Thursday, April 5, 2018

2 or 3 Together - Walk, Run, SOAR!

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40: 30-31  

Last night was the final game of the NCAA Men’s basketball tournament, or “March Madness,” as it’s commonly called. My house will be a lot quieter now without my husband shouting at the TV. I had watched a few games, but didn’t notice, until the player introductions last night, how many of them were close to seven feet tall. That’s huge!

As I watched them warm up, easily touching the 10 foot rim, I thought of the wingspan of eagles. Less interested in the game than my husband was, I went online to look a few things up. Did you know that the average adult bald eagle’s wingspan is between 6 and 7.5 feet? That’s basically the size of most March Madness basketball players. 

With eagles on my mind, as I watched the basketball players tire of running up and down the court, I put two and two together and thought of Isaiah 40:30: “Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall.”.  

God’s truth in Isiah is a Wake Up Call for so many of us who wish we could turn back the clock and regain our youth, wipe away the wrinkles, and have fitter bodies once again. God reminds us that no matter what our age is, we too can soar like eagles when we look to Him, place our Hope in Him, and find our strength from Him.

… those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40: 30-31  

If you’ve ever watched an eagle soar, you’ll agree that they’re beautiful, strong, and majestic. They seem fearless. This is probably why, in 1782, the United States chose the Bald Eagle as our national bird, a symbol of freedom. 

God desires for each one of us to be bold, courageous, and fearless as we live out our faith in Jesus. He calls us to a life of freedom and confidence. But just like a baby eagle, we have to learn how to soar. We have to be pushed from the comforts of the nest and learn to fly. God’s word shows us the way.

If we want to soar like an eagle, first we must …

  • Walk – Walk with Jesus each day. Lean in and listen to His guidance and His ways. Walking with Him will eventually cause us to walk like Him.
  • Run – Run the race God has marked out for each of us. Look to Him for direction, not to others or to the world. The plans He has are uniquely designed for you. 
  • Soar – Soar with other eagles who are also running their race of faith. Together we can encourage one another to keep our eyes lifted and keep flying higher. 

Another interesting eagle fact (it was a long game): When caught in a storm, an eagle turns her face into the wind, and launches directly into it. She catches an updraft and flies above chaos, riding out the storm by soaring in the sunshine and blue skies. 

Closer to His son, high above the storm, is where God calls you. There you will find His power to strengthen you, energizing you to soar.

2 or 3 Together Questions:

1. Walk – What distractions block your path from following Jesus every day?

2. Run – What is one thing you know that God is calling you to do during this season of your life?

3. Soar -  How can you encourage one another to walk with Jesus this coming week? How can you take the first step in running the race God has marked out for you?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World!

Thank you for being a part of the 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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