Wednesday, February 28, 2018

2 or 3 Together: Fear

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 
– Isaiah 41:10
I wish it wasn’t true, but FEAR has the power to paralyze progress, crush confidence, and steal joy. It has become, for so many of us, a constant companion.
Last week, I awoke to dozens of ravens squawking and circling a deer that a mountain lion had recently killed near our house. Before I could grab him, my dog Henry bolted towards it. I yelled for him to come back, but my voice was drowned out by his curiosity and hunger. My husband and I hastily threw on boots and coats to go after him.
I quickened my pace, fearing that the mountain lion was still down there. If so, it would kill Henry immediately. Would it turn on Dan and me too? The last time I saw a mountain lion I was sitting safely in my car, and I was still terrified by how big it was. We wouldn’t stand a chance. 
As we headed down the mountain in the direction of the circling birds, Henry bounded over to us with bright red blood smeared on his face. Just a short distance away, we could see the animal carcass. I quickly looked around… no lion (at least that I could see).  We grabbed Henry and ventured home with fast feet. Standing on the front porch, I ushered Henry into the house and said to my husband “that kill is way too close. The mountain lion will be hanging around for a while.”
Thinking back on those fearful moments, I am reminded of John 10:10, “the thief comes only to kill, steal and destroy but I (Jesus) came to give you a full and abundant life.” So true. 
Fear is one of the enemy’s greatest weapons against us. It is timeless. When the wind and waves on the sea of Galilee threatened to sink their boat, Jesus’ disciples were paralyzed with fear, despite the fact Jesus was sleeping right beside them. When they finally woke Him up and asked to be saved, Jesus first asked them why they were afraid.
Jesus asks you the same question. Why are you afraid? 
Matthew doesn’t tell us the disciples’ answers, but he does tell us that as soon as Jesus rebuked the storm, all was calm and quiet. The disciples stood in amazement. As they reveled in Jesus greatness, so can we.
When fear arises, we can remember His G.R.E.A.T. power.
  • G - Go to Jesus first and invite Him into your circumstance (onto your boat). (Matthew 7:7) 
  • R – Remember the times He has come through for you in the past. (Psalm 77:11)
  • E – Everything is possible with Jesus. Believe it! (Matthew 19:26)
  • A – Ask Him to see you through this storm. (John 14:14)
  • T - Trust that He has the power to control every storm and calm your fears. (Isiah 41:10)

The one who is in you (Jesus’ Spirit) is greater than he (enemy) who is in this world. – 1 John 4:4
Stand confidently knowing Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). When you don’t know what to do, call upon Jesus’ name. Quickly you’ll find the darkness fleeing and your hope rising because there is power in His great name. 
Today and every day we can be thankful that Jesus’ power lives in us. 

2 or 3 Together Questions:

Real –What is one fear you are wrestling with right now? How it is holding you back?

Raw – Often times we know what we need to do to overcome fear. What’s preventing you from taking the first step?

Relevant – It’s time to face your fear! Use the G.R.E.A.T. list above to create a roadmap to overcome fear with God’s help. Make an action plan… “Over the next week, I will…”

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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