Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Constant Change

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his step. – Proverbs 16:9

When I was growing up, I lived at the pool all summer long. Days of fun in the sun stretched into weeks, with very little to do except go to the pool. I can still remember eating frozen candy bars from the concession stand and learning how to do a back flip off the diving board. Why is this not the case for my kids? Every single week of our summer is filled with a different obligation.

This summer, it seems to me like we’re constantly getting into the car to drive to the next scheduled event. It doesn’t help matters that my fifteen-year-old with a learner’s permit is doing the driving. (One of my least favorite parts of being a parent is teaching teens who think they’re invincible to be cautious on the road.) 

Yesterday, my daughter told me her dad is way more “chill” in the passenger’s seat. I guess the fact that I’m gripping the door handle with sweaty palms and telling her to slow down around every curve is a giveaway that I’m not wired to teach driver’s ed. 

As I turned up the country music on the radio to relax a bit, the lyrics snapped me awake to the fact that God was right there with us. (No, the song wasn’t “Jesus take the wheel,” but that would have been fitting.) The lyric was:

“You make your plans and you hear God laughing.” (from Change, by Thomas Rhett).

If that’s true, then God must be laughing at us all the time. How often do you get up in the morning thinking you’re in control of the day, only to find that before noon, your plans have been blown completely off track? 

If you’re like me, when change crashes into your life, you claw at anything and everyone, trying desperately to gain some control. But despite our best efforts, we usually forced to admit that we’re not.

Proverbs 16:9 makes it clear. Our hearts plan our ways but God determines our steps.

That Bible passage used to frustrate me, because my desire to control my circumstances exceeded my faith to follow God. But this week, the word “hearts” popped off the page, giving me an “Aha Moment”.

Of course God should be in control, because my heart wanders all over the place. One minute I’m happy my daughter is making responsible choices. The next minute, I’m spitting angry because I feel ignored by a colleague. Then, I’m overwhelmed with excitement because an email brought good news. Like a yo-yo, my emotions are up and down all day long. God knows our hearts are ever-changing, and shouldn’t always be trusted. He, on the other hand, is steadfast, unchanging, and consistent. So who should dictate our steps?

In Max Lucado’s book, Anxious for Nothing, he explains that we live in an age of change. America has seen more change in the past thirty years than ever before in history, and the pace is increasing. Lucado links this rapid change with the growing rise of anxiety. I think he’s on to something.

If we’re inundated with change, doesn’t it make sense to refocus our eyes on the One who never changes? Thankfully, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He’s the One we’re to follow and emulate. 

Be brave and please pray with me.

I admit I try to control everything, every day. Today, I stop and look to You to guide my steps. Instead of fighting change or being frustrated with it, help me let go and trust You more. Steady my heart and refocus my eyes to Your son, Jesus who modeled steadfast faithfulness and unwavering love. I want to be more like Him and less like me. Lead me on. I will follow You.
In Jesus’ Name I Pray, 

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World

Thank you for being a part of The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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