Wednesday, April 11, 2018

2 or 3 Together - Comparison Trap

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 3:14

Who knew that running on a treadmill could be both a physical and spiritual workout?

Trying to reduce my stress level while chaperoning my daughter’s out of town soccer tournament, I stepped on the hotel’s treadmill and started to jog. Within the first five minutes, my 3 O’Clock Wake Up Call alarm sounded on my phone. I reached down to turn it off, immediately thankful for a reminder that God was with me even in this closet-sized, two-star hotel gym. 

I thanked God for my heathy body and the health of my family. As gratitude grew in my heart, I smiled in the mirror. I had a lot to be thankful for.

A few minutes later, another mom from the soccer team jumped onto the treadmill next to me. Stuffing in her ear buds in tightly, she took off running. I glanced at her treadmill screen to see her speed, no luck. So my eyes honed in on the speed of her legs… faster than mine. Then I glanced at her stomach… flatter than mine. I jiggled. She glided. She looked like a gazelle. I looked like a plodding elephant.

Enough of that. Instead of getting swept away by the wave of comparison, I chose to compete. I cranked up the speed of my treadmill to match hers. Bring it on soccer mom!
Very soon, my breathing became fast and loud. Sweat poured down my forehead, blurring my vision. Blinking furiously and wiping my eyes made things even worse.

Off balance and half blind, I stumbled and was shot backwards into the wall behind me. Startled and embarrassed, I faked a smile to show I was OK, then limped back to my room, alone and defeated. 

Back in my room, I berated myself: Why can’t I run fast anymore? Why is she skinner than me… we’ve both birthed three children? Why is weight loss so much harder for me than most of my friends? 

God gently reminded me that my race is not her race. 

My mind drifted back to 3:00pm, when gratitude to God lifted my spirits. What happened? I’d fallen into the comparison trap. I could hear Andy Stanley’s words in my head …

“There is no win in comparison.”

God was right. I’d learned the hard way, again. Gratitude is a good place to remain because comparison can definitely be quite dangerous.  

How often are you caught up comparing yourself to others? Are your eyes constantly looking around or are you looking to the One who marked out your great race?

There will always be people faster, smarter, richer, or prettier than us. But if we run our own race and thank God for how He uniquely made us, then gratitude will lead the way to a happier, healthier, and safer life. 

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. – Hebrews 12:2

2 or 3 Together Questions:

How many times today have you compared yourself to someone else?

What would happen if, instead of comparing yourself and taking inventory of what you think you lack, you started counting your blessings and thanking God for what you do have? Is it more than you’d thought?

A Wake Up Call Activity – Gratitude Circle (… my husband doesn’t think anybody will do this, but we did it in Bible Study last night and it was fantastic. Prove him wrong and try it.)

  • With a group of people, go around the circle and have each person complete this sentence quickly: I AM THANKFUL FOR … 
  • Continue circling and being thankful for 5 to 10 rounds, depending on the size of your group and how much time you have together.  
  • When you stop, ask each person if they feel less or more grateful then when you started.
  • Ask each other - What health and spiritual benefits do you think gratitude triggers?

The Power of Giving God Thanks Will Ignite Your Faith and Change Your World

Thank you for being a part of The 3 O’Clock Wake Up Movement

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