Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Child of God

3 o'clock wake up call
To all who receive Him, who believe in His name, He gave the right to become children of God. – John 1:12

By far, my favorite family Christmas tradition is visiting the His Little Feet orphanage.  Each year, we trek an hour north to a small campus on a little lake in Windsor, CO that houses orphans from India, Ethiopia, Haiti, and Kenya.  The children are on tour for one year, singing, dancing and telling their stories in churches across America.  They bring the message of the gospel and show people why loving the most vulnerable children on this planet is God’s will on earth.

We arrive at His Little Feet with a carload of presents generously purchased by close friends and family. We surround their tree with gifts of baby dolls, matchbox cars, puzzles, games, and crafts.  We share a meal, play silly games, sing Happy Birthday to Jesus at the top of our lungs, and then stuff ourselves with cake and ice cream.  The ending of our time together is by far the most special part.

We then gather in the living room to watch the children sing Christmas songs.  This year, as embarrassing as it was, I sobbed tears of joy while the kids sang their new favorite song, No Longer Slaves

One of their leaders had shared with me over birthday cake a few minutes before that when the children first arrive in Colorado, the fear from their old lives often follows them.  Although safe in warm beds, many are wracked by night terrors.  The staff, however, have a brilliant battle plan to combat the enemy’s lies and fight the fear.  They pray over the children before bed, play quiet worship music, and teach them about their true identity.  Every child knows he or she is God’s beloved child.

I will never forget the night at His Little Feet when nineteen orphans belted out,

“From my mother’s womb, You have chosen me.  Love has called my name.  I’ve been born again into your family.  Your blood flows through my veins.  I’m no longer a slave to fear.  I AM A CHILD OF GOD!”

They don’t know their mothers, but they know God chose them for His family. They are not orphans in God’s sight, they are His beloved children. 

And so are you, dear one.  When you know your true identity, you can fight fear with God’s truth.  You are adopted into His family.  His blood flows through your veins. You are no longer a slave to fear, you are free because you are God’s child.  Walk in the inheritance you’ve been given today and every day. 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank You for Being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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