

An older gentleman on a bicycle yelled angrily at a driver whose tires were in the middle of the crosswalk. She apologized to him, then hastily backed up, almost into my car. He wasn’t impressed with her courteous gesture and cussed her out some more as he crossed the street.

While checking out of one store, the owner enthusiastically paused to thank the delivery driver who had just dropped off some packages. She smiled and told him his timing was perfect. His face brightened, he wished her well, then bounded out the door, his spirits clearly boosted. At the next store, the delivery man was ignored. Forced to wait for a signature and never spoken to, he left with an air of irritation that he hadn’t come in with. 

Dropping off two bags of donations behind the Goodwill, the worker sorting through hundreds of items greeted me with a huge smile. I wished him a blessed Christmas. Immediately, he shouted at the top of his lungs, “Christmas is the reason why we’re so blessed!” I threw my arms up in the air and shouted, “Amen!” My daughter in the car might have been slightly embarrassed, but she’d agree joy abounded in that alleyway.

Think about the scenes you’ve recently witnessed during this Christmas season. Have they been grateful, joyful, and peaceful or have they been ungrateful, angry, and mean? 

Even in the midst of this busy season, with so many things vying for our attention and time, we still have a choice about our mind-set. Let’s chose to express gratitude, exude joy, and walk in peace.

The Spirit of God gives us a mind-set of peace (Romans 8:6). What a wonderful time of year to prioritize peace and chose to have the mind-set of Christ! 

When you choose a mind-set of gratitude, joy and peace, you’ll lift the atmosphere of places you visit and bless the people you meet.

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank you for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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